Old city maps of Munich
(Redirected from Old maps of Munich)
17th century
1613 by Tobias Volckmer
1623 by Wenzel Hollar
1642 by Matthäus Merian
1680 by Johann Stridbeck der Jüngere
18th century
1705 von Matthias Paur
1781 by Josef Ernst Finster
19th century
1802 by Joseph Pachmair
1812, Topographisches Bureau
1832, W.B. Clarke - Baldwin & Cradock
1844, Society For The Diffusion Of Useful Knowledge
1853 - Urpositionsblatt der Landvermessung in Bayern
1856 by Carl Ferdinand Weiland (Geographisches Institut Weimar)
1858 by John Murray
1858/59 by Gustav Wenng
1884 by J. Bartholomew, Edinburgh, from Encyclopædia Britannica (9th ed.)
1888 from Meyers Konversationslexikon
1888 from Meyers Konversationslexikon
20th century
1907, 1908 & 1914, Topographisches Bureau
1914, Topographisches Bureau