File:Permian triassic boundary 251ma co2 5000 tas 1.png

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Simulated annual temperature at Permian-Triassic boundary 251 million years ago, if amount of CO2 was 5000 ppm


English: Simulated annual temperature at Permian-Triassic boundary 251 million years ago, if amount of CO2 was 5000 ppm volume. Orbital and insolation parameters near current.
Source Own work
Author Merikanto

Scotese Paleodem

Published August 1, 2018 | Version v2

PALEOMAP Paleodigital Elevation Models (PaleoDEMS) for the Phanerozoic

Scotese, Christopher R  Wright, Nicky M


Visualization code

Exoplasim code

    1. Exoplasim planet running code, python3, ubuntu
  1. attempt to create exoplasim restart code
    1. you can continue running
    2. based on previous run.
    1. 16.06.2022 0000.0006
    1. convert to T21, input netcdf
    2. load one lon, lat, z grid
    3. or Tarasov glac1d grid
    1. MPI NOTE: if you use more than
    1. one processor, you cannot in most cases run MPI in root
    2. you can use even number of process in mpi: 2, 4, 6 ..
    1. in ubuntu you must install
    1. pip3 install exoplasim[netCDF4]
    2. not
    3. "sudo pip3 install exoplasim[netCDF4]"

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.interpolate import interp2d import netCDF4

import exoplasim as exo


def writeSRA(name,kcode,field,NLAT,NLON):

   fmap = field.reshape((int(NLAT*NLON/8),8))
   sheader = 
   for h in header:
       sheader+=" %11d"%h
   while i<NLAT*NLON/8:
       for n in fmap[i,:]:
           l+=' %9.3f'%n
   print (label)

def writeSRA2(label,kcode,field,NLAT,NLON):

   fmap = field.reshape((int(NLAT*NLON/8),8))
   sheader = 
   for h in header:
       sheader+=" %11d"%h
   while i<NLAT*NLON/8:
       for n in fmap[i,:]:
           l+=' %9.3f'%n
   print (label)

def savenetcdf_single_frommem(outfilename1, outvarname1, xoutvalue1,xoutlats1,xoutlons1): nlat1=len(xoutlats1) nlon1=len(xoutlons1) #indata_set1=indata1 print(outfilename1) ncout1 = netCDF4.Dataset(outfilename1, 'w', format='NETCDF4') outlat1 = ncout1.createDimension('lat', nlat1) outlon1 = ncout1.createDimension('lon', nlon1) outlats1 = ncout1.createVariable('lat', 'f4', ('lat',)) outlons1 = ncout1.createVariable('lon', 'f4', ('lon',)) outvalue1 = ncout1.createVariable(outvarname1, 'f4', ('lat', 'lon',)) outvalue1.units = 'Unknown' outlats1[:] = xoutlats1 outlons1[:] = xoutlons1 outvalue1[:, :] =xoutvalue1[:] ncout1.close() return 0

def loadnetcdf_single_tomem(infilename1, invarname1): global cache_lons1 global cache_lats1 print(infilename1) inc1 = netCDF4.Dataset(infilename1) inlatname1="lat" inlonname1="lon" inlats1=inc1[inlatname1][:] inlons1=inc1[inlonname1][:] cache_lons1=inlons1 cache_lats1=inlats1 indata1_set1 = inc1[invarname1][:] dim1=indata1_set1.shape nlat1=dim1[0] nlon1=dim1[1] inc1.close() return (indata1_set1)

def create_sras(topo):

global NLAT global NLON

topo2=np.copy(topo) masko=np.copy(topo) topo2[topo2 < 1] = 0 masko[masko < 1] = 0 masko[masko > 0] = 1 grid=np.flipud(masko) name="Example" writeSRA(name,129,topo,NLAT,NLON) writeSRA(name,172,grid,NLAT,NLON) writeSRA2("topo.sra",129,topo2,NLAT,NLON) writeSRA2("landmask.sra",172,grid,NLAT,NLON) return(0)

def convert_to_t21(infilename1, outfilename1):

global NLAT global NLON

indimx=361 indimy=181 #indimx=360 #indimy=360

## t21 64x32 shapex=64 shapey=32 NLAT=shapex NLON=shapey nc = netCDF4.Dataset(infilename1)

inlats=nc['lat'][:] inlons=nc['lon'][:] #print(inlats) #print(inlons) latlen=len(inlats) lonlen=len(inlons)

#print(lonlen, latlen)

indimx=lonlen indimy=latlen

dem=nc['z'] #dem=np.flipud(dem000) dem2=np.copy(dem) #dem2[dem2 < 0] = 0 #plt.imshow(dem,cmap='gist_earth') #plt.imshow(dem2,cmap='gist_earth') #quit(0) lts=[85.7606, 80.2688, 74.7445, 69.2130, 63.6786, 58.1430, 52.6065, 47.0696, 41.5325,35.9951, 30.4576, 24.9199, 19.3822, 13.8445, 8.3067, 2.7689, -2.7689, -8.3067, -13.8445, -19.3822, -24.9199, -30.4576, -35.9951, -41.5325, -47.0696, -52.6065, -58.1430, -63.6786, -69.2130, -74.7445, -80.2688, -85.7606]

## lns=[0, 5.6250, 11.2500, 16.8750, 22.5000, 28.1250, 33.7500 ,39.3750, 45.0000, 50.6250, 56.2500, 61.8750, 67.5000, 73.1250, 78.7500, 84.3750, 90.0000, 95.6250, 101.2500, 106.8750, 112.5000, 118.1250, 123.7500, 129.3750, 135.0000, 140.6250, 146.2500, 151.8750, 157.5000, 163.1250, 168.7500, 174.3750, 180.0000, 185.6250, 191.2500, 196.8750, 202.5000, 208.1250, 213.7500, 219.3750, 225.0000, 230.6250, 236.2500, 241.8750, 247.5000, 253.1250, 258.7500, 264.3750, 270.0000, 275.6250, 281.2500, 286.8750, 292.5000, 298.1250, 303.7500, 309.3750, 315.0000, 320.6250, 326.2500, 331.8750, 337.5000, 343.1250, 348.7500, 354.3750]

ly2=len(lts) lx2=len(lns) shapex=lx2 shapey=ly2

#print("sheip") #print(shapex, shapey)

lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lns,lts) #print (lts) #print (lns) new_W, new_H = (shapey,shapex) xrange = lambda x: np.linspace(0, 360, x) f2 = interp2d(xrange(indimx), xrange(indimy), dem2, kind="linear") #f2 = interp2d(range(indimx), range(indimy), dem2, kind="cubic") demo = f2(xrange(shapex), xrange(shapey)) #plt.imshow(demo) #quit(0) f3 = interp2d(xrange(indimx), xrange(indimy), dem2, kind="linear") #masko = f3(xrange(shapex), xrange(shapey)) #topo=np.flipud(demo) topo=np.copy(demo)

#grid=np.fliplr(masko) #def savenetcdf_single_frommem(outfilename1, outvarname1, xoutvalue1,xoutlats1,xoutlons1): savenetcdf_single_frommem(outfilename1, "z", topo,lts,lns)


def load_glac1d_dem(indatafile, outdatafile, a_yr): # load dem from Tarsaov GLAC1d anno domini 2021 global NLAT global NLON yr=a_yr


# tarasov ice 26k nc = netCDF4.Dataset(indatafile1)

#print(nc) eisbase=nc['ICEM'] inlats=nc['YLATGLOBP5'][:] inlons=nc['XLONGLOB1'][:]

dem=nc['HDCB'][lok] #dem=np.flipud(dem000) #print (dem) #print (np.shape(dem)) #plt.imshow(dem,cmap='gist_earth')

savenetcdf_single_frommem(outdatafile, "z",dem,inlats,inlons) return(0)

    1. maybe nok

def convert_to_t42(infilename1, outfilename1): ## ONLY attempi! to create T42! global NLAT global NLON

indimx=361 indimy=181

## t42 64x32

#shapex=64 #shapey=32

shapex=128 shapey=64 #shapey=63

NLAT=shapex NLON=shapey nc = netCDF4.Dataset(infilename1)

inlats=nc['lat'][:] inlons=nc['lon'][:]

latlen=len(inlats) lonlen=len(inlons)

indimx=lonlen indimy=latlen


#dem=np.flipud(dem000) dem2=np.copy(dem)

## test t21

tdx=360.0/shapex #tdy=180.0/shapey


minix=0.0 maksix=360-tdx maksiy=90-tdy miniy=-90+tdy

#print(90-tdy) #

#print(miniy) #print(maksiy)


#lns=np.linspace(minix, maksix, num=shapex) #lts=np.linspace(maksiy, miniy, num=shapey) ## jn WARNING 90!

lts=[87.8638, 85.0965 ,82.3129, 79.5256, 76.7369 ,73.9475 ,71.1578, 68.3678, #ok 65.5776, 62.7874, 59.9970 ,57.2066, 54.4162, 51.6257, 48.8352, 46.0447, 43.2542, 40.4636, 37.6731 ,34.8825, 32.0919, 29.3014, 26.5108, 23.7202, 20.9296, 18.1390, 15.3484 ,12.5578, 9.7671, 6.9765, 4.1859, 1.3953, -1.3953, -4.1859, -6.9765, -9.7671, -12.5578, -15.3484, -18.1390, -20.9296, -23.7202,-26.5108, -29.3014 ,-32.0919, -34.8825, -37.6731, -40.4636,-43.2542, -46.0447,-48.8352, -51.6257, -54.4162, -57.2066, -59.9970, -62.7874, -65.5776, -68.3678,-71.1578 ,-73.9475, -76.7369 ,-79.5256, -82.3129, -85.0965, -87.8638]

lns=[0.0000 ,2.8125, 5.6250, 8.4375, 11.2500, 14.0625 ,16.8750 ,19.6875, 22.5000,25.3125, 28.1250, 30.9375 ,33.7500,36.5625 ,39.3750, 42.1875, 45.0000,47.8125, 50.6250, 53.4375, 56.2500, 59.0625 ,61.8750, 64.6875, 67.5000, 70.3125, 73.1250, 75.9375, 78.7500, 81.5625, 84.3750, 87.1875, 90.0000, 92.8125, 95.6250 ,98.4375 ,101.2500, 104.0625, 106.8750, 109.6875, 112.5000, 115.3125, 118.1250, 120.9375,123.7500 ,126.5625 ,129.3750, 132.1875, 135.0000, 137.8125, 140.6250 ,143.4375, 146.2500 ,149.0625, 151.8750 ,154.6875, 157.5000, 160.3125, 163.1250, 165.9375, 168.7500, 171.5625 ,174.3750, 177.1875, 180.0000, 182.8125, 185.6250 ,188.4375, 191.2500, 194.0625, 196.8750, 199.6875, 202.5000, 205.3125, 208.1250, 210.9375, 213.7500 ,216.5625, 219.3750 ,222.1875, 225.0000, 227.8125, 230.6250 ,233.4375, 236.2500, 239.0625, 241.8750, 244.6875, 247.5000, 250.3125, 253.1250, 255.9375, 258.7500, 261.5625, 264.3750, 267.1875, 270.0000, 272.8125, 275.6250, 278.4375, 281.2500 ,284.0625 ,286.8750, 289.6875, 292.5000, 295.3125, 298.1250, 300.9375, 303.7500 ,306.5625, 309.3750, 312.1875, 315.0000, 317.8125, 320.6250, 323.4375, 326.2500, 329.0625 ,331.8750, 334.6875, 337.5000, 340.3125, 343.1250, 345.9375, 348.7500, 351.5625 ,354.3750 ,357.1875]


#print (lts) #print (lns)

#print (len(lns),len(lts)) #quit(-1)

ly2=len(lts) lx2=len(lns) shapex=lx2 shapey=ly2

#print("sheip") #print(shapex, shapey)

lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lns,lts)

new_W, new_H = (shapey,shapex) xrange = lambda x: np.linspace(0, 360, x) f2 = interp2d(xrange(indimx), xrange(indimy), dem2, kind="linear") demo = f2(xrange(shapex), xrange(shapey)) f3 = interp2d(xrange(indimx), xrange(indimy), dem2, kind="linear") topo=demo

savenetcdf_single_frommem(outfilename1, "z", topo,lts,lns)


    1. exoplasim ,,,

def exo_runner_restarting(firstrun,a_input_dem1, a_gridtype, a_layers, a_years,a_timestep,a_snapshots,a_ncpus,a_eccentricity,a_obliquity,a_lonvernaleq,a_pCO2):


a_pO2=1-a_pCO2-0.79 a_pN2=(1-0.21-a_pCO2)

print("Process input grid, to type ",a_gridtype)

if(a_gridtype=="T21"): print("T21") topo, lons, lats=convert_to_t21(a_input_dem1,"") if(a_gridtype=="T42"): print("T42") topo, lons, lats=convert_to_t42(a_input_dem1, "")


print("Creating exoplasim object ")

testplanet= exo.Earthlike(workdir="planet_run",modelname="PLANET",ncpus=a_ncpus,resolution=a_gridtype,layers=a_layers, outputtype=output_format, crashtolerant=True)

glaciers1= { "toggle": True, "mindepth":2, "initialh":-1 }


testplanet.configure( startemp=5772.0, flux=fluxi1,# Stellar parameters eccentricity=a_eccentricity, obliquity=a_obliquity, lonvernaleq=a_lonvernaleq, fixedorbit=True, # Orbital parameters rotationperiod=1, # Rotation topomap="topo.sra", landmap="landmask.sra", radius=1.0, gravity=9.80665, #stormclim=False,

               vegetation=2,                               #toggles vegetation module; 1 for static vegetation, 2 to allow growth

seaice=True, maxsnow=-1, glaciers=glaciers1, pN2=a_pN2, pCO2=a_pCO2, pO2=a_pO2, ozone=True, # Atmosphere timestep=a_timestep, snapshots=0, ## jos a_snapshots, vie muistia! wetsoil=True, physicsfilter="gp|exp|sp", restartfile="ressus" ) # Model dynamics


runc1=1 n=0

if(firstrun==1): print("Creating first restart.") print("Running ExoPlasim ... "),crashifbroken=True) lon = testplanet.inspect("lon") lat = testplanet.inspect("lat") ts =testplanet.inspect("tsa",tavg=True) tsavg=np.mean(ts)-273.15 print("Year: ",n," tsa: ",tsavg) savename = 'ressu' testplanet.finalize(savename,allyears=False,clean=False,keeprestarts=True)


peen=0 runc1=1

for n in range(0,looplen): print("Loop year ",n) testplanet.modify(flux=fluxi1) #number of output times (months) in the output files testplanet.exportcfg() runc1=1,crashifbroken=True)

lon = testplanet.inspect("lon") lat = testplanet.inspect("lat") ts =testplanet.inspect("tsa",tavg=True) tsavg=np.mean(ts)-273.15

print("Year: ",n," tsa: ",tsavg)

savename = 'ressu'+str(runc1) testplanet.finalize(savename,allyears=False,clean=False,keeprestarts=True)

print("Return.") return(0)

print(" Exoplasim simulation restart code ---")

    1. jn warning maybe nok
  1. input_dem='./indata/'
  2. input_dem='./indata/'
  3. input_dem='./indata/'
  4. input_dem='/indata/'
  5. input_dem='./indata/'
  6. input_dem='./indata/' ## OK
  7. input_dem='./indata/' ## nok
  8. input_dem='./indata/Map24_PALEOMAP_1deg_Early' ## nok
  9. input_dem='./indata/' ##nok
    1. input_dem='./indata/'
  1. input_dem="./indata/"
  1. input_dem="./indata/"
  1. input_dem='./indata/' ## OK
  1. input_dem='./indata/' #90ma

input_dem='./maps1/Map49_PALEOMAP_1deg_Permo-Triassic' # PT raja co2 1600. jopa 3000-4000

  1. input_dem='./indata/' ## Late Pennsylcanian ice, co2 200? 250?
  1. input_dem="./indata/"
  1. indatafile1='./indata/'
  1. input_dem=""
  2. a_yr=14500
    1. load_glac1d_dem(indatafile1, input_dem, 14500)
    1. input one de scotese palaeomap dem!
  1. def convert_to_t42(infilename1, outfilename1):
  1. topo, lons, lats=convert_to_t21(input_dem, "")
  1. topo, lons, lats=convert_to_t42(input_dem, "")
  1. plt.imshow(topo,cmap='gist_earth')
  1. input_dem="./" ##dem of desert planet

a_modelname1="planet" a_workdir1="planet_run"

a_runsteps1=200 a_years1=a_runsteps1 a_timestep1=30 a_snapshots1=0 a_ncpus1=4 a_layers1=8 a_outputtype1=".nc"

  1. a_resolution1="T42"

a_resolution1="T21" a_precision1=4 a_crashtolerant1=True a_landmap1="landmask.sra" a_topomap1="topo.sra"

    1. nowadays ca 0 BP
  1. a_eccentricity1=0.01671022
  2. a_obliquity1=23.44
  3. a_lonvernaleq1=102.7
  4. a_pCO21=360e-6
    1. 10000 yrs ago
  1. a_eccentricity1=0.0194246086670259
  2. a_obliquity1=24.230720588
  3. a_lonvernaleq1=295.26651297
  4. a_pCO21=265e-6
    1. 14500 yrs ago
  1. a_eccentricity1=0.019595
  2. a_obliquity1=23.6801
  3. a_lonvernaleq1=221.5
  4. (229.64+213.3)/2
  5. a_pCO21=210e-6
    1. 25000 yrs ago
  1. a_eccentricity1=0.0178681374211005
  2. a_obliquity1= 22.408850897
  3. a_lonvernaleq1=49.92
  4. a_pCO21=180e-6
    1. cretaceous

a_eccentricity1=0.0167022 a_obliquity1=23.441 a_lonvernaleq1=282.7 a_pCO21=5000.0e-6

  1. a_pCO21=700.0e-6

    1. early permian 295 ma
    2. late pennsylvanian 300 ma
  1. a_eccentricity1=0.01671022
  2. a_obliquity1=23.441
  3. a_lonvernaleq1=282.7
  4. a_pCO2=250.0e-6 ## ca 200 - 250 ppmvol
  5. a_pCO21=180.0e-6
  6. a_pCO21=100.0e-6
    1. permo-triassic boundary ca 250 ma
  1. a_eccentricity1=0.01671022
  2. a_obliquity1=23.441
  3. a_lonvernaleq1=282.7
  4. a_pCO21=1600.0e-6 ## cal1600 ppmvol 3000 ? 2000-4000

print("Exoplasim ...")

    1. if you run simu first time, you must set
  1. firstrun=1
  1. firstrun=1

firstrun=1 a_years1=500

exo_runner_restarting(firstrun, input_dem, a_resolution1, a_layers1, a_years1,a_timestep1,a_snapshots1,a_ncpus1,a_eccentricity1,a_obliquity1,a_lonvernaleq1,a_pCO21)



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File history

Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.

current15:52, 9 December 2023Thumbnail for version as of 15:52, 9 December 20231,600 × 800 (450 KB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)Update
09:14, 22 November 2023Thumbnail for version as of 09:14, 22 November 20231,600 × 800 (513 KB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)Update of layout
07:42, 22 November 2023Thumbnail for version as of 07:42, 22 November 20231,600 × 800 (494 KB)Merikanto (talk | contribs)Uploaded own work with UploadWizard

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