File talk:LegislaciónHomoLat 2013.png

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It happened May 14th. The judicial decision in the Supreme Court when the Justice Council decision was threatened by legal action, was to keep it (not surprising since the person in charge of both is the same, Joaquim Barbosa, and the party to question it is PSC, that of the hugely unpopular Evangelical priest, anti-gay, pro-conversion-therapy Human Rights and Minorities' Commission President, Marco Feliciano). There is another judicial process, not examined, from a gay couple from Rio demanding the Supreme Court to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide as they couldn't in a judicial decision here, and it will probably be used to legalize same-sex marriage AGAIN if the Legislative does not pass it (it will have to go to the Legislative anyway because many things will have to be modernized with this new reality).

What they most likely will not do, the only difference between stable union and civil marriage is that the former does not change your civil status from single to married, the definition of marriage was already changed to a point of no-return even if it has a chance of only be temporarily reverted and the definition of family is already locked as inclusive of same-sex couples. Also Renan Calheiros, President of the Senate, said the PLC 122, being analyzed by the government since 2001, is a priority, and our Constitution will most likely add sexual orientation and gender identity to its anti-discrimination paragraph this year, so it is obvious that even if they change all heads in the Supreme Court by the time they analyze the other judicial process (that of the couple from Rio), they will have to rule that limiting marriage to different-sex couples is unconstitutional anyway.

It will be legal for a month next Friday and there is no reason to believe it will not take place (actually it is already taking place since 2011 and now everyone can get theirs), so it certainly should be colored dark blue now. Lguipontes (talk) 16:15, 12 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]