Category talk:Radical+0 strokes

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Number of images / radical / glyph | Unicode / stroke count / [variations]

6 R.001 一 U+4E00 1
2 R.002 丨 U+4E28 1
3 R.003 丶 U+4E36 1
6 R.004 丿 U+4E3F 1 2 乀 U+4E40 乁 U+4E41
14 R.005 乙 U+4E59 1 2 乚 U+4E5A 乛 U+4E5B
2 R.006 亅 U+4E85 1
4 R.007 二 U+4E8C 2
2 R.008 亠 U+4EA0 2
7 R.009 人 U+4EBA 2 1 亻 U+4EBB
3 R.010 儿 U+513F 2
3 R.011 入 U+5165 2
4 R.012 八 U+516B 2
2 R.013 冂 U+5182 2
2 R.014 冖 U+5196 2
1 R.015 冫 U+51AB 2
4 R.016 几 U+51E0 2
3 R.017 凵 U+51F5 2
9 R.018 刀 U+5200 2 2 刁 U+5201 刂 U+5202
4 R.019 力 U+529B 2
2 R.020 勹 U+52F9 2
3 R.021 匕 U+5315 2
6 R.022 匚 U+531A 2
2 R.023 匸 U+5338 2
3 R.024 十 U+5341 2
2 R.025 卜 U+535C 2
5 R.026 卩 U+5369 2 1 㔾 U+353E
3 R.027 厂 U+5382 2
2 R.028 厶 U+53B6 2
4 R.029 又 U+53C8 2
4 R.030 口 U+53E3 3
2 R.031 囗 U+56D7 3
4 R.032 土 U+571F 3
4 R.033 士 U+58EB 3
4 R.034 夂 U+5902 3
3 R.035 夊 U+590A 3
4 R.036 夕 U+5915 3
2 R.037 大 U+5927 3 1 夨 U+5928
6 R.038 女 U+5973 3
26 R.039 子 U+5B50 3 3 孑 U+5B51 孒 U+5B52 孓 U+5B53
3 R.040 宀 U+5B80 3
4 R.041 寸 U+5BF8 3
7 R.042 小 U+5C0F 3
8 R.043 尢 U+5C22 3 1 尣 U+5C23
3 R.044 尸 U+5C38 3
2 R.045 屮 U+5C6E 3
5 R.046 山 U+5C71 3
10 R.047 巛 U+5DDB 3 2 巜 U+5DDC 川 U+5DDD
5 R.048 工 U+5DE5 3
11 R.049 己 U+5DF1 3 2 已 U+5DF2 巳 U+5DF3
3 R.050 巾 U+5DFE 3
4 R.051 干 U+5E72 3
7 R.052 幺 U+5E7A 3 1 乡 U+4E61
4 R.053 广 U+5E7F 3
4 R.054 廴 U+5EF4 3
3 R.055 廾 U+5EFE 3
5 R.056 弋 U+5F0B 3
4 R.057 弓 U+5F13 3
6 R.058 彐 U+5F50 3 1 彑 U+5F51
3 R.059 彡 U+5F61 3
2 R.060 彳 U+5F73 3
15 R.061 心 U+5FC3 4 2 忄 U+5FC4 㣺 38FA
5 R.062 戈 U+6208 4
4 R.063 戶 U+6236 4 2 户 U+6237 戸 U+6238
7 R.064 手 U+624B 4 2 扌 U+624C 才 U+624D
3 R.065 支 U+652F 4
5 R.066 攴 U+6534 4 1 攵 U+6535
4 R.067 文 U+6587 4
2 R.068 斗 U+6597 4
3 R.069 斤 U+65A4 4
5 R.070 方 U+65B9 4
6 R.071 无 U+65E1 4 1 旡 U+650
4 R.072 日 U+65E5 4
3 R.073 曰 U+66F0 4
4 R.074 月 U+6708 4 1 ⺝ 2E9D
7 R.075 木 U+6728 4 1 朩 U+6729
3 R.076 欠 U+6B20 4
5 R.077 止 U+6B62 4
4 R.078 歹 U+6B79 4 1 歺 U+6B7A
2 R.079 殳 U+6BB3 4
8 R.080 毋 U+6BCB 4 2 毌 U+6BCC 母 U+6BCD
4 R.081 比 U+6BD4 4
3 R.082 毛 U+6BDB 4
2 R.083 氏 U+6C0F 4
3 R.084 气 U+6C14 4
3 R.085 水 U+6C34 4 1 氵 U+6C35
6 R.086 火 U+706B 4 1 灬 U+706C
5 R.087 爪 U+722A 4 1 爫 U+722B
3 R.088 父 U+7236 4
2 R.089 爻 U+723B 4
4 R.090 爿 U+723F 4 2 ⺦ 2EA6 丬 U+4E2C
3 R.091 片 U+7247 4
2 R.092 牙 U+7259 4
7 R.093 牛 U+725B 4 1 牜 U+725C
4 R.094 犬 U+72AC 4 1 犭 U+72AD
2 R.095 玄 U+7384 5
17 R.096 玉 U+7389 5 2 玊 U+738A 王 U+738B
3 R.097 瓜 U+74DC 5
4 R.098 瓦 U+74E6 5
2 R.099 甘 U+7518 5
5 R.100 生 U+751F 5
5 R.101 用 U+7528 5 1 甩 U+7529
18 R.102 田 U+7530 5 5 由 U+7531 甲 U+7532 申 U+7533 甴 U+7534 电 U+7535
4 R.103 疋 U+758B 5
2 R.104 疒 U+7592 5
2 R.105 癶 U+7676 5
3 R.106 白 U+767D 5
4 R.107 皮 U+76AE 5
2 R.108 皿 U+76BF 5
1 R.109 目 U+76EE 5
2 R.110 矛 U+77DB 5
3 R.111 矢 U+77E2 5
3 R.112 石 U+77F3 5
5 R.113 示 U+793A 5 1 礻 U+793B
1 R.114 禸 U+79B8 5
2 R.115 禾 U+79BE 5
2 R.116 穴 U+7A74 5
3 R.117 立 U+7ACB 5
6 R.118 竹 U+7AF9 6 1 ⺮ U+2EAE
3 R.119 米 U+7C73 6
3 R.120 糸 U+7CF8 6 2 糹 U+7CF9 纟 U+7E9F
2 R.121 缶 U+7F36 6
11 R.122 网 U+7F51 6 6 ⺳ U+2EB3 ⺴ U+2EB4 ⺵ U+2EB5 㓁 U+34C1 罒 U+7F52 罓 U+7F53
6 R.123 羊 U+7F8A 6
3 R.124 羽 U+7FBD 6
6 R.125 老 U+8001 6 2 耂 U+8002 考 U+8003
3 R.126 而 U+800C 6
2 R.127 耒 U+8012 6
5 R.128 耳 U+8033 6
4 R.129 聿 U+807F 6 1 肀 U+8080
5 R.130 肉 U+8089 6 1 ⺼ 2EBC
7 R.131 臣 U+81E3 6
5 R.132 自 U+81EA 6
3 R.133 至 U+81F3 6
4 R.134 臼 U+81FC 6
3 R.135 舌 U+820C 6
2 R.136 舛 U+821B 6
4 R.137 舟 U+821F 6
2 R.138 艮 U+826E 6
3 R.139 色 U+8272 6
13 R.140 艸 U+8278 6 1 艹 U+8279
5 R.141 虍 U+864D 6
3 R.142 虫 U+866B 6
3 R.143 血 U+8840 6
3 R.144 行 U+884C 6
5 R.145 衣 U+8863 6 1 衤 U+8864
7 R.146 襾 U+897E 6 2 西 U+897F 覀 U+8980
6 R.147 見 U+898B 7 1 见 U+89C1
5 R.148 角 U+89D2 7
3 R.149 言 U+8A00 7 2 訁 U+8A01 讠 U+8BA0
3 R.150 谷 U+8C37 7
1 R.151 豆 U+8C46 7
3 R.152 豕 U+8C55 7
2 R.153 豸 U+8C78 7
5 R.154 貝 U+8C9D 7 1 贝 U+8D1D
3 R.155 赤 U+8D64 7
4 R.156 走 U+8D70 7 1 赱 U+8D71
5 R.157 足 U+8DB3 7 1 ⻊ U+2ECA
6 R.158 身 U+8EAB 7
7 R.159 車 U+8ECA 7 1 车 U+8F66
2 R.160 辛 U+8F9B 7
2 R.161 辰 U+8FB0 7
12 R.162 辵 U+8FB5 7 1 辶 U+8FB6
5 R.163 邑 U+9091 7 1 ⻏ U+2ECF
2 R.164 酉 U+9149 7
2 R.165 釆 U+91C6 7
4 R.166 里 U+91CC 7
7 R.167 金 U+91D1 8 2 釒 U+91D2 钅 U+9485
8 R.168 長 U+9577 8 2 镸 U+9578 长 U+957F
8 R.169 門 U+9580 8 1 门 U+95E8
5 R.170 阜 U+961C 8 2 阝 U+961D ⻖ U+2ED6
2 R.171 隶 U+96B6 8
2 R.172 隹 U+96B9 8
4 R.173 雨 U+96E8 8
7 R.174 靑 U+9751 8 1 青 U+9752
3 R.175 非 U+975E 8
5 R.176 面 U+9762 9 1 靣 U+9763
2 R.177 革 U+9769 9
5 R.178 韋 U+97CB 9 1 韦 U+97E6
2 R.179 韭 U+97ED 9
3 R.180 音 U+97F3 9
5 R.181 頁 U+9801 9 1 页 U+9875
5 R.182 風 U+98A8 9 1 风 U+98CE
5 R.183 飛 U+98DB 9 1 飞 U+98DE
11 R.184 食 U+98DF 9 2 飠 U+98E0 饣 U+9963
3 R.185 首 U+9996 9
4 R.186 香 U+9999 9
7 R.187 馬 U+99AC 10 1 马 U+9A6C
6 R.188 骨 U+9AA8 10
6 R.189 高 U+9AD8 10 1 髙 U+9AD9
2 R.190 髟 U+9ADF 10
2 R.191 鬥 U+9B25 10
2 R.192 鬯 U+9B2F 10
2 R.193 鬲 U+9B32 10
6 R.194 鬼 U+9B3C 10
7 R.195 魚 U+9B5A 11 1 鱼 U+9C7C
6 R.196 鳥 U+9CE5 11 1 鸟 U+9E1F
4 R.197 鹵 U+9E75 11 1 卤 U+5364
2 R.198 鹿 U+9E7F 11
5 R.199 麥 U+9EA5 11 1 麦 U+9EA6
2 R.200 麻 U+9EBB 11
5 R.201 黃 U+9EC3 12 1 黄 U+9EC4
2 R.202 黍 U+9ECD 12
6 R.203 黑 U+9ED1 12 1 黒 U+9ED2
2 R.204 黹 U+9EF9 12
4 R.205 黽 U+9EFD 13 1 黾 U+9EFE
2 R.206 鼎 U+9F0E 13
5 R.207 鼓 U+9F13 13 1 鼔 U+9F14
4 R.208 鼠 U+9F20 13 1 鼡 U+9F21
2 R.209 鼻 U+9F3B 14
4 R.210 齊 U+9F4A 14 2 齐 U+9F50 斉 U+6589
7 R.211 齒 U+9F52 15 2 齿 U+9F7F 歯 U+6B6F
7 R.212 龍 U+9F8D 16 2 龙 U+9F99 竜 U+7ADC
14 R.213 龜 U+9F9C 16 2 亀 U+4E80 龟 U+9F9F
2 R.214 龠 U+9FA0 17

To Do


Most of this work could be done most effeciently by BOTs; but without the possibility of using one, it can be done manually.

  1. Files: Many many files showing one representation of the single Kangxi radical characters, 214 +~99 variants, should be correctly re-categorized, using tl:Rcat. From the Category:Kangxi Chinese radicals, all are done.
    ° many remain to be checked, estimated ~ 1500.
  2. Categories: If not yet defined, creation of these ~500 to 700 categories; if defined earlier, edit them, categorizing to the 214 radicals, using tl:CJK category. ✓ Done
  3. Over categories: Create the still missing ones of the 214 categories "Radical xxx-0", using tl:Radical0 (by BOT and its Lists). ✓ Done

Rcat (for singe character image files) has two to five parameters,

{{Rcat|<character>|<radical_number>|<add. strokes>|<license>|<variant>}}


  1. <character> is the character itself,
  2. <radical_number> This parameter passes a 3-digit-number <###> between 001 and 214 to the template. The [[Category:Radical ###—#]] will be generated, for images belonging to the 214 Traditional Radicals.
  3. <add. strokes> This is an optional field for the additional stroke count. This parameter enables the use of the template for radicals as well as for non-radicals.
  4. <license> This optional field may be used to set a license for the file. The value may be:
    • (nothing) no license
    • b” :  cc-by-sa-2.0 license
    • c” :  cc-by-sa-2.5 license
    • f” :  GDFL license
    • g” :  cc-by-sa-3.0 license
    • o” :  PD-old license
    • s” :  PD-self license
  5. <variant> This optional field may be used if the character has special attributes. The value may be either:


[[Category:Radical ###–0]]

CJK category (for singe character categories) is used
{{CJK category| radical number | additional strokes | unicode codepoint}}

Example: {{CJK category|001|0|U+4E00}}

Each of the 214 over-categories “Category:Radical 001-0” to “Category:Radical 001-0” should

  1. be generated (see BOT and its Lists)
  2. invoke the template «Radical0» with these parameters:
    1. the character
    2. the number of the radical without leading zeroes
    3. the number of strokes (of the radical; additional strokes is always "0")
    4. the pronounciation in pinyin
    5. the codepoint (between 4E00 and 9FA0)
    6. (1st variation, if any)
    7. (2nd variation, if any)
    8. (3rd variation, if any)
    9. (4th variation, if any)
    10. (5th variation, if any)

So it may look somehow like
{{Radical0|山|46|3|shān|5C71}}   or

The next level of over-category are the 214 o-cats "Category:Radical ###".
At the moment they are catgorized ba "tl:Wiktionary", and it will be done better by "tl:Radicalw".