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Android 4.8 (beta)

Android 4.8 is the latest release that introduces many new features and improvements to the OsmAnd app. This article describes all the key updates that represent meaningful changes for our users.

Join Beta

OsmAnd releases several Ready-To-Use builds daily, allowing you to track new features and participate in the OsmAnd translation process. You can take part in testing the beta version of OsmAnd using Google Play.

What's new

Altitude of Terrain Color Scheme​

Color palette

The feature displays the altitude of the terrain in different colors, which greatly improves the visual perception of the map. Easily recognizable different altitude levels with new color palette helps you better navigate the terrain and distinguish uplands from lowlands.

Color Schemes​

New color palette schemes have been added.

  • For routes: Speed, Slope, and Elevation (Altitude).
  • For terrain: Hillshade, Slope, and Altitude.
  • For weather: All weather layers.

Color palette data is available in the Maps & Resources menu.

Menu β†’ Maps & Resources β†’ Local β†’ Colors


Custom Color Palettes​


You can add your custom color palettes to OsmAnd. To do this, create a TXT file with the required name:

  • Routes: route_speed_name.txt, route_slope_default.txt, route_elevation_default.txt.
  • Terrain: height_altitude_name.txt, hillshade_color_name.txt, slope_name.txt.
  • Weather: weather_name.txt.

For example:

TXT file named *height_altitude_0-200.txt*

# 0 - 90 degree RGBA
# yellow
# red
# violet

After moving this TXT file to ..Android/data/net.osmand/files/color-palete/height_altitude_0-200.txt, a new palette will appear in the Color Scheme menu.

Quick Action to Switch Terrain Color Palettes​

Menu β†’ Configure screen β†’ Custom buttons β†’ + β†’ Add button β†’ Add action β†’ Topography β†’ Change Terrain color scheme

Color Scheme

In this release, we have added the ability to switch between terrain color palettes, similar to switching between layers. This can be done using the Quick Actions tool.

Map Legend for Color Palette Schemes​


The legend provides an easy way to view and understand the different markings on the map. New color palette schemes have been added to display speed for tracks, line type for routes, altitude and slope for terrain, and all weather layer color palettes.

Profile Appearance Redesign​

3D icon

The appearance of profiles has been improved to make them more interesting, recognizable, and usable.

The update includes:

  • New icon and color selection components.
  • Redesign of the location icon selection map.
  • Default 3D icons for map rendering Version 2 (OpenGL).
  • Added Options menu for 3D icons:
    • View angle. Status: Off, Β Resting position, Β Navigation position, Β Rest & navigation position.
      Displays of the cone-shaped area you are currently in.
    • Location radius. Status: Off, Β Resting position, Β Navigation position, Β Rest & navigation position.
      Displays a circular area that reflects the accuracy of your current location.

3D My Location Icons​

3D icon

A new 3D view has been added for My Location icons, which improves their visualization on the map. These changes bring the appearance of the icons in alignment with the 3D tilt of the map.

3D icons are only available for map rendering Version 2 (OpenGL).

Quick Actions Tool Update​

External Buttons External Buttons

The updated Add Action screen makes it easier to customize and add Quick actions, improving access to important features. You can now find groups of actions, use the search function, and apply other actions to customize the Quick Actions tool, contributing to a better user experience.

Show or Hide Routes on the Map​

Added a new quick action Show/Hide Routes on the map. Now you can turn on or off routes on the map with one tap.

Quick Actions to External Keyboard​

External Buttons External Buttons

You can now assign all Quick Actions to external keyboard buttons. This is especially useful if you often work with the application using external input devices and need quick access to basic functions. The ability to customize quick actions in this way makes working with OsmAnd more flexible and efficient.

Weather Tool Improvements​


Layer animations and improved labels make the weather interface more visual and informative. These changes help you better understand current weather conditions and forecasts. Improved label visibility makes navigating weather data much easier.


  • New weather panel with an updated user interface.
  • Weather animation.
    • After making sure the weather layers are selected, tap the Play button on the Weather screen.
  • A Wind animation layer has been added.

3D Track Improvements​

3D track

Updated 3D track visualizations provide a more detailed view of routes. In this release, we have added the following improvements to the 3D track appearance.

  1. Visualization options.

    • If Visualized by is set to Fixed height,
      β†’ change Vertical exaggeration to Wall height.
  2. Wall color options.

    • You can choose from:
      Solid, Downward gradient, Upward gradient, Altitude, Slope, or Speed.

Attach to the Roads Update​

Navigation settings β†’ Other β†’ Detailed track guidance

Guidance for track

A new Detailed track guidance setting has been added for the Attach to the roads feature. The options for using the feature are:

  • Ask every time. The button is always displayed when you create a route using Follow track in the Navigation menu.
  • Always. Attach to the roads is applied automatically.

Login to OpenStreetMap​

OSM Oath

To improve security, the option to authorize via login and password has been removed. As of June 1, 2024, only the new secure OAuth 2.0 method will be supported. This authorization method provides a higher level of information security to help protect your data and prevent unauthorized access.

The Use username and password button has been removed from:

  • Login to screen in the OSM Editing plugin menu.
  • Benefits for active OSM contributors.
  • Upload OSM Note dialog.

More Favorite Icons​

Favorite icons

A complete list of icons for Favorites has been added, which helps to organize and visualize them better. This allows you to search and select an icon for a favorite in a Π‘ustom POI search from the icon library, making the use of favorites more convenient and efficient.

Water Category of POIs​


The new POI Water (Man made) category includes objects with drinking water sources. Searching this сategories will help you easily find water on the map when traveling.

Compass Button Updates​

The compass button has received updates that improve its functionality. These changes make the compass more accurate and easier to use, and help you navigate better.

Compass button:

  • Single tap. Rotates the map orientation to the North in all orientations. Even if it rotates back in a second, such as in compass mode.
  • Double tap. Switches map orientations. This previously worked with a single tap.
  • Long tap. Opens a bottom sheet with a list of available orientations. This function remains unchanged.

Processed accessibility actions:

  • Single tap. Rotates the map to the North in main mode.
    β†’ This action corresponds to a Double tap in TalkBack.
  • Long tap. Opens the bottom sheet with orientations in main mode.
    β†’ This action corresponds to a Double tap and hold in TalkBack.
  • Double tap to switch map orientation is not available in Accessibility mode.

Optional Updates​