(Redirected from Chinese Soviet Republic)
English: The Chinese Soviet Republic (traditional Chinese:
), also translated as the Soviet Republic of China or the China Soviet Republic, and often referred to in historical literature as the Jiangxi Soviet (after its largest component territory the Jiangxi-Fujian Soviet, seat of its central government), was a state established in November 1931 by the Communist Party of China leader Mao Zedong, general Zhu De and others.
While the first Soviet Government and Territory Base in Chinese history was the HaiLufeng Soviet established in Haifeng and Lufeng counties, Guangdong Province, on November, 1927; though it only sustained for less than 4 months. The leader was Peng Pai.Leaders
彭湃(Peng Pai),中国农民革命运动的先导者和著名的海陆丰苏维埃政权的创始人。
Zhu De with NRA Emblem.
Zhu De on horse back.
Zhu De.
Zhu De wearing Blue Star White Sun Emblem.
Mao and Zhu De.徐肖冰还拍摄了一张特殊的照片—— 毛泽东和朱德在中国共产党七大会议期间的合影。因为国共合作抗日,照片中的朱德头上戴的是国民党军帽。
He Long. 八路军第一二O师师长贺龙
張國燾 Zhang Guotao in Yan'an.
Zhu De
Zhang Guotao.張國燾, 江西省萍鄉人;中國共產黨發起人之一,中共早期領導人之一.
Wang Ming
Gao Gang. 高岗,中国陕西横山县人。中国共产党高级领导人之一。
On 7 Nov 1931 the Chinese soviet was formally established, group photo was taken, including Mao Zedong, Zhu De, etc.
1937 Mao Zedong Wang Ming in Yan'an.
1937 Mao Zhou Bougu Wang Ming in Yan'an.1937年,毛澤東和周恩來、博古在延安
1932-1939 Conintern agent. Li De, German military advisor for the Chinese communists in Yan'an.
Liu Zhidan.
Lin Biao.八路军一一五师师长林彪
Kang Seng
Mao and Wang Ming in Yan'an.
Xiang Ying 項英
Soldiers and Activists
Female eight route soldiers.
Bare foot revolutionary.
Eight Route Army soldier with Blue Sky Red Sun flag.
ROC warplanes in formation.
Openning ceremony 1931
1931 Chinese Red Army .1931年11月,中华苏维埃第一次全国代表大会在中央革命根据地的江西瑞金召开。 大会宣告中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府成立,并举行了阅兵仪式。图为大会检阅红军盛况。
1931 military parade of formation of Chinese Soviet Republic.
On 7 Nov 1931 the Chinese soviet was formally established, group photo was taken, including Mao Zedong, Zhu De, etc.
Peasants carting supply for communists.人民群眾支援戰爭前線
Chinese soviet emblem1.
Mao and Zhu De on Red Army inspection .1944年11月,毛澤東主席、朱德總司令在王震旅長陪同下檢閱八路軍第359旅南下支隊。
1946 Yan'an military parade.1946年3月4日,毛澤東、朱德等在延安機場舉行閱兵式,歡迎軍事三人小組馬歇兒、張治中、周恩來。
Chinese Red Army in the first anti-encirclement.
English: Anna Louise Strong ( 1885 November 24–1970 March 29) was a twentieth-century communist American journalist. She is perhaps best categorized as a "fellow-traveler." She is controversially known for her coverage of, and alleged support for, communist movements in Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the People's Republic of China.
The Bank of Soviet bank note.
Russian representatives
[edit]Flags and insignia
Chinese soviet flag.
中華蘇維埃共和國戰旗 War flag of the Soviet Republic of China. Bandeira da guerra da República Soviética da China Bandera
See also
[edit]- 中國工農紅軍
- Whampoa Military Academy 中國國民黨陸軍軍官學校
- Comintern 共產國際