Commons:Deletion requests/File:Sony Ericsson K 850 media.jpg
screenshots of the phone's software with seem not to be a free-software. Mys 721tx (talk) 00:29, 3 July 2011 (UTC)
Toto je skutečně screenshots telefonu. Mého a mnou zakoupeného. Zkuste tedy doplnit jinou licenci. -- This is a real phone screenshots. My and my purchased. So try to add another license. Pannage (talk) 07:52, 3 July 2011 (UTC)
- Although you have purchased the phone, the graphic design still belongs to the original copyright holder. However I'm not sure if it is complicated enough to be copyrighted --Ben.MQ (talk) 08:29, 3 July 2011 (UTC)
- Samozřejmě toto chápu. Jen si myslím, že prezentování screenshotu, mnou vytvořeným, práva nijak vážne neporušuji. Software nijak nenabízím, neprodávám, nekritizuji, jen poukazuji na jeho přednosti. -- Of course I understand this. I just think that screenshot presentation, created by me, seriously, does not violate any law. The software does not offer, sell, do not criticize, just to point out its advantages.
Pokud jste názoru že jde o porušení autorských práv, nebo je toto porušení autorských práv, odstraňte tento soubor a nečekejte ode mne žádné další příspěvky, protože netuším již jak se vyhnou autorským právům. Vyfotím li cokoli, vše má majitele a může se jednat o porušení autorských práv. Nebo mi prosím vysvětlete, jak toto vyřešit. -- If you believe that it is a violation of copyright or the copyright infringement, delete this file and do not expect from me any more contributions, because they have no idea how to avoid copyright. Take a photo if anything, all the owners and may be an infringement of copyright. Or please explain me how to solve this. Pannage (talk) 10:20, 3 July 2011 (UTC)
Deleted: copyright violation Aude (talk) 00:10, 13 September 2011 (UTC)