User:Raymond/Kölner GLAMs

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Römische Hafenstraße, Köln-1349.jpg (talk | new)

Römisch-Germanisches Museum
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Terms of license complied with.Köln: keine “Historische Mitte” (in de). / moderneREGIONAL gUG (haftungsbeschränkt) (2024-01-15). Retrieved on 2024-01-15.

Unterzeichnung Vereinbarung zur Eigentumsübertragung Benin-Bronzen der Stadt Köln an Nigeria-4653.jpg (talk | new)

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Terms of license complied with.Ronald Larmann (2023-04-24). Vom Bleiberg nach Benin (in de). / Lang & Roggendorf Medien GmbH. Retrieved on 2023-07-03.

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Terms of license complied with.Union kritisiert Rückgabe-Praxis bei Benin-Bronzen (in de). / RW Media UG (haftungsbeschränkt) (2023-05-08). Retrieved on 2023-07-15.

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Terms of license complied with.Ministerin Roth will mit Nigeria über Benin-Bronzen reden (in de). / RW Media UG (haftungsbeschränkt) (2023-07-12). Retrieved on 2023-08-02.

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Terms of license complied with.RESTITUTION – UND JETZT? (in de) (PDF). Retrieved on 2024-07-09.

Unterzeichnung Vereinbarung zur Eigentumsübertragung Benin-Bronzen der Stadt Köln an Nigeria-4775.jpg (talk | new)

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Terms of license complied with.Raubgut aus Blut-Metall wird Privatbesitz in Nigeria (in de). / Ralf Schutt (2023-05-06). Retrieved on 2023-07-15.

Unterzeichnung Vereinbarung zur Eigentumsübertragung Benin-Bronzen der Stadt Köln an Nigeria-4759.jpg (talk | new)

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Terms of license not complied with.Catherine Hickley (2023-04-05). Germans falter on Benin bronzes’ return to Nigeria (in en) ( Retrieved on 2023-05-28.
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Unterzeichnung Vereinbarung zur Eigentumsübertragung Benin-Bronzen der Stadt Köln an Nigeria-4679.jpg (talk | new)

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Terms of license complied with.支持、反對之外的第三種觀點?文物返還正反案例 (in zh). (2023-03-10). Retrieved on 2023-04-18.

Pressetermin Übergabe mobiler Kulturgutschutz-Container für den Notfallverbund Kölner Archive und Bibliotheken-3843.jpg (talk | new)

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Terms of license complied with.Deutsches Nationalkomitee für Denkmalschutz DNK (2022-09-12). Am 20.9. veranstaltet die @Leopoldina einen Vortrag zur Erstversorgung von Kulturgut. (in de). Retrieved on 2022-10-19.

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Terms of license complied with.AGA-Veranstaltungen Februar und März 2023 - Kulturgüter – Bedrohung und Schutz (in de) (PDF) 2. / Wirtschaftskammer Burgenland. Retrieved on 2023-03-14.

Kölner Zoo - Aquarium-4064.jpg (talk | new)

Kölner Zoo
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Terms of license complied with.Zoologischer Garten Köln (in de). / FreizeitMonster UG (haftungsbeschränkt). Retrieved on 2022-02-07.

Imhoff-Schokoladenmuseum, Köln-0988.jpg (talk | new)

Schokoladenmuseum Köln
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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Christian Schröter (2024-07-13). Schokoladenmuseum Köln im Rheinauhafen (in de). / Karla Wagner Stiftung. Retrieved on 2024-07-30.

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Terms of license complied with.Christian Schröter (2024-07-23). Schokoladenmuseum Köln: die Kakaobohne (in de). / Karla Wagner Stiftung. Retrieved on 2024-08-08.

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Terms of license complied with.Christian Schröter (2024-08-17). Schokoladenkurs im Schokoladenmuseum Köln, das besondere Erlebnis für alle Schokoladenfans (in de). / Karla Wagner Stiftung. Retrieved on 2024-08-22.

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Terms of license complied with.Schokoladenmuseum Köln im Rheinauhafen (in de). / Karla Wagner Stiftung (2024-07-10). Retrieved on 2024-09-04.

Imhoff-Schokoladenmuseum, Köln-2118.jpg (talk | new)

Schokoladenmuseum Köln
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Terms of license not complied with.Hans Imhoff – ein Herz aus Schokolade (in de). / Uli Kievernagel (2021-12-18). Retrieved on 2022-01-10.
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Terms of license not complied with.EuroTour 2024 - Kolín nad Rýnem: Slavná katedrála i muzea (in cs). (2024-06-11). Retrieved on 2024-06-29.
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Archivgebäude Eifelwall, Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln und Rheinisches Bildarchiv-4546.jpg (talk | new)

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Terms of license complied with.Klaus Graf (2021-09-04). Nur 18 Prozent des ehemaligen Bestands können restauriert ins neue Kölner Stadtarchiv einziehen (in de). / Dr. Klaus Graf. Retrieved on 2021-09-19.

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Terms of license complied with.Führung durch das neue Gebäude des Historischen Stadtarchivs (in de). / Martin Schmücker. Retrieved on 2021-11-15.

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Terms of license complied with.Klaus Graf (2023-03-23). Stadtarchiv-Neubau in Köln: Mängelexemplar (in de). / Dr. Klaus Graf. Retrieved on 2023-05-16.

Zugang Römergrab Köln-Weiden und Wächterhaus-8387.jpg (talk | new)

Römergrab Köln-Weiden
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Terms of license complied with.“What have the Romans ever done for us?” – A Retrospective on Roman Cologne (in en). (2021-03-08). Retrieved on 2021-03-11.

Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln-0568.jpg (talk | new)

Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln
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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Karl J. Habermann (2021-03-09). Angewandte Anthroposophie (in de). / frei04 publizistik. Retrieved on 2021-03-11.
Name ok, no license, "Wiki Commons", Raymond 12:03, 11 March 2021 (UTC),

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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Finanzzusage des Bundes – Restaurierung der Historischen Stadtbibliothek sicher (in de). / DIE LINKE. Fraktion im Rat der Stadt Köln (2023-11-17). Retrieved on 2023-12-15.

Wohnhaus Großer Griechenmarkt 37-39-0561.jpg (talk | new)

Literaturhaus Köln
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Terms of license complied with.Christian Werthschulte (2021-02-28). Haus der offenen Tür (in de). / Stadtrevue Verlag GmbH. Retrieved on 2021-03-01.

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Terms of license complied with.Stadt Köln (2023-11-04). Ihr textet gerne❓ Egal, ob Romane, Erzählungen oder Lyrik − alles ist willkommen. 😍 (in de). Retrieved on 2023-12-06.

Institut français Köln; Sachsenring 77, Köln-3954.jpg (talk | new)

Institut français Köln
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Terms of license complied with.Das HMG nimmt regelmäßig an den DELF-Prüfungen teil. (in de). / Städtisches Heinrich-Mann-Gymnasium Köln. Retrieved on 2020-12-08.

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Terms of license complied with.Das Sprachenzertifikat DELF (in de). / Städtisches Heinrich-Mann-Gymnasium Köln. Retrieved on 2021-03-24.

Kölner Senfmuseum-6515.jpg (talk | new)

Kölner Senfmuseum
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Terms of license not complied with.Das Kölner Senfmuseum (in de). / Roman KUGGE EIRL. Retrieved on 2020-06-10.
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Roman sewer in Cologne-7219.jpg (talk | new)

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Terms of license complied with.Jim Rowley. What Was Using The Bathroom Like In Ancient Rome? (in en). Retrieved on 2020-01-08.

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Terms of license complied with.Kakšna je bila uporaba kopalnice v starem Rimu? (in sl). Retrieved on 2021-08-02.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.지식스쿨 (2022-11-16). 로마제국이 시대를 초월해 인류 앞에 내놓은 충격적인 것 Top 10 (in ko). Retrieved on 2022-12-12.

Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek Köln - Lesesaal (0126).jpg (talk | new)

Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek Köln
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Terms of license complied with.Maternushaus (in de). / Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen. Retrieved on 2019-08-06.

DOMiD, Köln-2082.jpg (talk | new)

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Terms of license complied with.Newsletter Februar2019 - Migrationsgeschichte in Deutschland (in de) (PDF) 4. / Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus im Regierungsbezirk Köln. Retrieved on 2019-03-10.
Name ok, no licence, "WikiCommons",

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Migrationsmuseum kommt nach Kalk – ein großer Erfolg für Köln (in de). / SPD-Unterbezirk Köln und SPD-Fraktion im Rat der Stadt Köln (2019-11-19). Retrieved on 2019-12-04.

Hänneschen-Theater, Eingang-6661.jpg (talk | new)

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Terms of license complied with.Köln fernab vom Karneval (in de). / GoEuro Corp.. Retrieved on 2017-02-05.

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Terms of license complied with.Nicola Dreksler. 11 Theaterstücke, die ihr diesen Sommer auf gar keinen Fall verpassen solltet (in de). Retrieved on 2018-07-10.

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Terms of license complied with.Theater op kölsch: "FARINA - Wunderwasser vun Kölle" (in de). / Mit Vergnügen GmbH. Retrieved on 2018-07-30.

Vertragsunterzeichnung Peter und Irene Ludwig Stiftung und Stadt Köln-5988.jpg (talk | new)

Museum Ludwig
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Terms of license complied with.Simone Winkelhog (2017-12-20). Peter und Irene Ludwig Stiftung und Stadt Köln unterzeichnen Verträge (in de). / Stadt Köln. Retrieved on 2018-01-15.

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Terms of license complied with.Simone Winkelhog (2017-12-20). Stiftung und Stadt unterzeichnen Verträge Zuwendungen an Museum Ludwig gesichert (in de). / RAG interactive GmbH & Co. KG. Retrieved on 2018-01-15.

Betonage des Sporn für das MiQua-3276.jpg (talk | new)

Archäologische Zone Köln
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Terms of license complied with.Franz van Stephoudt GmbH & Co. KG (2017-10-27). Köln Archäologische Zone (in de). Retrieved on 2024-07-14.

Archäologische Zone Köln - Juli 2016-2016.jpg (talk | new)

Archäologische Zone Köln
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Terms of license complied with.MiQua. LVR-Jüdisches Museum im Archäologischen Quartier Köln (in de). / Landschaftsverband Rheinland. Retrieved on 2018-03-11.

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Terms of license not complied with.Ofer Aderet (2020-01-03). What It Was Like to Be a Jew in Medieval Cologne, Etched Into a Slate in Hebrew (in en). Retrieved on 2020-01-09.
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Archäologische Zone Köln - Grabungen nördlich Rathauslaube-5990.jpg (talk | new)

Archäologische Zone Köln
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Terms of license complied with.Acht Meter tief Geschichte (in de). (2021-02-14). Retrieved on 2021-03-16.

Archäologische Zone Köln - Überblick Juni 2014-1485.jpg (talk | new)

Archäologische Zone Köln
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Terms of license complied with.Gemeindebrief 14. Juni bis 12. September 2021 (in de) 34. / Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Rodenkirchen.

Archäologische Zone Köln - Überblick Juni 2014-1477-78.jpg (talk | new)

Archäologische Zone Köln
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Terms of license complied with.Thomas Otten (2017-06-27). Neueste Einträge - Form follows Monument (in de). / Landschaftsverband Rheinland. Retrieved on 2017-07-02.
Als Beitragsbild auf der Startseite zum Artikel,

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Terms of license complied with.Acht Meter tief Geschichte (in de). (2021-02-14). Retrieved on 2021-03-16.

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Vorstellung und Pressekonferenz Museumsbus Köln-3857.jpg (talk | new)

Museumsdienst Köln
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Terms of license complied with.Ratsreport - Kölner Museumbus rollt weiter (in de) 9. / SPD-Fraktion im Rat der Stadt Köln (2017-05-18). Retrieved on 2017-05-21.

Einbanddurchreibung von Stempeln (0117).jpg (talk | new)

Brass rubbing
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Terms of license complied with.10 Outdoor Craft Ideas for Nursery Children (in en). (2017-05-11). Retrieved on 2017-05-14.

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Terms of license complied with.rubbing - Meaning in English (in en). Retrieved on 2021-03-30.

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Terms of license complied with.HinKhoj Dictionary - RUBBED MEANING IN HINDI (in en). Retrieved on 2022-08-12.

Kölnischer Kunstverein - Die Brücke (3279-81).jpg (talk | new)

Kölnischer Kunstverein
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Terms of license complied with.Atelierprogramm des Kölnischen Kunstvereins (in de). / KUNSTFORUM International (2019-05-07). Retrieved on 2019-05-27.

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Terms of license complied with.Museen Köln - Führungen und Kurse Sep – Dez 19 (in de) (PDF) 75. / MWK Zimmermann & Hähnel GmbH. Retrieved on 2021-03-08.

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Terms of license complied with.11 Fragen an Jan Stangier (in de). / Kumbig e.V. (2021-09-02). Retrieved on 2021-09-05.

Kölnischer Kunstverein - Die Brücke - Schriftzug (3285-87).jpg (talk | new)

Kölnischer Kunstverein
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Terms of license complied with.Alexandra Wach (2012-03-09). Interview mit Søren Grammel: Ohne theoretischen Sicherheitsgurt (in de). artnet AG. Retrieved on 2012-03-10.
Name ok, no license, "Wikipedia"

  • 2012-03-10: E-mail sent
  • 2012-03-12: Fixed
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Das digitale Historische Archiv Köln (2014-04-02). Geburtsstunde des Kölnischen Kunstvereins (in de). Retrieved on 2014-04-06.
Rheinisches Bildarchiv hat Das digitale Historische Archiv Kölns Foto geteilt.

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Terms of license complied with.Fräulein Julia (2014-08-26). Höchst seltsame Chronologie (in de). / Julia Schmitz. Retrieved on 2014-09-18.

Kölnischer Kunstverein - Die Brücke.jpg (talk | new)

Kölnischer Kunstverein
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Terms of license complied with. (2010-01-30). "Kölnischer Kunstverein". Kulturkenner.

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Terms of license not complied with.Nachkriegsmoderne (in de). / Henner Herrmanns (2013-03-27). Retrieved on 2013-04-02.
Name ok, no license

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Terms of license complied with.Klaus Grote (2018-05-17). Kölner Spaziergänge Auf Wilhelm Riphahns Spuren und weitere Architekturführungen (in de). / GmbH & Co. KG. Retrieved on 2018-05-20.

EL-DE-Haus, Köln-8743.jpg (talk | new)

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Antifeminismus | Eine politische Agenda NS-DOK zeigt Ausstellung zum Phänomen Antifeminismus (in de). / KABINETT Verlag (2024-07-15). Retrieved on 2024-08-01.

Eingang EL-DE-Haus, NS-Dokumentationszentrum der Stadt Köln-5972.jpg (talk | new)

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Gedenkstätte Gestapogefängnis und Dauerausstellung „Köln im NS“ (in de). / Wolfgang Horn (2016-05-04). Retrieved on 2016-06-13.

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Terms of license complied with.AR. "Das NS-Dokumentationszentrum Köln". Akzente (04/2017): 24. Köln: BTZ Berufliche Bildung Köln GmbH.
Name ok, no license, ""

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Terms of license complied with.Die Nacht, die Köln veränderte (in de). / StadtRevue Verlag GmbH (2017-05-30). Retrieved on 2017-05-30.

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Terms of license complied with.Fachprogramm 2021 - Schule & Jugend (in de) 28. / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.. Retrieved on 2021-02-08.

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.ELDE-Haus NS-Documentation Center Cologne (in en). Retrieved on 2022-01-16.
Name ok, no license, "via Wikimedia Commons",

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Patrick Bahners (2022-04-14). Kölns Höllentor (in en). Retrieved on 2022-05-04.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons", Raymond 17:24, 4 May 2022 (UTC),

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Terms of license complied with.17 Best Museums in Cologne, Germany (in en). (2023-08-29). Retrieved on 2023-09-27.

Japanisches Kulturinstitut Köln (0486-88).jpg (talk | new)

Japanisches Kulturinstitut
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Terms of license complied with.Lynx (2016-04-14). Unis aus NRW präsentieren ihre Japanologie im JKI Köln (in de). / Michael Ziegler. Retrieved on 2016-05-25.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Fiete Oberkalkofen. 11 Dinge, die du kostenlos in Köln machen kannst (in de). Retrieved on 2018-02-23.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Alea Brockhaus (2023-09-08). Das Japanische Kulturinstitut Köln lädt im Oktober zum „Kyoto-Tag“ ein (in de). / Shihan Media Michael Ziegler. Retrieved on 2023-09-10.

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Alea Brockhaus (2024-06-04). Japanisches Kulturinstitut Köln bietet im Sommer einen kostenlosen Rakugo-Workshop an (in de). / Shihan Media Michael Ziegler. Retrieved on 2024-06-10.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons", Raymond (talk) 18:58, 10 June 2024 (UTC),

Kubus Haus der Architektur Köln, Josef-Haubrich-Hof, Kirschblüte-9689.jpg (talk | new)

Haus der Architektur Köln
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Terms of license complied with.Die Architekturvermittler in der Stadt. Höing und Scholz im HdAK. (in de). / Werner Keil (2017-09-19). Retrieved on 2017-09-15.

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Terms of license complied with.Learning by doing - Experimentieren und Austesten in der Stadtentwicklung (in de). / StadtRevue Verlag GmbH. Retrieved on 2018-03-07.

Kubus Haus der Architektur Köln, Josef-Haubrich-Hof, Kirschblüte-9692.jpg (talk | new)

Haus der Architektur Köln
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Terms of license complied with.Offene Programmkonferenz (in de). / StadtRevue Verlag GmbH (2017-05-11). Retrieved on 2017-05-12.

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Terms of license complied with.Haus der Architektur (in de). (2018-10-17). Retrieved on 2018-10-21.

Haus der Architektur Köln auf dem Josef-Haubrich-Hof (3978-80).jpg (talk | new)

Haus der Architektur Köln
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Terms of license complied with.StadtRevue Tageskalender - Tagestipp - Kollektiv Hausgemeinschaft Cäsarstraße (in de). / StadtRevue Verlag GmbH (2015-11-03). Retrieved on 2015-11-03.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons",

Prätorium Köln - PK zum Bodenfund-0319.jpg (talk | new)

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Maxx (2015-09-07). Coastal and Intertidal Zone Archaeological Network looking for volunteers (in en). / History Bytes. Retrieved on 2015-09-09.

Danke Berlin - 200 Jahre Preußen am Rhein. Ausstellungseröffnung „Köln - R(h)ein - preussisch-“-7449.jpg (talk | new)

Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln
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Terms of license complied with.Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln (2015-04-15). Eröffnung der Ausstellung "KÖLN - R(H)EIN - PREUSSISCH?" (in de). Retrieved on 2015-07-27.

Danke Berlin - 200 Jahre Preußen am Rhein. Ausstellungseröffnung „Köln - R(h)ein - preussisch-“-7375.jpg (talk | new)

Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln
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Terms of license complied with.Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln (2015-04-15). Eröffnung der Ausstellung "KÖLN - R(H)EIN - PREUSSISCH?" (in de). Retrieved on 2015-07-27.

Stadtbibliothek Köln Rückseite (0031-33).jpg (talk | new)

Stadtbibliothek Köln
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Terms of license complied with.Stephanie Kraus (2014-05-12). #changeCGN: Postet kölsche Schandflecken auf Instagram! (in de). / Stephanie Kraus. Retrieved on 2014-05-15.

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Terms of license complied with.#CHANGECGN: POSTET KÖLSCHE SCHANDFLECKEN AUF INSTAGRAM! (in de). / DuMont Net GmbH & Co. KG (2014-05-12). Retrieved on 2014-08-29.

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Terms of license complied with.Gespräche am Puls der Zeit – Das Kulturprogramm der Stadtbibliothek Köln von April bis Juni 2016 (in de). / CityNEWS Verlag Alexander und Eugen Weis GbR (2016-04-06). Retrieved on 2015-05-10.

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Terms of license complied with.Wohnzimmer für die Stadt (in de). / arge services + redaktion (2016-06-22). Retrieved on 2015-08-18.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Neues für die Kölner Zentralbibliothek? (in de). / moderneREGIONAL (2016-06-28). Retrieved on 2016-09-06.

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Terms of license complied with.„Haltung zeigen“ (in de). / moderneREGIONAL (2016-12-13). Retrieved on 2016-12-16.

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Terms of license not complied with.Ross Davies (2017-02-21). Cologne library opens its doors to refugees: 'You fill this room with life' (in en). Retrieved on 2017-02-22.
Name ok, no license,

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Terms of license complied with.„Sorry, das ist kein Brutalismus!“ (in de). (2017-03-14). Retrieved on 2017-03-22.

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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Leo Baeck Institute - New York (2020-02-20). MUNICIPAL LIBRARY COLOGNE, LOCATION OF THE GERMANIA JUDAICA (in en). Retrieved on 2020-05-09.

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Terms of license not complied with.Digital tracks in difficult times – City Library Cologne (in en). Retrieved on 2020-12-04.
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Terms of license not complied (2021-10-24). 📚 Heute ist Tag der Bibliotheken und wir wollten unserer liebsten @stbibkoeln einfach mal sagen, wie toll sie eigentlich ist! ❤️ ⁣ (in de). Retrieved on 2021-10-30.
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Terms of license not complied with.Sabine Wotzlaw (2022-09-09). Sonntags in die Stadtbibliothek (in de). Retrieved on 2022-10-17.
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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Zentralbibliothek Köln: die nächste Schleife? (in de). / moderneREGIONAL gUG (haftungsbeschränkt) (2023-03-01). Retrieved on 2023-04-24.

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Terms of license complied with.Heiner Kockerbeck (2023-03-27). Geisterdiskussion um den Abriss der Stadtbibliothek (in de). / DIE LINKE. Fraktion im Rat der Stadt Köln. Retrieved on 2023-05-09.

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Terms of license complied with.Presseclub Köln: Warum die Sanierung der Kölner Zentralbibliothek wichtig ist (in de). / Medienhaus von Moers GmbH & Co. KG (2023-04-28). Retrieved on 2023-07-07.

Museum Schnütgen, Köln - Kugelpanorama Innen-0011284.jpg (talk | new)

Museum Schnütgen
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Terms of license complied with.Museum Schnütgen - Kunst des Mittelalters (2020-09-30). Es geht wieder los! (in de). Retrieved on 2021-02-10.

Museum Schnütgen - St. Cäcilien - innenaufnahme-4459.jpg (talk | new)

Museum Schnütgen
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Terms of license complied with.08. - 10.02. 2021 Webinar :: Kulturbegleitung für Menschen mit Demenz, Schwerpunkt: Sakrale Kunst (in de). / dementia+art - Kultur für Menschen Jochen Schmauck-Langer. Retrieved on 2021-01-13.

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Terms of license complied with.Stadtmarketing Köln. +++ St. Cäcilien - das Gebäude des Museum Schnütgen +++ (in de). Retrieved on 2021-06-12.

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Terms of license complied with.Attrazioni in Colonia: Top 26 (in it). Retrieved on 2024-10-12.

Museum Schnütgen - Klostergarten-6505.jpg (talk | new)

Museum Schnütgen
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Terms of license complied with.Музей Шнютген (in ru). Retrieved on 2014-09-19.

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Museum Schnütgen
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Terms of license complied with.Schließung des Kulturzentrums am Neumarkt (in de). / CDU Fraktion im Rat der Stadt Köln (2013-04-16). Retrieved on 2013-05-10.

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Terms of license complied with.Energieberatung für die städtischen Museen (in de). / CDU Fraktion im Rat der Stadt Köln (2013-06-17). Retrieved on 2013-07-06.

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Terms of license complied with.Zur Sonderausstellung (in de). / autismus Köln/Bonn e.V. (2019-04-14). Retrieved on 2019-04-26.

Kölner Rathauspropheten - Kunsttechnische Untersuchung - Röntgen-8654.jpg (talk | new)

Museum Schnütgen
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Terms of license complied with.Museum Schnütgen (2013-05-06). Einmal zum Röntgen, bitte! (in de). Retrieved on 2013-05-06.
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Kölner Rathauspropheten - Kunsttechnische Untersuchung - Röntgen-8645.jpg (talk | new)

Museum Schnütgen
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Terms of license complied with.Museum Schnütgen (2013-05-06). Einmal zum Röntgen, bitte! (in de). Retrieved on 2013-05-06.
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Kölner Rathauspropheten - Kunsttechnische Untersuchung - Röntgen-8616.jpg (talk | new)

Museum Schnütgen
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Terms of license complied with.Museum Schnütgen (2013-05-06). Einmal zum Röntgen, bitte! (in de). Retrieved on 2013-05-06.
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Museum Schnütgen - Rathauspropheten - Thementag Restaurierung-6554.jpg (talk | new)

Museum Schnütgen
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Terms of license complied with.Museum Schnütgen - Kunst des Mittelalters (2013-01-08). Thementag Restaurierung (in de). Retrieved on 2013-01-08.

Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst Köln - Aachener Weiher und Plastik-1958.jpg (talk | new)

Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst (Köln)
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Terms of license not complied with.Michael Witz (2015-05-09). Briefing vom 8. Mai 2015: Austellung zu chinesischem Porzellan (in de). Retrieved on 2015-05-12.
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Terms of license complied with.Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst (in de). / VIAVIG UG (haftungsbeschränkt). Retrieved on 2018-05-02.
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Museum für ostasiatische Kunst - Aachener Weiher (0489-93).jpg (talk | new)

Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst (Köln)
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Terms of license complied with.Die schönsten Sommercafés in Köln (in de). / NetCologne Gesellschaft für Telekommunikation mb. Retrieved on 2014-06-04.

Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst Köln - Aachener Weiher und Plastik-1964-65.jpg (talk | new)

Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst (Köln)
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Terms of license complied (in de). / Leiko Ikemura. Retrieved on 2013-11-30.
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Museum für ostasiatische Kunst (0519-21).jpg (talk | new)

Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst (Köln)
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Terms of license complied with.Martin Börschel (2018-05-02). Morgen (Donnerstag) ist wieder KölnTag ... (in de). Retrieved on 2018-05-06.

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Terms of license complied with.Exkursion ins Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst Köln (in de). / Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institut für Sinologie und Ostasienkunde. Retrieved on 2021-06-29.

Museum für ostasiatische Kunst (0480-82).jpg (talk | new)

Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst (Köln)
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Terms of license complied with.Auktion der Kulturdialoge/Ostasien ganz nah (in de) (PDF) 45. KulturVermitteln e.V.. Retrieved on 2011-11-05.

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Terms of license complied with.Museum für Asiatische Kunst (in pl). Retrieved on 2014-01-12.

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Terms of license complied with.Lesung im Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst (in de). (2017-06-11). Retrieved on 2017-06-25.

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Terms of license complied with.Lisa Scheffert, Daniel Baumbach (2024-03-07). German Museums Continue to be Hit by Wave of Burglaries (in en). Retrieved on 2024-03-20.

Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum - Die Welt in der Vitrine-2462.jpg (talk | new)

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Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Köln - Ausstellungstück durchs Fenster (7840-42).jpg (talk | new)

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Terms of license complied with.Sabine Glaubitz (2020-02-14). "Art colonial en Allemagne : après la restitution, l’ouverture rapide des inventaires ?". Le Quotidien de l’Art (1887): 18. Paris: Beaux Arts & cie. ISSN 2275-4407. Retrieved on 2020-02-20.

Kulturquartier Köln - Eingang Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum und Schnütgen-Museum (7843-45).jpg (talk | new)

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Terms of license complied with.ökoRausch. ökoRAUSCH Brutkasten - Pitch (in de). / ökoRausch. Retrieved on 2012-09-23.

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Terms of license complied with.ökoRAUSCH Brutkasten - Pitch (in en). Retrieved on 2012-10-04.

Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum - Schriftzug am Eingang (6922-24).jpg (talk | new)

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Terms of license complied with.Referenzkunden (in de). / Diplom-Restauratorin (FH) Agnieszka Wojdan. Retrieved on 2012-11-04.
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Kulturquartier Köln - Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum - Vorderseite-3506.jpg (talk | new)

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Terms of license not complied with.Monika Šimić (2018-12-23). Linke stürmen AfD‐Veranstaltung: Polizist schwer verletzt (in de). / Verein für unabhängige Medien‐ und Informationsarbeit. Retrieved on 2018-12-24.
Name ok, no license,

Kulturquartier Köln - Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum - Vorderseite (6904-06).jpg (talk | new)

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Allu (2012-07-30). Homma hoidettu (in fi). un dat sitä sun tätä. Retrieved on 2012-08-06.

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Terms of license complied with.6. Informationsbörse Schizophrenie (in de) (PDF) 6. / Kompetenznetz Schizophrenie und PsychoseNetz e.V. (2012-12-13). Retrieved on 2012-11-18.

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Terms of license complied with.Christian Müller-Straten (2012). "Das Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum: Best practise?" (PDF). MUSEUM AKTUELL (Juli/August 2012): 32. München: Verlag Dr. Christian Müller-Straten. Retrieved on 2013-09-05.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons"

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum (in de). / Travanto Travel GmbH & Co.KG. Retrieved on 2014-01-11.

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Terms of license complied with.Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum (in nl). / Uitgeverij WBOOKS. Retrieved on 2014-03-22.
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Terms of license complied with.Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum (in en). Retrieved on 2017-01-05.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Bunte Linke: Völkerkundemuseum hier und dort (in de). / Arnulf Weiler-Lorentz (2017-07-18). Retrieved on 2017-07-24.

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Terms of license complied with.Kulturstiftung steckt 17,5 Millionen Euro in digitale Angebote (in de). / Res Publica Verlags GmbH (2022-01-12). Retrieved on 2022-01-13.

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Terms of license complied with.17 Best Museums in Cologne, Germany (in en). (2022-04-26). Retrieved on 2022-04-27., more images from me, 2023-03-31

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(2010-11-30). "Die wichtigsten Ausstellungen im Rheinland 2011". Die Rheinische Kulturraumverdichtung.

Römisch-Germanisches Museum Köln (2514-16).jpg (talk | new)

Römisch-Germanisches Museum
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Octavio Ortega (2010-10-26). "El casco antiguo de Colonia". Donde Viajar.

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Terms of license complied with.Tiffany (2010-11-10). "Fusion". Paper Doll.

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Terms of license complied with.KölnTage in den städtischen Museen (in de). CURA Köln. Retrieved on 2011-02-24.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.David Damjanović (2011-05-08). Die 10 beliebtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten in Köln (in de). Retrieved on 2012-10-18.
Name ok, license "CC 3.0" but backlink to Commons

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Terms of license complied with.Klaus (2012-12-18). Römisch-Germanisches Museum zeigt Gesicht (in de). / Ulf Winkler. Retrieved on 2012-12-23.

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Terms of license complied with.LiF (2012-11-08). ZeitTunnel-Ausstellung im Römisch-Germanischen Museum (in de). / Goldstück Communication GmbH. Retrieved on 2012-12-23.
No name, no license

  • 2012-12-23: E-mail sent
  • 2012-12-28: Fixed
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Das Römisch-Germanische Museum in Köln (in de). / Mario Schulze (2013-04-29). Retrieved on 2013-04-30.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Wie geht es weiter mit Stadtmuseum und Römisch-Germanischem Museum? (in de). / CDU Fraktion im Rat der Stadt Köln (2014-01-20). Retrieved on 2014-02-22.

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Terms of license complied with.Überfällige Museumssanierung mit den Neuprojekten verbinden (in de). / MedienService-Geis Digital- und Printmedien, Verlag Köln (2014-03-15). Retrieved on 2014-03-17.,

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Terms of license complied with.Maxim Kucer (2014-03-14). Nemecko: Kolín nad Rýnom – kolínske pamiatky (in sk). Retrieved on 2014-03-19.
Name ok, backlink to Commons

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Terms of license complied with.CDU will Museumspläne des Oberbürgermeisters aufgreifen (in de). / CDU Fraktion im Rat der Stadt Köln (2014-03-31). Retrieved on 2014-04-03.

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Terms of license complied with.Maxim Kucer (2014-03-14). Germany: Cologne – Landmarks (in en). Retrieved on 2014-04-23.
Name ok, backlink to Commons,

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Terms of license complied with.Night of Music: Bla Bla Car Weekend Break in Cologne (in en) (2014-09-11). Retrieved on 2014-09-24.
Name ok, no license, " via Wikimedia commons",

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Terms of license complied with.Römisch-Germanisches Museum (in en). Retrieved on 2014-09-29.
Name and backlink to Commons on image page,

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Terms of license complied with.10 Top Tourist Attractions in Cologne (in en). (2015-08-13). Retrieved on 2015-08-17.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Römisch-Germanisches Museum Köln (in de). / Rhein-Mosel-Verlag A. Houben e.K.
. Retrieved on 2015-10-30.

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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.10 atracciones turísticas en Colonia - Viajes, Turismo y Top Ten. (in es). Retrieved on 2016-02-22.

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Terms of license complied with.10 principali attrazioni turistiche di Colonia - Viaggi e Turismo (in it). Retrieved on 2016-02-22.

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Terms of license complied with.Wolfgang (2016-01-31). Köln (in de). / Wolfgang Weinbrenner. Retrieved on 2016-04-01.

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Terms of license complied with.Sumit Jadia (2016-05-28). 10 Top Tourist Attractions in Cologne (in en). Retrieved on 2016-07-22.
Name ok, no license, "wikipedia",

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Terms of license complied with.Schutz fürs Römisch-Germanische (in de). (2017-01-07). Retrieved on 2017-01-28.

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Terms of license complied with.SRoman-Germanic Museum (in en). Retrieved on 2017-02-26.

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Terms of license complied with.Hausmann. Balloons in Cologne (in en). Retrieved on 2017-03-27.

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Terms of license not complied with.Достопримечательности Кёльна (in ru). (2018-02-27). Retrieved on 2018-03-07.
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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.TAXI RUF Köln eG (2019-11-26). Nanu! Spinnen die Römer? (in de). Retrieved on 2019-12-08.

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Ana Paula Sborz. Roteiro em Colônia, na Alemanha: o que fazer em 5 dias de viagem (in pt). Retrieved on 2020-06-13.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons", Raymond 21:04, 13 June 2020 (UTC),

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Terms of license complied with.독일 - 쾰른(Cologne) (in ko). Retrieved on 2020-11-25.

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Terms of license complied with.羅馬-日耳曼博物館 (in zh). Retrieved on 2021-02-22.

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Terms of license complied with.Sherry Laskin (2021-02-06). Five Quirky Museums in Cologne You Don’t Want to Miss (in en). Retrieved on 2021-03-03.

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Terms of license complied with.Köln (Cologne) – Kolonya Cenneti (in tk). Retrieved on 2021-04-25.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.23 Best Things to do in Cologne (Köln) in 2021 (in en). (2021-04-07). Retrieved on 2021-05-26.

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This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Německo: Kolín nad Rýnem – kolínské památky (in cs). (2022-10-05). Retrieved on 2023-07-31.

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Lívia Mota (2023-07-20). O que fazer em Colônia, na Alemanha: dicas de atrações e tours (in pt). Retrieved on 2023-08-12.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons", Raymond (talk) 15:14, 13 August 2023 (UTC),

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Terms of license complied with.Cristiane Siqueira (2023-10-26). O que fazer em Colônia: 10 pontos turísticos mais visitados! #alemanha (in pt). Retrieved on 2023-12-13.

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Terms of license complied with.Akademie för uns kölsche Sproch/SK Stiftung Kultur (2024-03-04). 👉 Hügg vör 50 Johr ... (in de). Retrieved on 2024-04-05.

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Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Afonso Leite (2024-05-16). Euro 2024: Conheça as dez cidades onde vai ser jogada a competição (in pt). Retrieved on 2024-05-21.
Name ok, no license, Raymond (talk) 12:01, 21 May 2024 (UTC),

Römisch Germanisches Museum Köln - Roncalliplatz.jpg (talk | new)

Römisch-Germanisches Museum
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Nolambar von Lómeanor (2010-10-08). "Día de turista". Nolambar's World.

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Terms of license complied with.Römisch-Germanisches Museum (in en). Retrieved on 2014-09-29.
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Terms of license complied with.Römisch-Germanisches Museum (in de). / Pausanio GmbH & Co. KG. Retrieved on 2015-10-11.
Name ok, no license, "Wikipedia",

Protestaktion gegen Schließung der Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek Köln-8226.jpg (talk | new)

Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek der Stadt Köln
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Terms of license complied with.KMB Köln (in de). / Gruner+Jahr GmbH & Co KG. Retrieved on 2015-12-06., image page

Protestaktion gegen Schließung der Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek Köln-8235.jpg (talk | new)

Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek der Stadt Köln
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Terms of license complied with.MICHAEL KOHLER. Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek (in de). / Gruner + Jahr AG & Co KG. Retrieved on 2013-07-11.

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Terms of license complied with.Michael Kohler (2013-07-11). Unglaubliche Banausenidee (in de). / Gruner + Jahr AG & Co KG. Retrieved on 2015-12-06.

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Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek der Stadt Köln
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Terms of license complied with.Für die zügige, fachgerechte Planung von KMB und Stadtarchiv Köln (2013-09-12). - (in de). Retrieved on 2013-09-16.

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Terms of license complied with.Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek der Stadt Köln (in de). / Pausanio GmbH & Co. KG. Retrieved on 2013-09-16.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Integration der Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek am Standort Eifelwall (in de). / CDU Fraktion im Rat der Stadt Köln (2014-05-09). Retrieved on 2014-05-11.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Standesgemäße Unterbringung der Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek (in de). / CDU Fraktion im Rat der Stadt Köln (2014-10-31). Retrieved on 2014-11-04.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sep 18 – Mär 19 Ausstellungen - Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek (KMB) (in de) 39. Retrieved on 2018-10-07.
Name and license on page 46,

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Terms of license complied with.Museen Köln - Führungen und Kurse Sep – Dez 19 (in de) (PDF) 76. / MWK Zimmermann & Hähnel GmbH. Retrieved on 2021-03-08.

Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek Köln - Lesesaal Aussenansicht (0287-89).jpg (talk | new)

Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek der Stadt Köln
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(2010-09-16). "Finanzkrise Kein Geld für Kultur". DRadio Wissen.

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Terms of license complied with.Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek der Stadt Köln (in de). / Pausanio GmbH & Co. KG. Retrieved on 2013-09-16.

Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Frontansicht 2010 (4947-49).jpg (talk | new)

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Terms of license complied with.Natalie Bräuninger (2012-02-04). Filmreif oder Kölsche Lösung? (in de). e.v.. Retrieved on 2012-02-05.

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Terms of license complied with.Perspektiven für den Ubierring (in de). Innenstadt der FDP Köln (2012-01-22). Retrieved on 2012-02-19.
Name ok, license ok, backlink to the image via Google Image search

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Stefan Götz (2012-03-16). Rheinische Musikschule soll an den Ubierring ziehen (in de). CDU Köln. Retrieved on 2012-03-17.
Name ok, no license, "Wikipedia", backlink to Commons

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Liberale kritisieren Mängel am Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum (in de). / Ralph Kruppa (2012-11-02). Retrieved on 2012-11-05.
Name ok, no license, "Commons Wikipedia"

  • 2012-11-05: E-Mail sent
  • 2012-11-06: Fixed
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Terms of license not complied with.Museo Rautenstrauch-Joest (in es). / Guia de Alemania. Retrieved on 2012-11-05.
No name, no license, backlink to dewiki file description page

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Terms of license complied with.Stefan Götz (2012-11-06). Black Jack statt Beethoven? (in de). Retrieved on 2012-11-07.

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Terms of license complied with.Admin2 (2012-11-06). Black Jack statt Beethoven? (in de). / CDU Ortsverband Innenstadt-Süd. Retrieved on 2012-11-14.

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Terms of license complied with.Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum: Stadt schlägt Kompromiss zur Sprinkleranlagen-Reparatur vor (in de). / Charara IT-Solutions GmbH. (2014-03-28). Retrieved on 2014-03-29.

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Terms of license not complied with.Veranstaltungen 2014 (in de). / Museumsgesellschaft RJM e.V.. Retrieved on 2014-09-03.
Surname in local filename only, no license,

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Terms of license not complied with.Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum 2. Quartal 2014 - Insiderführungen (in de) (PDF) 8. Retrieved on 2015-07-27.
Name ok, no license, 2014-08-03

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Kunsthochschule an den Ubierring! (in de). / SPD-Ortsverein Köln-Südstadt. Retrieved on 2017-07-03.

Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Frontansicht.JPG (talk | new)

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"Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum". City-Info Köln.

Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum, Köln-0995.jpg (talk | new)

Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Köln mit Kindern: Die besten Ausflugsziele für einen tollen Aufenthalt mit Kindern in Köln (in de). / Katharina Schneider. Retrieved on 2023-10-19.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Einpassung und Eigensinn (in de). / moderneREGIONAL gUG (haftungsbeschränkt) (2023-10-26). Retrieved on 2023-11-03.

Rheinauhafen - Sport- und Olympiamuseum - Rheinseite (8698-8700).jpg (talk | new)

Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Weitere Artikel der Ausgabe vom 12.5.2020 - Kein Schmerzensgeld nach Sehnenriss? (in de). / VersicherungsJournal Verlag GmbH (2020-05-12). Retrieved on 2020-06-03.

Rheinauhafen - Sport- und Olympiamuseum - Sportplatz auf dem Dach (8731).jpg (talk | new)

Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Jacqueline Lipp (2020-03-17). Fitness im Freien: Was künftig auf Zuger Dächern entstehen könnte (in de). / MMV online AG. Retrieved on 2020-03-22.
Name ok, no licese, "Wikimedia",

Rheinauhafen - Sport- und Olympiamuseum - Sportplatz auf dem Dach (8734).jpg (talk | new)

Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sportstadt Köln e.V. (2018-09-17). Highlight Nr. 7: Deutsches Sport- und Olympiamuseum (in de). Retrieved on 2018-10-01.

Rheinauhafen - Sport- und Olympiamuseum - Sportplatz auf dem Dach (8755).jpg (talk | new)

Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Matthias Hamann (2015) "Sportliche Höhenflüge" in (in German) Köln Kleine Stadtgeschichte für Kinder, Cologne: J.P. Bachem Verlag, p. 11 ISBN: 978-3-7616-2858-4.

Rheinauhafen - Sport- und Olympiamuseum - Rheinseite (8722-24).jpg (talk | new)

Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum
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(2010-05-11). "Deutsches Sport und Olympia Museum". Cityinfo Köln.

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(2010-11-01). "Altstadt Süd". Cityinfo Köln.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Marion Kutter (2017-08-26). The 10 Best Museums in Cologne (in en). Retrieved on 2017-09-06.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with."Viel zu Sehen - Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum" in (in German) (2017) Köln — Wie geht das?, Cologne: J.P. Bachem Verlag, p. 83 Retrieved on 7 April 2017. ISBN: 978-3-7616-3001-3.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Fiete Oberkalkofen. 11 interessante Museen in Köln (in de). Retrieved on 2018-03-27.

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Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Köln)
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Terms of license complied with.Yes we Köln (in de). / moderneREGIONAL gUG (haftungsbeschränkt) (2023-10-18). Retrieved on 2023-11-23.

Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln-140313.jpg (talk | new)

Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Köln)
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Fiete Oberkalkofen. 11 interessante Museen in Köln (in de). Retrieved on 2018-03-27.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Christin Otto. 11 Dinge, die du an einem Samstag im Dezember machen kannst (in de). / Mit Vergnügen GmbH. Retrieved on 2018-12-24.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Nicola Dreksler. 11 Kultur-Events im August 2019, die du nicht verpassen solltest (in de). / Mit Vergnügen GmbH. Retrieved on 2019-08-07.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sophie Franz. Sonntag, 11.08. Designwochenende im MAKK – Museum für Angewandte Kunst (in de). / Mit Vergnügen GmbH. Retrieved on 2019-09-13.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Sophie Franz. 11 Geschenkideen für Interior- und Design-Fans (in de). / Mit Vergnügen GmbH. Retrieved on 2019-12-22.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Räume für Feste mit Kunz-Mahl Catering Köln (in de). / Catering Kunz-Mahl GmbH. Retrieved on 2020-03-25.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Leah Niederhausen (2021-04-08). Auf den Spuren der Museumsgeschichte Kölns (in de). / KUMBIG e. V.. Retrieved on 2021-04-17.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Esther Doornbusch (2018-05-31). Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln (MAKK) (in nl). Retrieved on 2024-06-04.

MAKK Ostseite-7989.jpg (talk | new)

Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Köln)
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Terms of license complied with.MAKK Köln (in de). / Heinrich Böll. Retrieved on 2015-10-11.

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MAKK Ostseite-7992.jpg (talk | new)

Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Köln)
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Terms of license complied with.MAKK Köln (in de). / Heinrich Böll. Retrieved on 2015-10-11.

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Museum für Angewandte Kunst - öffentlicher Innenhof (5082-84).jpg (talk | new)

Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Köln)
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Terms of license complied with.MAKK Köln (in de). / Heinrich Böll. Retrieved on 2015-10-11.

Museum für Angewandte Kunst - öffentlicher Innenhof (5070-72).jpg (talk | new)

Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Köln)
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Terms of license complied with.MAKK Köln (in de). / Heinrich Böll. Retrieved on 2015-10-11.

Museum für Angewandte Kunst - öffentlicher Innenhof (5118-20).jpg (talk | new)

Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Köln)
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.MAKK Köln (in de). / Heinrich Böll. Retrieved on 2015-10-11.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Kölnisches Stadtmuseum (2022-04-05). IN UNSERER NACHBARSCHAFT: VOM KLOSTER ZUM MUSEUM (in de). Retrieved on 2022-04-23.

Museum für Angewandte Kunst - öffentlicher Innenhof - 3 Pfeilerlöwen (5076-78).jpg (talk | new)

Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Köln)
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Terms of license complied with.MAKK Köln (in de). / Heinrich Böll. Retrieved on 2015-10-11.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln - Minoritenkirche.jpg (talk | new)

Museum für Angewandte Kunst (Köln)
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Das Gültig-Einfache (in de). koelnarchitektur e.v. (2011-08-09). Retrieved on 2011-09-30.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Museum fur Angewandte Kunst in Keulen (Duitsland) (in nl). stedentrip/Invest Online. Retrieved on 2011-09-30.
No name, no license

  • 2011-08-30: E-mail sent
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Köln (in en). continuous construction (continued) (2009-06-15). Retrieved on 2011-09-30.
No name, no license

  • 2011-08-30: Blog comment added
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Das Gültig-Einfache (in de). services + redaktion (2012-03-15). Retrieved on 2012-03-16.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Förderverein Geschichte in Köln (2013-12-09). STICHTAG: 8. DEZEMBER 1813 (in de). Retrieved on 2013-12-12.
Name ok, no license, "via Wikimedia Commons"

  • 2013-12-12: Comment with license added
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Kölnisches Stadtmuseum (2013-12-08). STICHTAG: 8. DEZEMBER 1813 (in de). Retrieved on 2013-12-28.
Name ok, no license, "via Wikimedia Commons"

  • 2013-12-28: Comment with license added
  • 2013-12-28: License added by FB user to post
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Georg Wahl (2009). "Unser Schatz in Köln". Kolpingmagazin (Juli/August 2009): 27. Köln: Kolpingwerk Deutschland. Retrieved on 2009-09-03.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Ottmar Dillenburg (2009). "Fragen - Warum hat die Minoritenkirche eine so große Bedeutung für das Kolpingwerk?". Kolpingmagazin (September 2009): 11. Köln: Kolpingwerk Deutschland. Retrieved on 2009-09-03.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.MAKK Köln (in de). / Heinrich Böll. Retrieved on 2015-10-11.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Kölnisches Stadtmuseum (2021-05-28). EUROPÄISCHER TAG DER NACHBARSCHAFT (in de). Retrieved on 2021-06-04.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Esther Doornbusch (2018-05-31). Museum für Angewandte Kunst Köln (MAKK) (in nl). Retrieved on 2024-06-04.

Website URL seen licence ok?
Die Highlights der Stadt,3,73.html und,19.html
in slideshow
2009-07-19 name ok, licence GFDL
Museum Ludwig Köln - Südansicht.jpg (talk | new)

Museum Ludwig
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Georg Imdahl (2011-12-09). Interview mit Kasper König (in de). artnet AG. Retrieved on 2011-12-11.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Németország: Köln, a Rajna menti város két oldala (in hu). Média Kft.. Retrieved on 2012-08-13.
Name ok, no license, "Wikimedia Commons"

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.regyne13 (2011-06-18). Voyage d'étude (in fr). / Régine à Mannheim. Retrieved on 2012-12-28.
No name, no license

  • 2012-12-28: Blog comment added, moderation awaited
  • 2013-01-03: Image removed from page
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.1. Iranisches Filmfestival Köln (in de). / Amin Farzanefar. Retrieved on 2014-05-13.
Name and license on another page,,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.2. Iranian Film Festival Cologne (in de). / Amin Farzanefar. Retrieved on 2015-05-22.
Name and license on page veranstaltungsort,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Shaahin Pishbin. The 6 Best Places to See Roy Lichtenstein's Art (in en). Retrieved on 2015-08-11.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Museum Ludwig: moderne kunst in Keulen (in nl). (2016-04-14). Retrieved on 2016-05-27.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Tipps für den Umzug : Köln am Rhein (in de). / WIESEL Internationale Möbeltransporte GmbH. Retrieved on 2016-11-08.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Museum Ludwig (in en). Retrieved on 2017-02-14.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Tipps für den Umzug nach Köln – Frohsinn und Vielfalt am Rhein (in de). / Peter Niesen GmbH & Co. Internationale Möbelspedition KG. Retrieved on 2017-03-01.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Für die ganze Familie 20 Ausflüge und Tipps für trübe Regentage (in de). / DuMont Net GmbH & Co. KG (2017-05-02). Retrieved on 2017-05-02.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Museo Ludwig (in es). Retrieved on 2017-07-01.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Museum Ludwig (in en). Retrieved on 2017-11-25.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Natalie Paris (2018-02-07). Cologne city guide: Where to eat, drink and stay in Germany’s cultural hub (in en). Retrieved on 2018-02-23.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Vanessa Jung und Melanie Striese (2018-02-26). Lasertag, 3D-Golf, Trampolin Mit diesen Indoor-Events wird kein grauer Tag langweilig (in de). / DuMont Net GmbH & Co. KG. Retrieved on 2018-02-27.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Laura Hinzen (2018-03-02). Elf Tipps und Termine - Was ist am Wochenende in und um Köln los? (in de). / DuMont Net GmbH & Co. KG. Retrieved on 2018-03-07.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Nadja Lissok (2019-02-07). Nicht nur für Touristen 10 Orte, die man in Köln immer wieder besuchen kann (in de). / DuMont Net GmbH & Co. KG. Retrieved on 2018-02-12.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Für die ganze Familie 20 Ausflüge und Tipps für Regentage (in de). / GmbH & Co. KG (2020-03-05). Retrieved on 2020-03-15.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Räume für Feste mit Kunz-Mahl Catering Köln (in de). / Catering Kunz-Mahl GmbH. Retrieved on 2020-03-25.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Stefan Arestis (2021-02-01). Gay Cologne: guide to the best bars, clubs, hotels and more (in de). Retrieved on 2021-02-06.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Germany's Museum Ludwig puts its fakes on show (in en). (2020-10-01). Retrieved on 2021-02-11.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Katrin Reiche (2021-03-04). Ausstellungen NRW 2021 Diese 5 digitalen Kunstschauen sind einen Besuch wert (in en). Retrieved on 2021-03-04.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with."Best Photography in Cologne" (in en). Retrieved on 2021-07-27.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Cristiane Siqueira (2023-10-26). O que fazer em Colônia: 10 pontos turísticos mais visitados! #alemanha (in pt). Retrieved on 2023-12-13.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not fully complied with, but minor violation acceptable to copyrights holder.Afonso Leite (2024-05-16). Euro 2024: Conheça as dez cidades onde vai ser jogada a competição (in pt). Retrieved on 2024-05-21.
Name ok, no license, Raymond (talk) 12:01, 21 May 2024 (UTC),

Museum Ludwig Köln - Südeingang - Schriftzug.jpg (talk | new)

Museum Ludwig
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Canela Raigal (2010-06-06). "Recorriendo museos en Colonia". eViajado.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.John Oyston (2010-07-16). "[ See Picasso and Warhol at the Museum Ludwig in Cologne]". Suite 101.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with. (2010-10-05). "Ausstellung: Suchan Kinoshita". R2 inside.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Stadsgids > Keulen > Musea > Ludwig Museum (in nl). Retrieved on 2013-11-05.
Name ok, no license, backlink to Commons,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.kulturclub. Museum Ludwig (in de). / popula GmbH. Retrieved on 2013-11-21.
No name, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Museum Ludwig (in de). / SISTRIX GmbH. Retrieved on 2014-02-15.
No name, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.DuMont streicht Verlegersohn aus dem Impressum (in de). (2010-11-23). Retrieved on 2014-03-25.
Name "Raymond", no license, "Quelle: Wikicommons",

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Fräulein Julia (2014-06-16). King Ludwig (in de). / Julia Schmitz. Retrieved on 2014-06-16.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Bianca Geurden (2014-06-16). Museum Ludwig (in de). / Bertuch Verlag GmbH. Retrieved on 2014-10-14.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Shannawilson. Gerhard Richter’s Betty at the Museum Ludwig in Cologne. I... (in en). Retrieved on 2015-03-02.
No name, no license

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.40 Jahre Museum Ludwig: Ausstellung „Wir nennen es Ludwig“ (in de). / Karoline Sielski (2016-12-29). Retrieved on 2017-01-23.
Name and license in alt tag,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Marcia Adair (2017-07-14). 20 Must-Visit Attractions in Cologne (in en). Retrieved on 2017-07-26.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Evelyn Smallwood (2018-01-30). The Best Pub Crawls and Night Tours to Take in Cologne (in en). Retrieved on 2018-02-06.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Stefan Laurin (2018-05-21). Der Ruhrpilot (in de). Retrieved on 2018-05-24.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Kunst- und Kulturraum: Köln (in de). / PARNASS Verlag Ges. m. b. H. (2018-10-18). Retrieved on 2018-10-21.
Name ok, no license,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Schließung des Museum Ludwig, Köln bis 19. April 2020 (in de). / lebeArt e.V. (2020-03-17). Retrieved on 2020-03-19.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.audrey. Cologne Introduction Walking Tour (Self Guided), Cologne (in en). Retrieved on 2021-03-18.

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Luigi (2022-12-25). Cosa vedere a Colonia (Germania) (in it). Retrieved on 2023-09-29.

Heinrich-Böll-Platz, Ma'alot, Museum Ludwig im Morgenlicht-4883-86.jpg (talk | new)

Museum Ludwig
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Heinrich-Böll-Platz und Philharmonie (in de). / BürgerInnen für Ma’alot c./o. Ralph Altenhofen. Retrieved on 2016-11-17.
Gallery page,

This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Cristiane Siqueira (2023-10-26). O que fazer em Colônia: 10 pontos turísticos mais visitados! #alemanha (in pt). Retrieved on 2023-12-13.

Philharmonie Köln - Aussenansichten-9895.jpg (talk | new)

Philharmonie Köln
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license complied with.Kölner Philharmonie · Konzerte November bis Januar (in de). / KABINETT Verlag (2023-08-28). Retrieved on 2023-09-25.

Philharmonie Köln - Aussenansichten-9888.jpg (talk | new)

Philharmonie Köln
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Terms of license not complied with.Die Simultanhalle – ein dauerhaftes Provisorium (in de). / Uli Kievernagel (2021-04-24). Retrieved on 2021-05-06.
Name ok, no license,

Philharmonie Köln - Aussenansichten-9889.jpg (talk | new)

Philharmonie Köln
This file has been published. This file has been used in:

Terms of license not complied with.Fazıl Say (2020-01-11). Say in Cologne with Academy of St Martin in the Fields (in en). Retrieved on 2020-02-01.
Name ok, no license
