File talk:Taurus-gebirge.jpg

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Hi there. I don't speak German, so forgive me for this. I guess there is a copyright concern about this image. I'd like to say that the raw data this image is based on comes from NASA, so it is PD even if processed by third parties. So the map only lacks credits to NASA, which must be present as they were in the first version of the image. I'm pasting further considerations by a contact of mine (and hopefully a future Wikipedian) who is experienced in this field:

The remark about the map there: Die Freigabe ist nicht oder nicht eindeutig dokumentiert (in English: There is no release of this map or there is no unambiguous release of this map). SRTM is explained here: where every user can read: The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission is an international project spearheaded by the U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Both, NGA and NASA, are US agencies, the data of which are PD. SRTM data actually are not ready-made maps but never ending columns of zeros and ones (of the collected radar signals) that can be converted to the maps as shown on the above Taurus mountain range page by almost every GIS software and an experienced GIS user. I understand very well that the person having put this map online has not understood this statement as quite obviously he has created the map himself using the publicly available data for creating it and taken the names of places from the respective official Turkish maps for which use you certainly do not require a permit. DLR has always played the leading role in the SRTM project for Europe. The data themselves are explained here: NASA property of SRTM data is posted here: [...]
That user, working on a thesis about this Taurus range, obviously has created the entire map himself. [...] You can use these SRTM data as the very raw digital zeros and ones but also pre-processed to a certain level (done by DLR here in Europe for scenes from Europe and Mediterranean, Turkey too), but still expressly declared public domain for use by everyone. That pre-processing saves inexperienced users a lot of work. DLR also provides specimens that illustrate how maps could look like and the Taurus map in question is a highly advanced version, obviously own creative work of the user.
--Elitre 13:37, 9. Mär. 2011 (CET)
Hey Elitre, thank you for your statement and your long quote. Just to verify that I understood you correctly: SRTM is a project led by NGA and NASA. They have sattelites sent to the space taking pictures or whatever kind of digital data which is published in the public domain. Some author we don't know has used this "geological data" to create a map of it. Is that correct? If so, please answer the following question: What steps did he take to create this map? Did he just enter the SRTM data in a computer program and this is the result? Or were any creative steps (and as creative I mean every decision the author had to do, like chosing the color of the map or which cities are displayed and which are not) necessary? Thanks for your response and helping us to keep this map. Yellowcard 15:12, 9. Mär. 2011 (CET)
Thanks for your reply. I guess the answer is yes to your first and last questions, and this explains why it is ok that he applies a license on this derivative work, but also NASA/srtm still need to be credited. But I'll post a better reply as soon as I get it. --Elitre 15:19, 9. Mär. 2011 (CET)
As requested I'm here. First: If NASA/strm has to be named, than we've got to add this. You say, creating the map is enough "creativity" in ti, that licensing it is okay. Than: as it is now standing there, User:MartinMAP upload it and say "I'm the author". On the source given is no standing, that this map is given into CC oder GFDL and we have no evidence, that MartinMAP is the same person who make the website . So, two ways: (1) on there comes a note, that the taurus map is licensed unter GFDL, CC-by-sa/3.0 and CC-by-sa/3.0/de. (2) The author of the website mails a clarification, that he claims the copyright for that map. There will be a E-Mail-Template at WP:TV#Formbrief Freigabe Bild for our permission-staff WP:OTRS. -- Quedel 16:59, 9. Mär. 2011 (CET)

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