Sultan Abdülhamit II
(Redirected from עבדול חמיד השני)
- English: Abd-ul-Hamid II also Abdulhamid, Abdülhemit, Abdul Hamid, Abd al-Hamid II, or Abdul-Hamid (September 21, 1842 – February 10, 1918) was the sultan of the Ottoman Empire, from August 31, 1876 – April 27, 1909
- Türkçe: II. Abdülhamid / عبد الحميد ثانی (21 Eylül 1842 - 10 Şubat 1918), 31 Ağustos 1876'dan 27 Nisan 1909'a dek Osmanlı padişahı ve İslam halifesi.
Gençlik yılları / Youth period
1867, Balmoral Castle
1868, Istanbul
Vesikalık / Headshots
[edit]Diğer liderlerle / National leaders
World head of states in 1889
Tughra of Abdulhamid II
Political cartoon portraying Sultan Abdulhamid