File:Tunguska explosion effect areas 1.png

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Tunguska explosion destruction circles


English: inner red circle. 15 km Widespread fire, almost all trees are fallen.

Outer circle, ca 35 km maximum distance to frees fall

Vanavara is 65 km from site.
Source Own work
Author Merikanto

Small red circle: projected surface point of exoplosion, hypocentrum Red ellipse: strong radiant burning, forest fire Red area: Charred trees by forest fire Most grey area: almost all trees fallen Grey area trees fallen Black triangle habitated tents during explosion time.

Source of data: forest fire area

map in 115 Years Ago: The Tunguska Asteroid Impact Event NASA

Original source Christopher O Johnston and Eric S Stern, Icarus

Source of forest fall data:

The 1908 Tunguska event and forestfalls Andrei Ol'khovatov

Source of most trees fallen:

Hydrocode Simulations of Asteroid Airbursts and Constraints for Tunguska NASA: Darrel Kim Robertson, Donovan Mathias October 2018 Icarus 327(4448) DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2018.10.017

Source of radiant burning, forest fire area:

A model for thermal radiation from the Tunguska airburst Author links open overlay panelChristopher O. Johnston a , Eric C. Stern b 7 February 2019 115 Years Ago: The Tunguska Asteroid Impact Event NASA

Original source Christopher O Johnston and Eric S Stern, Icarus

Source of forest fall data:

The 1908 Tunguska event and forestfalls Andrei Ol'khovatov

Source of most trees fallen:

Hydrocode Simulations of Asteroid Airbursts and Constraints for Tunguska NASA: Darrel Kim Robertson, Donovan Mathias October 2018 Icarus 327(4448) DOI:10.1016/j.icarus.2018.10.017

Source of radiant burning, forest fire area:

A model for thermal radiation from the Tunguska airburst Author links open overlay panel Christopher O. Johnston a , Eric C. Stern b 7 February 2019

Radiant burning areas and speculative ellipse: Reconstruction of the Tunguska Event of 1908: Neither an Asteroid, Nor a Comet Core Vladimir Rubtsov

Butterfly-shape trees fallen

FEMA Asteroid Impact Tabletop Exercise Simulations Article in Procedia Engineering · December 2015 DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2015.04.007 Barbara Jennings Brad Carvey William Fogleman Sandia National Laboratories

One round buttetfly-shape trees fallen:

THE TUNGUSKA EXPLOSION OF 1908 Mark W. Brazo & Steven A. Austin Institute for Creation Research El Cajon, California

Butterfly-shaped tree-fall pattern, almost all trees fallen and most large butterfly pattern:

The 1908 Tunguska event and forestfalls Andrei Ol'khovatov

Additional, very round butterfly pattern of Tunguska: SURVEY OF TECHNOLOGIES RELEVANT TO DEFENSE FROM NEAR-EARTH OBJECTS R. B. Adams, Reginald Alexander J. BONOMETTI, J Chapman August 2004

Butterfly pattern of trees fallen: Tunguska Event - Surviving Tree Mini museum

Some place names and additional: butterfly pattern of trees fallen Tunguska eyewitness accounts, injuries, and casualties Peter Jenniskens , Olga P. Popova , Dmitry O. Glazachev , Elena D. Podobnaya , Anna P. Kartashova

Some sites of tents and obsolete pattern of Tunguska fire and tree fallen areas: What Was the Tunguska Event?

Leonard Kelley Dec 7, 2023 5:14 PM EST

Some sites of tents and storages:

The 1908 Tunguska catastrophe: An alternative explanation Wolfgang Kundt CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 81, NO. 4, 25 AUGUST 2001

Must cropt HydrosSHEDS river data to aces faster processing qith QGIS ... or so on tool. Sava

Script to convert WKT csw to gmt .txt lines wkt ---> gmt lines

import csv import re

def wkt_to_gmt(wkt):

   # Poistetaan "MULTILINESTRING" ja ylimääräiset sulut sekä varmistetaan, että kaikki ovat kunnossa
   wkt = wkt.replace("MULTILINESTRING ((", "").replace("))", "").strip()
   # Erotellaan koordinaattiparit pilkun perusteella
   coords = wkt.split(",")
   # GMT:n muoto vaatii jokaisen pisteen omalle rivilleen
   # ja siihen lisätään aina lopuksi kolmas luku "1"
   gmt_lines = []
   for coord in coords:
       # Poistetaan mahdolliset ylimääräiset sulut ja välilyönnit koordinaattiparista
       coord = coord.strip().replace("(", "").replace(")", "")
       # Yritetään pilkkoa koordinaatit
           lon, lat = map(float, coord.split())
           gmt_lines.append(f"{lon} {lat} 1")
       except ValueError as e:
           print(f"Virhe koordinaatissa: {coord}, virhe: {e}")
   return gmt_lines

def process_wkt_file(input_file, output_file):

   with open(input_file, mode='r', newline=) as infile, open(output_file, mode='w', newline=) as outfile:
       reader = csv.reader(infile)
       next(reader)  # Ohitetaan otsikkorivi
       first_line = True  # Käytetään seuraamaan, onko ensimmäinen viiva
       for row in reader:
           wkt = row[0]  # WKT löytyy aina ensimmäiseltä sarakkeelta
           gmt_lines = wkt_to_gmt(wkt)
           # Jos ei ole ensimmäinen viiva, lisää erotin ">". GMT vaatii sen segmenttien väliin.
           if not first_line:
               first_line = False
           for line in gmt_lines:
               outfile.write(line + '\n')
  1. Polut tiedostoihin

input_file = 'hydrojoet2.csv' # Muokkaa tätä polkua tarvittaessa output_file = 'jokimaa1.txt' # Tulostiedosto GMT:lle

  1. Ajetaan muunnos

process_wkt_file(input_file, output_file)

print("Muunnos suoritettu. GMT-tiedosto tallennettu.")

GMT 6.3.0 Linux bash code to draw map

gmt makecpt -Cdem1 -T0/1600/25 > colors.cpt

  1. gmt grdgradient ./data1/elevation_data_8m.tif -A345 -Ne0.6 -V
  2. gmt grdhisteq -N -V
  3. gmt grdmath 5 DIV =

echo "0/0/0 # Harmaa tausta 1/1/1" > harma.cpt

gmt begin tuto png

   # Määritetään värit ja hillshade
   gmt grdimage ./data1/elevation_data_8m.tif -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -Ccolors.cpt 
   # Lisätään koordinaattiruudut
   gmt basemap -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -Bxa0.5f0.1 -Bya0.5f0.1 -BWSen 

gmt grdcontour ./data1/elevation_data_8m.tif -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -C100 -W1p,brown -t70

   # Lisätään mittakaava (esim. 50 km)
   #gmt basemap -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -BWSen -Lx10c/1c+c102.0/60.5+w50k
   # Lisätään hieno musta-valkoinen mittakaava (esim. 50 km)
   #gmt basemap -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -BWSen -Lx8c/1c+c102.0/60.5+w50+k+f
   gmt basemap -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -BWSen -Lx10c/1c+c102.0/60.5+w50k+l+f
   ## rivers ...
   gmt psxy ./gis1/jokimaa1.txt  -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -W1p,blue  -t50 

   # Pyöreät merkinnät Tunguskan tapahtumalle
   #echo 101.883333 60.883333 | gmt psxy  -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -Sc9 -W2p,black,-- -t50
   #echo 101.883333 60.883333 | gmt psxy  -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -Sc4 -W2p,red,-- -t50

# Ympyrän piirtäminen Tunguskan tapahtumapaikalle #echo 101.883333 60.883333 30 | gmt plot -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -SE- -W2p,red -t70 #echo 101.883333 60.883333 70 | gmt plot -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -SE- -W2p,black,-- -t70 #echo 101.883333 60.883333 100 | gmt plot -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -SE- -W1p,black,.. -t70

   # Alue ja jokimaa
   #gmt psxy ./gis1/alue1.csv  -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -L -Gblack -W2p,black,..  -t75
   gmt psxy ./vektoris1/butterfly2.csv  -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -L -Gblack -W2p,black,..  -t75
   gmt psxy ./vektoris1/tunguska_fewtrees1.csv  -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -Gblack -L -W2p,black  -t75   
   gmt psxy ./vektoris1/radiant_burn1.csv  -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -L -G- -W2p,red,--  
   gmt psxy ./vektoris1/forestfire1.csv  -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c -L -Gdarkred   -t60 
   #gmt grdimage -R -J -Ccolor.cpt -I+ -O -K >>
   #gmt psxy ./butterfly2.csv -R -J -Glightgray -W1p,black -P -A

#echo 101.883333 60.883333 | gmt mapproject -G30k/20k -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c #echo 101.883333 60.883333 | gmt mapproject -G30km/20km -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3 -JH15c

   #echo 102.152333 61.063333 | gmt plot -Sc0.4c -W2p,blue

   # Vanavara merkintä
   echo 102.2848 60.3457 | gmt psxy -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -JH15c -Sr0.35r -W2p,black
   echo 102.3 60.25 'Vanavara' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f28p,Times
   echo 101.7 60.3 'Podkamennaja Tunguska' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f22p,Times-Italic,55/55/256
   echo 102.1 60.9 'Southern Swamp' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f14p,Times-Italic,55/55/256
       echo 102.00 60.88 'Churgmi' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f12p,Times-Italic,55/55/256
   echo 102 60.85 'Khushmo' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f18p,Times-Italic,55/55/256
   echo 102.3 60.68 'Chambe' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f18p,Times-Italic,55/55/256
   echo 102.0 61.05 'Kimchu' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f18p,Times-Italic,55/55/256
   echo 102.5 61.12 'Kimchu' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f18p,Times-Italic,55/55/256
   echo 101.5 61.15 'Kimchu' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f18p,Times-Italic,55/55/256

   echo 101.95 60.67 'Makirta' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f15p,Times-Italic,55/55/256+a315
   echo 101.7 60.5 'Lakura' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f15p,Times-Italic,55/55/256+a100
    echo 102.18 60.55 'Khovorkikta' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f14p,Times-Italic,55/55/256
    echo 102.5 60.85 'N Diliushmo' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.1/60.0/61.3   -F+f16p,Times-Italic,55/55/256+a80
     echo 102.7 60.8 'V Diliushmo' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f16p,Times-Italic,55/55/256+a70
      echo 102.4 60.95 'Ukogitkon' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f16p,Times-Italic,55/55/256+a60
      echo 101.55 60.75  'Chavidokon' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f14p,Times-Italic,55/55/256+a10
           echo 101.7 61.00  'Cheko' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f14p,Times-Italic,55/55/256+a0
          echo 101.55 60.85  'Dalyk' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f14p,Times-Italic,55/55/256+a0 
         echo 102.2 60.92  'Ukagit' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f14p,Times-Italic,55/55/256+a0     
  echo 102.3 60.60 'Burkan' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f18p,Times-Italic,darkbrown     
    echo 102.1 60.47 'Petrin' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f14p,Times-Italic,darkbrown 
   echo 101.95 60.77 'Vernadski' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f15p,Times-Italic,darkbrown
    #  echo 101.90 60.77 'Sakrama' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f12p,Times-Italic,darkbrown
      echo 102.35 61.02 'Silgam' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f18p,Times-Italic,darkbrown+a45 
    echo 101.6 60.50 'Lakura' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f15p,Times-Italic,darkbrown+a90
   echo 101.5 60.95  'Chuvar' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f14p,Times-Italic,darkbrown+a00     
   # Muut merkit
   echo 102.3940 60.7247 | gmt psxy -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -JH15c -St0.35 -W2,black
   echo 101.9872 60.5233 | gmt psxy -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -JH15c -St0.35 -W2,black
 # Tunguska event -merkintä
   echo 101.883333 60.883333 | gmt psxy -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -JH15c -Sc0.4k -W2p,256/0/0
    echo 101.883333 60.883333 | gmt psxy -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -JH15c -Sx0.4k -W2p,256/0/0   
   echo 101.6 61.1 'Tunguska event' | gmt pstext -JH15c -R101/103.2/60.0/61.3   -F+f30p,Times-Italic,128/0/0

gmt end show

Tunguska butterfly shaped forest fall shape "butterfly2.csv"

101.51505215689794,60.882829042271425 101.55187957926599,60.7931794625697 101.883333,60.506394499426534 102.06747487319555,60.4972935148857 102.25161384310205,60.52384045197343 102.25161384310205,60.6135894171739 102.4817790502706,60.70251036006005 102.46336630107317,60.79233754356659 102.49098538967242,60.881960995554394 102.54622291047603,60.97144434980888 102.54622291047603,61.061187287039886 102.4357470067335,61.061686172402474 102.4357470067335,61.15142790140126 102.25161384310205,61.15205781095842 102.06747487319555,61.107565055522116 101.883333,61.06282003459272 101.883333,61.06282003459272 101.7912618819431,61.15253025207819 101.69919112680444,61.12551337460247 101.69919112680444,61.03577129887911 101.58870721066444,61.06249750929406 101.55187957926599,60.97266891829324

Radiant burning "radiant_burn1.csv"

101.94133292271813,60.94924070592009 101.97590612335867,60.95069153504427 102.01323523630002,60.94764880647848 102.05088968875789,60.93967460872747 102.08621120481804,60.92663348769891 102.11647304431813,60.90871697080517 102.13904871441194,60.88644923044868 102.15157972173017,60.86067314026262 102.14367788613059,60.83427948579579 102.10157701194015,60.816121725854664 102.05538504379392,60.80388320487471 102.00814596141,60.7975724527144 101.96271819438296,60.796853110844424 101.92162523879082,60.8010815756474 101.88692880211092,60.809359945865374 101.86013010028978,60.82060129358227 101.83787716286108,60.82932768847893 101.81535863969522,60.83580764248494 101.7958930174099,60.84439668892743 101.7803029167658,60.854758434136244 101.76925995252108,60.86648099511989 101.76325570644482,60.879093176400545 101.76257953638329,60.89208325173568 101.76730428163575,60.90491962792883 101.77728065433271,60.91707257342434 101.79214077929295,60.92803612915792 101.81131096909627,60.937349288521304 101.8340334113249,60.944615541545055 101.85939602175104,60.949519928055864 101.88636930628567,60.95184283589714 101.91384870405798,60.951469910906894 101.94070058205587,60.9483976099915

Forest foires forestfire1.csv

101.71352588667388,60.94128712619296 101.97160402840512,60.92995237602673 101.87053830704406,60.96691127394167 102.15027258340722,60.986897486936336 102.25133611013786,60.9831491420469 102.28562515941296,60.96722297372764 102.27479706083243,60.93207446749307 102.22426566914658,60.84953522294474 102.13763954713842,60.88489995392627 102.15929616915263,60.86199201386142 102.22065626830978,60.84338751079025 102.2567501840192,60.808994329831535 102.26216425295607,60.785232866264195 102.30728129192765,60.768391134380664 102.26396894149018,60.75444495324706 102.21163275760792,60.74754253696044 102.1520773013435,60.780211949014245 102.10515451596184,60.76094446642897 102.03296521006769,60.74960467795542 102.02935573447895,60.75048787271942 102.02394151956514,60.73993901160678 102.08530250043873,60.72315492445996 102.07447411332613,60.7090975567241 102.02935573447895,60.72674090378466 102.00047990208492,60.71005596913887 101.99687041990316,60.69158880711464 102.03476994754772,60.69331354551976 102.07086464873939,60.687114280943305 102.05462204515499,60.67570082412278 102.0311604723772,60.673967730875994 102.04018415869761,60.653729104083155 102.00047990208492,60.62825999970923 101.9499471027866,60.64060393257249 101.92287592915778,60.63357621803256 101.89941423705467,60.6441335739636 101.9012189827268,60.6582059521799 101.9138522019725,60.657325153424324 101.90302372838799,60.67843495651485 101.87053830704406,60.686348937064224 101.85429559969323,60.699537976080876 101.88858576294534,60.71449559067804 101.93370440030678,60.70569463096485 101.93550914530374,60.77605545196897 101.93189965524967,60.78045407757489 101.90843796527865,60.77957912799328 101.8344434086354,60.75494034343569 101.84166238613037,60.74438915375966 101.76586321913673,60.733784118952386 101.74420636830494,60.74255692930089 101.7496205781346,60.75311704080828 101.79112958009685,60.751396142029364 101.80376277249741,60.75580278312425 101.80737225731147,60.764600300212216 101.76586321913673,60.78303694511981 101.7730821758576,60.804151867778984 101.77127743639583,60.81734285172951 101.76405848043487,60.835805695757124 101.7478158413024,60.84546357491607 101.74059689621498,60.856889072200055 101.74059689621498,60.87096108551901 101.7460111046916,60.87976214159197 101.91746169295595,60.88160046378523 101.76225374192981,60.887694507086024 101.7893248389267,60.88507979276835 101.79473906290184,60.88772238876754 101.79834854630819,60.8947609805453 101.81278648550978,60.89564996477 101.82361494515371,60.90269203340001 101.82361494515371,60.907089510582225 101.81820071481512,60.91500202157849 101.8145912284922,60.92203588928044 101.80917699991669,60.92643005005861 101.80195803029402,60.92642530632429 101.7839106163784,60.910580867184294 101.77127743639583,60.920244374207755 101.7766916553278,60.92728514626543 101.79834854630819,60.94049465606276 101.81639597159489,60.94490372564643 101.86692881620276,60.94228490719232 101.894,60.94140813942256

Few trees survived tunguska_fewtrees1.csv

101.883333,60.986638785123965 101.95717849896319,60.986638785123965 101.90179437474079,60.955197893999284 101.95717849896319,60.94621478224937 102.06794674740799,60.982147229249016 102.252560494816,61.000113452748835 102.3079446190384,60.9731641174991 102.252560494816,60.92824855874955 102.1971763705936,60.883333 102.252560494816,60.7935018825009 102.27102186955679,60.69468765325189 102.06794674740799,60.55994097700324 101.975639873704,60.703670765001796 101.975639873704,60.74858632375135 101.883333,60.73960321200144 101.7725647515552,60.73960321200144 101.8094875010368,60.7935018825009 101.8279488757776,60.829434329500536 101.7541033768144,60.80248499425081 101.698719252592,60.81146810600072 101.744872689444,60.84740055300036 101.7541033768144,60.883333 101.7725647515552,60.94621478224937 101.8279488757776,60.9731641174991 101.883333,60.986638785123965

"R" code to load DEM

    1. tunguska event destruction circles
    2. "R" script, made with chatgpt 3 and 4o
  1. Ladataan tarvittavat paketit

library(elevatr) library(terra) library(sf) library(ggplot2) library(tidyverse) library(tidyterra) library(ggnewscale)

  1. Määritetään koordinaatit: Tunguska (räjähdyspaikka) ja Vanavara

tunguska_coords <- data.frame(long = 101.883333, lat = 60.883333, name = "Tunguska") vanavara_coords <- data.frame(long = 102.2848, lat = 60.3457, name = "Vanavara")

  1. Luodaan data frame koordinaateista 100 km säteellä

lon_seq <- seq(tunguska_coords$long - 1, tunguska_coords$long + 1, by = 0.1) lat_seq <- seq(tunguska_coords$lat - 1, tunguska_coords$lat + 1, by = 0.1) coords <- expand.grid(long = lon_seq, lat = lat_seq) coords_sf <- st_as_sf(coords, coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = 4326)

  1. Määritetään tallennustiedoston polku

output_path <- "./data1/elevation_data.tif"

  1. Ladataan korkeusdata SRTM-tiedostoista tai käytetään levyllä olevaa tiedostoa

if (file.exists(output_path)) {

 elevation_terra <- rast(output_path)
 print("Tallennettu korkeusdata ladattu levylta.")

} else {

 elevation_data <- get_elev_raster(locations = coords_sf, z = 9, prj = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
 elevation_terra <- rast(elevation_data)
 writeRaster(elevation_terra, output_path, overwrite = TRUE)
 print(paste("Tiedosto tallennettu:", output_path))


  1. Luodaan sf-objektit Tunguskan ja Vanavaran ympärille 70 km säteellä

tunguska_sf <- st_as_sf(tunguska_coords, coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = 4326) vanavara_sf <- st_as_sf(vanavara_coords, coords = c("long", "lat"), crs = 4326)

  1. Luodaan ympyrät

circle_15km <- st_buffer(tunguska_sf, dist = 15000) # 15 km säde circle_35km <- st_buffer(tunguska_sf, dist = 35000) # 35 km säde circle_50km <- st_buffer(tunguska_sf, dist = 50000) # 50 km säde

  1. Cropataan rasteri 140x140 km alueelta

elevation_cropped <- crop(elevation_terra, ext(tunguska_coords$long - 1.5,

                                               tunguska_coords$long + 1.5,
                                               tunguska_coords$lat - 0.75, 
                                               tunguska_coords$lat + 0.75))
  1. Muutetaan rasteri data frameksi

elevation_df <-, xy = TRUE) names(elevation_df)[3] <- "height" # Nimetään korkeusdata

  1. Luodaan hillshade

altitude = 45 azimuth = 90

terrain <- terra::terrain(elevation_cropped, c("slope", "aspect"), unit = "radians") shade <- terra::shade(terrain$slope, terrain$aspect, angle = altitude, direction = azimuth, normalize = TRUE)

  1. Muutetaan hillshade data frameksi

shade_df <-, xy = TRUE) names(shade_df)[3] <- "hillshade" # Nimetään hillshade-arvot

  1. Asetetaan PNG-tiedosto

png("output_plot.png", width = 800, height = 600)

  1. Piirretään DEM ja hillshade yhdessä

ggplot() +

 # DEM rasteri
 geom_raster(data = elevation_df, aes(x = x, y = y, fill = height), alpha = 0.8) +
 scale_fill_gradientn(colors = terrain.colors(10)) +  # Käytetään väriasteikkoa DEM:lle
 new_scale_fill() +  # Uusi väriskaala hillshadelle
 # Hillshade rasteri
 geom_raster(data = shade_df, aes(x = x, y = y, fill = hillshade), alpha = 0.4) +
 scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "black", guide = "none") +  # Hillshaden väriskaala ilman legendaa
 # Ympyrät ja paikkatiedot
 geom_sf(data = circle_15km, linewidth=1, alpha=0.3,  color = "red", fill = NA) +
 geom_sf(data = circle_35km, linewidth=1,linetype = "dashed", alpha=0.3,  color = "black", fill = NA) +
 geom_sf(data = circle_50km, linewidth=1, linetype = "dotted", alpha=0.3, color = "yellow", fill = NA) +
 # Tunguska ja Vanavara pisteinä
 geom_sf(data = tunguska_sf, color = "red", size = 5) +
 geom_sf(data = vanavara_sf, color = "blue", size = 5) +
 # Vanavaran nimi kartalle
 geom_text(data = vanavara_coords, aes(x = long, y = lat, label = name), color = "blue", hjust = -0.1, vjust = 1.5, size = 5) +
 # Muutetaan x- ja y-akseleiden nimet longitude ja latitude -muotoon
 labs(title = " Effect circles of Tunguska explosion ", 
      x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude") +
 coord_sf() +
  1. Suljetaan PNG-tiedosto


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w:en:Creative Commons
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
You are free:
  • to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work
  • to remix – to adapt the work
Under the following conditions:
  • attribution – You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

current14:16, 29 September 2024Thumbnail for version as of 14:16, 29 September 20241,955 × 1,641 (4.16 MB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)Update
08:46, 27 September 2024Thumbnail for version as of 08:46, 27 September 20241,955 × 1,641 (3.86 MB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)new data
15:27, 25 September 2024Thumbnail for version as of 15:27, 25 September 20241,955 × 1,641 (3.92 MB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)Update
12:34, 25 September 2024Thumbnail for version as of 12:34, 25 September 20241,955 × 1,641 (3.94 MB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)New data added, new layout of map
17:30, 22 September 2024Thumbnail for version as of 17:30, 22 September 20241,772 × 1,772 (3.75 MB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)Uploaded own work with UploadWizard
