File talk:20210331 Global tree cover loss - World Resources Institute.svg

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million hectares --> percentage of global tree cover lost?


"million hectares" means almost nothing to people, which really hurts the value of the chart.

Can you please redo the Y axis to something meaningful? Maybe percentage of global tree cover lost?

Also, "non-tropical" is too light colored, just make it a bit darker so the text is legible.--Efbrazil (talk) 14:56, 22 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@Efbrazil: I couldn't readily find global tree cover estimates, given the rather abstruse definitions of tree cover that might not be consistent with other sources if I were to try to use them to compare to the numbers that this WRI source uses. I added "thousand square miles" on the right vertical axis to be somewhat more graspable. Maybe I should change 'Million hectares' to 'Thousand square kilometers'? I also added a nice chamomile scent; you like?
I added an "Italy area" indicator in red (sad the text seems small now—I'm thinking some contextual explanation can be added in the caption when used in articles). RCraig09 (talk) 04:02, 23 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Better! Maybe changing hectares to square km would be good too- I think that's a more normal measurement to people. --Efbrazil (talk) 21:38, 23 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]