File:Twilight illumination by sun altitude 1 r 1.svg

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Twilight illumination by sun altitude


English: Twilight illumination by sun altitude
Source Own work
Author Merikanto

Source of data is

  1. fitted photlx from

data is


-20,  0.000004,    0.0014,    0.0008, 564.3, 601.7
-19,  0.000005,    0.0017,    0.0009, 563.8, 605.7
-18,  0.000005,    0.0016,    0.0009, 563.5, 604.0
-17,  0.000005,    0.0016,    0.0008, 563.3, 603.0
-16,  0.000003,    0.0010,    0.0005, 563.0, 593.0
-15,  0.000004,    0.0017,    0.0008, 559.0, 570.7
-14,  0.000006,    0.0031,    0.0011, 552.8, 553.9
-13,  0.000011,    0.0058,    0.0016, 546.8, 541.0
-12,  0.000020,    0.0106,    0.0026, 542.2, 535.9
-11,  0.000047,    0.0247,    0.0060, 540.7, 540.4
-10,  0.000117,    0.0650,    0.0147, 537.6, 531.6
 -9,  0.000273,    0.1564,    0.0347, 536.7, 526.0
 -8,  0.000761,    0.4549,    0.1016, 536.6, 520.4
 -7,  0.002138,    1.3136,    0.2970, 536.8, 517.2
 -6,  0.006553,    4.0423,    0.9328, 537.5, 518.1
 -5,  0.018006,   11.1915,    2.6195, 537.9, 518.0
 -4,  0.052251,   32.5612,    7.7281, 538.4, 519.1
 -3,  0.146334,   90.3824,   22.2753, 539.8, 525.1
 -2,  0.352731,  218.6244,   55.4249, 540.7, 526.1
 -1,  0.763037,  474.1386,  125.0604, 542.1, 526.6
  0,  1.580555,  962.4795,  272.0179, 544.5, 532.2
  1,  2.772255, 1666.0518,  500.7170, 546.5, 537.4
  2,  4.411440, 2523.4746,  815.0906, 549.0, 548.1
  3,  6.702043, 3671.5632, 1254.1349, 551.0, 555.6
  4,  9.416510, 5084.9744, 1773.6052, 551.7, 557.2
  5, 12.865984, 7436.9430, 2507.0312, 550.2, 545.2
  6, 17.437111, 9649.4890, 3420.7512, 551.9, 553.3
  7, 20.121992,11071.6979, 3965.8271, 552.3, 553.7
  8, 26.330863,13829.1131, 5235.3776, 554.1, 562.6
  9, 45.112879,21760.3774, 9179.4651, 557.6, 576.3
 10, 36.358187,18189.3212, 7454.5144, 556.3, 572.2
 11, 39.137271,20176.6702, 8084.3033, 555.5, 567.0
 12, 61.641958,30708.4968,12903.1196, 557.0, 573.3
 13, 77.212419,37803.7065,16239.1084, 557.7, 576.0
 14, 90.655367,43652.7913,18982.5532, 558.3, 577.2
 15, 93.396421,45058.8386,19410.2871, 558.3, 575.2
 16,112.860479,53569.4518,23508.1913, 558.8, 578.0
 17,121.886868,60050.7316,26070.7039, 557.8, 575.6
 18,132.862405,65464.2749,28434.6294, 557.9, 575.4
 19,120.301796,59054.1295,25659.3754, 557.8, 576.5

Fitting code snippet is

import pandas as pd import numpy as np import scipy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df = pd.read_csv('illumination2.csv')

  1. print(df.to_string())

sunangle=np.array(df['sunangle']) photlx=np.array(df['photlx'])


  1. print(sunangle)

x=sunangle y=logphotlx

x2 = np.linspace(-18, 0, 360) fit1=np.polyfit(x, y, 12) print(fit1) ## paste output of this to plot code to poly fit!

yn = np.poly1d(fit1)

Plotting code is

    1. illumination on twilight, sun 0-18 degrees below horizon
    2. python3 script
    3. print also moon illumination lux lx brightness
    4. uses ephem, pylunar,
  1. fitted photlx from
  2. 15.8.2023 0000.0001

import math import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import ephem import pylunar import re

def lx_from_frac_single(frac1):

   frac_fit1=[-2.02393074e-07 , 5.52148721e-05, -5.23702354e-03,  2.19919440e-01, -5.00000220e+00]
   yn = np.poly1d(frac_fit1)

def lx_from_phase_deg_single(phasedeg1):

   phase_fit1=[-9.98825150e-09,  2.17143911e-06 ,-1.73248246e-04, -6.45885492e-03,-4.02728954e-01]
   yn = np.poly1d(phase_fit1)

def dms_dd(dd):

   dd = f"""{dd}"""
   dd = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9. ]', ' ', dd)
   dd = dd.split(" ")
   return round(float(dd[0])+(float(dd[1])/60)+(float(dd[2])/3600), 8)

def dms_list(dd):

   dd = f"""{dd}"""
   dd = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9. ]', ' ', dd)
   dd2 = np.array(dd.split(" "))
   for n  in range(0,3):
   if (dd2[3]=='S'): dd3[0]=dd3[0]*-1    
   if (dd2[3]=='W'): dd3[0]=dd3[0]*-1  
   return dd3

    1. tulilahti
  1. 62°26'06.3"N 28°34'41.7"E
  2. 62.435079, 28.578249
    1. tulilahti

latt1="62°26'06.3\"N" lonn1="28°34'41.7\"E" sdatetime1= (1959, 7, 27, 24-2, 0, 0) ##MUST be UTC! EET is UTC+2h

latt2=dms_dd(latt1) ## dec latt3=dms_list(latt1) ## dms list lonn2=dms_dd(lonn1) ## dec lonn3=dms_list(lonn1) ## dms list

print(latt2) print(latt3)

  1. latt3=re.split('[°\'"]+', latt1)
  1. print(latt3)

  1. quit(-1)

  1. Define the observer's location

observer = ephem.Observer()

obs_name="Tulilahti, Heinävesi"

  1. = '62.434967'
  2. observer.long = '28.578223' = str(latt2) observer.long = str(lonn2)

  1. mi = pylunar.MoonInfo((62, 25, 35), (28, 37, 50))

mi = pylunar.MoonInfo(latt3, lonn3)

  1. mi.update((1959, 7, 27, 22, 0, 0)) ## needs utc

mi.update(sdatetime1) ## needs utc

## !!! date, time  must be in UTC, that is eg. helsinki time-3, in summertime helsinki time-3

  1., 7, 27, 22, 0, 0))

moon = ephem.Moon() moon.compute(observer) sun = ephem.Sun() sun.compute(observer)

print(obs_name) print("Paikka pituusaste leveysaste ", observer.long , ) print("Aika UTC ", )

print(" Auringon korkeuskulma ", sun.alt) print(" Auringon suuntakulma ",

print(" Kuun korkeuskulma ", moon.alt) print(" Kuun suuntakulma " ,

  1. Print the phase of the moon

print(" Kuun vaihe ", moon.moon_phase)

    1. altitude of sun, recommend 0 ... -18 degrees

alt1=sun.alt alt3=float(repr(sun.alt))*180/math.pi

  1. print(alt2)

  1. quit(-1)
    1. params for poly1d, fitted from data
    1. new angles of sun for plot

x2 = np.linspace(-20, 5, 400)

fit2=[ 1.14909168e-15, 5.05406644e-14, -2.31959774e-12 ,-5.29563006e-11,

 1.57147669e-09 , 2.25671280e-08, -5.52103489e-07, -5.24010954e-06,
 1.35247027e-04 , 3.17102665e-04, -2.32199880e-02 , 2.91689849e-01,

yn = np.poly1d(fit2) y2=yn(x2)


logphotlx3=yn(alt3) lux3=math.pow(10,logphotlx3 ) print(" Sun altitude deg ",alt3) print(" Estimated illumination lx ",lux3)

plt.xlabel("Sun altitude degrees", size=18) plt.ylabel("Log10 of illumination lx", size=18)

plt.yticks(fontsize=18) plt.xticks(fontsize=18)

plt.title(" Twilight illuminaltion ", fontsize=22)

    1. lat, lon tulilahti



  1. print(mi.is_visible())

  1. print(mi.phase_name())

moonalt1=mi.altitude() moonaz1=mi.azimuth()

  1. print(mi.magnitude())

mmoon1=mi.magnitude() frac1= mi.fractional_phase() alt1=mi.altitude() angsiz1=mi.angular_size() az1=mi.azimuth() distance1=mi.earth_distance() rise_set_ts1=mi.rise_set_times("EET")

rel_distance1= distance1/384399 magnitude1=mi.magnitude()

print(alt1) print(frac1) print(rel_distance1) print(magnitude1) print(rise_set_ts1)


    1. from hat
  1. tau=.5
    1. alt 10 0,4519
    2. alt 30 0.801


z=(math.pi/180)*(90-alt1) zdeg=90-alt1

    1. air mass
  1. X=1/math.cos(z)

X=1/(math.cos(z)+0.50572*math.pow((96.07995-zdeg), -1.6364))

  1. print(X)


print(alt1, E)

mlux2=mlux1*E mlux3=mlux2*1/math.pow(rel_distance1,2)

print(" Moon lux from phase ", round(mlux1,6)) print(" Moon lux from altitude ", round(mlux2,6)) print(" Moon lux from distance ", round(mlux3,6))

    1. sun -26.9

msun1=-26.832 insun1=-26.832*0.4

    1. mean full moon -12.74
    2. first quarter 1/11
    3. last quarter 1/12 #3 die to dark mare dirrerent position on moon surface
    1. first quarter -11.15
    1. full moon 0.25 lx



inmoon3=math.pow(10, inmoon2)*100000

  1. moon params

print("Kuun korkeuskulma ", moonalt1) print("Kuun suuntakulma ", moonaz1) print("Kuun suuruusluokka ", mmoon1) print("Kuun valo ", round(mlux3,6)) ## estimeted moon illum lux

  1. print("Kuunvalo lx ", inmoon3)


  1. print("Valaistus yhteensä ", illum_total_est_1)

plt.xlim([-20,5]) plt.xlim([-20,5])

  1. plt.plot(x2, photlx2)

plt.plot(x2, np.log10(photlx2) , lw=2, color="#0000ff")

  1. plt.scatter(alt3,logphotlx3 )

plt.axvline(x = 0, color = '#FFFF00', label = 'Sunset') plt.axvline(x = -6, color = '#7f7f00', label = 'Civil twilight ends') plt.axvline(x = -12, color = '#3f3f00', label = 'Nautical twilight ends') plt.axvline(x = -18, color = '#1f1f00', label = 'Astronomical twilight ends')

  1. plt.plot(x2,y2)

    1. horizon illumination
  1. plt.axhline(y = math.log10(442.5), color = '#FFFF00', label = 'Sunset') ## CT horiz illum lux
  2. plt.axhline(y = math.log10(2.75), color = '#FFFF00', label = 'CT') ## CT horiz illum lux
  3. plt.axhline(y = math.log10(0.008), color = '#FFFF00', label = 'NT') ## CT horiz illum lux
  4. plt.axhline(y = math.log10(6e-4), color = '#FFFF00', label = 'AT') ## CT horiz illum lux
    1. full moon teor max 0.4lx, ofren 0.1 ... 0.25 lx
  5. plt.axhline(y = math.log10(0.25), color = '#FFFF00', linestyle=":", label = 'FullMoon') ## Full Moon illum lux
  6. plt.axhline(y = math.log10(0.1), color = '#FFFF00', linestyle=":", label = 'FullMoon') ## Full Moon illum lux
    1. half moon max 0.043, if alt 90 deg, 0.004 if alt 10 deg
    1. half moon
  1. plt.axhline(y = math.log10(0.01), color = '#FFFF00', linestyle=":", label = 'FullMoon') ## Full Moon illum lux
    1. quarter crescent moon, if full moon 0.345, altitude 90 deg
  3. brown 1952
  4. plt.axhline(y = math.log10(0.0124), color = '#FFFF00', linestyle=":", label = 'FullMoon') ## Full Moon illum lux
    1. Krisciunas & Schaefer 1991
  5. plt.axhline(y = math.log10(0.008), color = '#FFFF00', linestyle=":", label = 'FullMoon') ## Full Moon illum lux

    1. quarter crescent moon, if full moon 0.1
  1. plt.axhline(y = math.log10(0.003), color = '#FFFF00', linestyle=":", label = 'FullMoon') ## Full Moon illum lux
    1. if moon under 10 above horiz, lx ca lx*0.1

    1. starlight
  1. plt.axhline(y = math.log10(0.001), color = '#FFFF00', linestyle=":", label = 'FullMoon') ## Full Moon illum lux


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current13:37, 13 August 2023Thumbnail for version as of 13:37, 13 August 2023971 × 591 (26 KB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)Uploaded own work with UploadWizard

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