Exhibitions of the Prekmurje Slovene literature
(Redirected from The Prekmurian language in exhibition)
Exhibition of the prekmurian language (with the Mali katechismus, Nouvi Gráduvál, Nouvi Zákon, Szvéti evangyeliomi, Sztároga i Nouvoga Testamentoma szvéte histórie krátka Summa) in the Regional Museum Murska Sobota in the Murska Sobota Castle
Exhibition of the prekmurian language (with the Muraszombat és vidéke, Večernice from the Mohorjeva Družba, Marijin list, Kalendar Srca Jezušovoga and Novine)
Sándor Mikola: A vendség múltja és jelene (The bygone and present of the Wendich people), chauvinist hungarian propagandic brochure about the Prekmurian language and Prekmurje
Prekmurian evangelic Spômenka list from February 2, 1926 in Križevci for the baptism of Karolina Peček
The typewriter of János Kühár in Felsőszölnök. Near the typewriter a manuscript in Prekmurian
The collection of János Kühár in Felsőszölnök: including the Molite bratje (1929) and the Marijin list, Marijikin ograček
The Kühar's collection: including Krscsánszko katolicsánszke cerkvene peszmi, Katolicsánszki katekizmus z glávnimi zgodbami biblije, Hodi k oltarskomi svestvi
The Kühar's collection: including the Molitvena kniga (1931)
István Küzmics's Vöre krsztsánszke krátki návuk in the Exhibition of Library Murska Sobota
The original edition of Testament in the Exhibiotion of Library of Murska Sobota
Nouvi Zákon, 1817 (Murska Sobota)
The Nouvi Zákon, 1848 (Murska Sobota)
The Nouvi Zákon, 1883 (Murska Sobota)
The Nouvi Zákon, 1928 (Murska Sobota)