Camposanto (Pisa)
(Redirected from Camposanto in Pisa)
English: graveyard Camposanto in Pisa
Deutsch: Friedhof Camposanto in Pisa
Italiano: Camposanto Monumentale di Pisa
South wall
court, view east
court, view east
court, view west
Floor plaque
Floor plaque
Camposanto chains
Tomb of Ottaviano Fabrizio Mossotti
Tomba di Francesco Algarotti
Roman age sarcophagi
[edit]Buffalmacco frescos: Triumph of death - Last Judgement/Hell - La Tebaide (1336-1341)
Triumph of death
The living and the dead -
Triumph of death
A soul is seized by a devil -
Triumph of death
Angels and demons fight over a soul -
Triumph of death
courteous youth in a garden -
Last Judgement
The redeemed and the damned -
Last Judgement
The damned -
The Devil -
La Tebaide, left part
La Tebaide, central part
La Tebaide, right part
Other frescos
Benozzo Gozzoli's
Benozzo Gozzoli's
Old Testament scenes
Other frescos
Destruction of Sodom. Formerly in the Camposanto, Pisa.