File:Fourier transform – Rectangular.svg
Original file (SVG file, nominally 282 × 270 pixels, file size: 79 KB)
DescriptionFourier transform – Rectangular.svg |
English: Fourier transform: Rectangular window
Italiano: Trasformata di Fourier: Finestra rettangolare |
Date | ||||
Source | Own work | |||
Author | Bob K (original version), Olli Niemitalo, BobQQ, Luca Ghio | |||
Permission (Reusing this file) |
I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:
Other versions |
File:Window function and frequency response - Rectangular.svg File:Window function – Rectangular.svg |
SVG development InfoField | This vector image was created with perl. |
The script below generates these SVG images:
- File:Window function and frequency response - Bartlett-Hann.svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Blackman.svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Blackman-Harris.svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Blackman-Nuttall.svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Approximate confined Gaussian (sigma t = 0.1N).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Confined Gaussian (sigma t = 0.1N).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Cosine.svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Dolph-Chebyshev (alpha = 5).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - DPSS (alpha = 2).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - DPSS (alpha = 3).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Exponential (60dB decay).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Exponential (half window decay).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Gaussian (sigma = 0.4).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Hamming (alpha = 0.53836).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Hann.svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Hann-Poisson (alpha = 2).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Kaiser (alpha = 2).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Kaiser (alpha = 3).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Lanczos.svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Nuttall (continuous first derivative).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Parzen.svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Planck-Bessel (epsilon = 0.1, alpha = 4.45).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Planck-taper (epsilon = 0.1).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Rectangular.svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - SRS flat top.svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Triangular.svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Tukey (alpha = 0.5).svg
- File:Window function and frequency response - Welch.svg
The script is not MATLAB-compatible.
pkg load signal
graphics_toolkit gnuplot
set (0, "defaultaxesfontname", "sans-serif")
set (0, "defaultaxesfontsize", 12)
set (0, "defaultaxeslinewidth", 1)
function plotWindow (w, wname, wfilename = "", wspecifier = "", wfilespecifier = "")
M = 32; % Fourier transform size as multiple of window length
Q = 512; % Number of samples in time domain plot
P = 40; % Maximum bin index drawn
dr = 130; % Maximum attenuation (dB) drawn in frequency domain plot
N = length(w);
B = N*sum(w.^2)/sum(w)^2 % noise bandwidth (bins)
k = [0 : 1/Q : 1];
w2 = interp1 ([0 : 1/(N-1) : 1], w, k);
if (M/N < Q)
Q = M/N;
figure('position', [1 1 1200 600])
area(k,w2,'FaceColor', [0 0.4 0.6], 'edgecolor', [0 0 0], 'linewidth', 1)
if (min(w) >= -0.01)
ylim([0 1.05])
set(gca,'YTick', [0 : 0.1 : 1])
ylim([-1 5])
set(gca,'YTick', [-1 : 1 : 5])
set(gca,'XTick', [0 : 1/8 : 1])
set(gca,'XTickLabel',[' 0'; ' '; ' '; ' '; ' '; ' '; ' '; ' '; 'N-1'])
if (strcmp (wspecifier, ""))
title(cstrcat(wname,' window'), 'interpreter', 'none')
title(cstrcat(wname,' window (', wspecifier, ')'), 'interpreter', 'none')
set(gca,'Position',[0.094 0.17 0.38 0.71])
H = abs(fft([w zeros(1,(M-1)*N)]));
H = fftshift(H);
H = H/max(H);
H = 20*log10(H);
H = max(-dr,H);
k = ([1:M*N]-1-M*N/2)/M;
k2 = [-P : 1/M : P];
H2 = interp1 (k, H, k2);
h = stem(k2,H2,'-');
xlim([-P P])
ylim([-dr 6])
set(gca,'YTick', [0 : -10 : -dr])
set(findobj('Type','line'),'Marker','none','Color',[0.8710 0.49 0])
set(findobj('Type','gridline'),'Color',[.871 .49 0])
title('Fourier transform')
set(gca,'Position',[0.595 0.17 0.385 0.71])
if (strcmp (wfilename, ""))
wfilename = wname;
if (strcmp (wfilespecifier, ""))
wfilespecifier = wspecifier;
if (strcmp (wfilespecifier, ""))
savetoname = cstrcat('Window function and frequency response - ', wfilename, '.svg');
savetoname = cstrcat('Window function and frequency response - ', wfilename, ' (', wfilespecifier, ').svg');
print(savetoname, '-dsvg', '-S1200,600')
N=2^17; % Window length, B is equal for Triangular and Bartlett from 2^17
s = 0.1*N;
w = exp(-(k - (N - 1)/2).^2./(4*s.^2)) - exp(-(-1/2 - (N - 1)/2).^2./(4*s.^2)).*(exp(-(k+N - (N - 1)/2).^2./(4*s.^2)) + exp(-(k-N - (N - 1)/2).^2./(4*s.^2)))./(exp(-(-1/2+N - (N - 1)/2).^2./(4*s.^2)) + exp(-(-1/2 - N - (N - 1)/2).^2./(4*s.^2)));
plotWindow(w, "App. conf. Gaussian", "Approximate confined Gaussian", 'σₜ = 0.1N', "sigma_t = 0.1N");
w = parzenwin(N).';
plotWindow(w, "Parzen");
w = 1-((k-(N-1)/2)/((N+1)/2)).^2;
plotWindow(w, "Welch");
alpha = 5; % Attenuation in 20 dB units
w = chebwin(N, alpha * 20).';
plotWindow(w, "Dolph–Chebyshev", "Dolph-Chebyshev", 'α = 5', "alpha = 5")
w = 0.35875 - 0.48829*cos(2*pi*k/(N-1)) + 0.14128*cos(4*pi*k/(N-1)) -0.01168*cos(6*pi*k/(N-1));
plotWindow(w, "Blackman–Harris", "Blackman-Harris")
w = 0.62 -0.48*abs(k/(N-1) -0.5) +0.38*cos(2*pi*(k/(N-1) -0.5));
plotWindow(w, "Bartlett–Hann", "Bartlett-Hann")
w = 0.53836 - 0.46164*cos(2*pi*k/(N-1));
plotWindow(w, "Hamming", "Hamming", 'α = 0.53836', "alpha = 0.53836")
w = 1 - 1.93*cos(2*pi*k/(N-1)) + 1.29*cos(4*pi*k/(N-1)) -0.388*cos(6*pi*k/(N-1)) +0.028*cos(8*pi*k/(N-1));
plotWindow(w, "SRS flat top")
alpha = 2;
w = 1/2*(1 - cos(2*pi*k/(N-1))).*exp(alpha*abs(N-2*k-1)/(1-N));
plotWindow(w, "Hann–Poisson", "Hann-Poisson", 'α = 2', "alpha = 2")
w = 0.42 - 0.5*cos(2*pi*k/(N-1)) + 0.08*cos(4*pi*k/(N-1));
plotWindow(w, "Blackman")
w = 0.355768 - 0.487396*cos(2*pi*k/(N-1)) + 0.144232*cos(4*pi*k/(N-1)) -0.012604*cos(6*pi*k/(N-1));
plotWindow(w, "Nuttall", "Nuttall", "continuous first derivative")
w = ones(1,N);
plotWindow(w, "Rectangular")
w = (N/2 - abs(k-(N-1)/2))/(N/2);
plotWindow(w, "Triangular")
w = 0.5 - 0.5*cos(2*pi*k/(N-1));
plotWindow(w, "Hann")
alpha = 0.5;
w = ones(1,N);
n = -(N-1)/2 : -alpha*N/2;
L = length(n);
w(1:L) = 0.5*(1+cos(pi*(abs(n)-alpha*N/2)/((1-alpha)*N/2)));
w(N : -1 : N-L+1) = w(1:L);
plotWindow(w, "Tukey", "Tukey", 'α = 0.5', "alpha = 0.5")
w = sin(pi*k/(N-1));
plotWindow(w, "Cosine")
w = sinc(2*k/(N-1)-1);
plotWindow(w, "Lanczos")
w = ((N-1)/2 - abs([0:N-1]-(N-1)/2))/((N-1)/2);
plotWindow(w, "Bartlett")
sigma = 0.4;
w = exp(-0.5*( (k-(N-1)/2)/(sigma*(N-1)/2) ).^2);
plotWindow(w, "Gaussian", "Gaussian", 'σ = 0.4', "sigma = 0.4")
alpha = 2;
w = besseli(0,pi*alpha*sqrt(1-(2*k/(N-1) -1).^2))/besseli(0,pi*alpha);
plotWindow(w, "Kaiser", "Kaiser", 'α = 2', "alpha = 2")
alpha = 3;
w = besseli(0,pi*alpha*sqrt(1-(2*k/(N-1) -1).^2))/besseli(0,pi*alpha);
plotWindow(w, "Kaiser", "Kaiser", 'α = 3', "alpha = 3")
tau = N-1;
epsilon = 0.1;
t_cut = tau * (0.5 - epsilon);
T_in = abs(k - 0.5 * tau);
z_exp = ((t_cut - 0.5 * tau) ./ (T_in - t_cut) + (t_cut - 0.5 * tau) ./ (T_in - 0.5 * tau));
sigma = (T_in < 0.5 * tau) ./ (exp(z_exp) + 1);
w = 1 * (T_in <= t_cut) + sigma .* (T_in > t_cut);
plotWindow(w, "Planck-taper", "Planck-taper", 'ε = 0.1', "epsilon = 0.1")
w = 0.3635819 - 0.4891775*cos(2*pi*k/(N-1)) + 0.1365995*cos(4*pi*k/(N-1)) -0.0106411*cos(6*pi*k/(N-1));
plotWindow(w, "Blackman–Nuttall", "Blackman-Nuttall")
tau = (N/2);
w = exp(-abs(k-(N-1)/2)/tau);
plotWindow(w, "Exponential", "Exponential", 'τ = N/2', "half window decay")
tau = (N/2)/(60/8.69);
w = exp(-abs(k-(N-1)/2)/tau);
plotWindow(w, "Exponential", "Exponential", 'τ = (N/2)/(60/8.69)', "60dB decay")
tau = N-1;
alpha = 4.45;
epsilon = 0.1;
t_cut = tau * (0.5 - epsilon);
t_in = k - 0.5 * tau;
T_in = abs(t_in);
z_exp = ((t_cut - 0.5 * tau) ./ (T_in - t_cut) + (t_cut - 0.5 * tau) ./ (T_in - 0.5 * tau));
sigma = (T_in < 0.5 * tau) ./ (exp(z_exp) + 1);
w = (1 * (T_in <= t_cut) + sigma .* (T_in > t_cut)) .* besseli(0, pi*alpha * sqrt(1 - (2 * t_in / tau).^2)) / besseli(0, pi*alpha);
plotWindow(w, "Planck–Bessel", "Planck-Bessel", "ε = 0.1, α = 4.45", "epsilon = 0.1, alpha = 4.45")
N = 4097;
alpha = 2;
s = sin(alpha*2*pi/N*[1:N-1])./[1:N-1];
c0 = [alpha*2*pi/N,s];
A = toeplitz(c0);
[V,evals] = eigs(A, 1);
[emax,imax] = max(abs(diag(evals)));
w = abs(V(:,imax));
w = w.';
w = w / max(w);
plotWindow(w, "DPSS", "DPSS", 'α = 2', "alpha = 2")
N = 4097;
alpha = 3;
s = sin(alpha*2*pi/N*[1:N-1])./[1:N-1];
c0 = [alpha*2*pi/N,s];
A = toeplitz(c0);
[V,evals] = eigs(A, 1);
[emax,imax] = max(abs(diag(evals)));
w = abs(V(:,imax));
w = w.';
w = w / max(w);
plotWindow(w, "DPSS", "DPSS", 'α = 3', "alpha = 3")
global N T P abar target_stnorm;
N = 2049; % This is will take a lot of time with N = 2049
k = 0:N-1;
target_stnorm = 0.1;
function [g,sigma_w,sigma_t] = CGWn(alpha, n)
% determine eigenvectors of M(alpha)
global N P T
opts.maxit = 10000;
if(n ~= N)
[g,lambda] = eigs(P + alpha*T, n, 'sa', opts);
[g,lambda] = eig(P + alpha*T);
sigma_t = sqrt(diag((g'*T*g) / (g'*g)));
sigma_w = sqrt(diag((g'*P*g) / (g'*g)));
function [h1] = helperCGW(anorm)
global N abar target_stnorm
[~,~,sigma_t] = CGWn(anorm*abar,1);
h1 = sigma_t - target_stnorm * N;
% define alphabar, and matrices T and P
T = zeros(N,N);
P = zeros(N,N);
for k=1:N
T(k,k) = (k - (N+1)/2)^2;
for l=1:N
if k ~= l
P(k,l) = 2*(-1)^(k-l)/(k-l)^2;
P(k,l) = pi^2/3;
abar = (10/N)^4/4
[anorm, aval] = fzero(@helperCGW, 0.1/target_stnorm);
[CGWg, CGWsigma_w, CGWsigma_t] = CGWn(anorm*abar,1);
w = CGWg * sign(mean(CGWg));
w = w'/max(w);
plotWindow(w, "Confined Gaussian", "Confined Gaussian", 'σₜ = 0.1N', "sigma_t = 0.1N");
The generated SVG files should be post-processed by the following Perl script, to change the SVG metadata title from "Gnuplot" to the body of the file name, and to unobfuscate Unicode character codes (for Greek symbols and en dash). The script will scan the current directory for .svg files and makes the necessary changes if they have not already been made.
opendir (DIR, '.') or die $!;
while ($file = readdir(DIR)) {
$ext = substr($file, length($file)-4);
if ($ext eq '.svg') {
($pre, $name) = split(" - ", substr($file, 0, length($file)-4));
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open (INPUTFILE, "<", $file) or die $!;
while ($line = <INPUTFILE>) {
$line =~ s/&/&/g;
if ($line eq "<title>Gnuplot</title>\n") {
$line = '<title>Window function and its Fourier transform – '.$name."</title>"."\n";
@lines[0+@lines] = $line;
open (OUTPUTFILE, ">", $file) or die $!;
for ($t = 0; $t < @lines; $t++) {
print(OUTPUTFILE $lines[$t]);
closedir (DIR);
File history
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Date/Time | Thumbnail | Dimensions | User | Comment | |
current | 21:50, 11 June 2016 | 282 × 270 (79 KB) | Luca Ghio (talk | contribs) | {{Information |Description={{en|Fourier transform: Rectangular window}} {{it|Trasformata di Fourier: Finestra rettangolare}} |Source={{own}} |Date={{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}-{{subst:CURRENTMONTH}}-{{subst:CURRENTDAY2}} |Author=Bob K (original... |
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Short title | Window function and its Fourier transform – Rectangular |
Image title | Produced by GNUPLOT 4.6 patchlevel 0 |
Width | 282.04385 |
Height | 269.60889 |