User talk:Rillke/Discuss/2011

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Unvollständige DeletionRequests - incomplete DRs


Sobald der Server wieder richtig arbeitet, werde ich sie verfollständigen. Haben Sie bitte solange Geduld.

I'll complete them when the server works properly. Currently it is a bit slow. Please wait. -- RE rillke questions? 14:21, 20 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

complaint -


'RE. deleted image Tarkett English page (headquarter_nanterre_1998_6_000.jpg' This image is part of the Tarkett Public Media Library. The image has been acquired by Tarkett Group in 1998 as a total global buy out and is fully owned by the Tarkett Group in Nanterre, France -so are all the other over +5.000 photographs in the Tarkett Media Library, which is for public use (journalists, BtoB customers, etc. ) - you may go to and enroll (free of charge) to verify this information. Please undelete the picture and upload it onto the Tarkett Page again. Many thanks in advance, BBPMB

Please do not modify my user page. Instead, use the discussion page. Furthermore, I did not delete anything because I can't. I am not an admin. And I cannot undelete it. For undeletion requests, go to COM:UR. Please add a direct link to the permission page or use OTRS. Thank you. --RE RILLKE Questions? 09:00, 21 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]




navré de ne pouvoir répondre en anglais ou en allemand mais je ne maitrise aucune de ces langues. Je suis plus que consterné par le fait que tu juges opportun de proposer à la suppression un fichier pour le seul motif que tu n'es pas en mesure d'apprécier personnellement la datation de l'œuvre d'art qui a été photographiée. L'honnêteté intellectuelle voudrait que tu aies diligenté un minimum de recherches avant d'avoir recours à ce genre de procédé quelque peu expéditif. En l'espèce, rien n'étaye ta décision si ce n'est une incurie visible en matière d'histoire de l'art. Autant je reste disposé à divulguer les bases élémentaires d'histoire de l'art médiéval à qui me le demanderait, quitte à faire une visite guidée de l'église de Brie-Comte-Robert si tu en éprouves l'envie, autant je trouve cavalier de solliciter la suppression d'un fichier sans avoir demandé un minimum d'explications à la personne qui l'a importé sur Commons. Par ailleurs, une lecture attentive des commentaires afférents à l'image t'aurait appris qu'une datation au XIIIème siècle était proposée. De même, une recherche élémentaire sur le net t'aurait également permis d'appréhender l'époque de réalisation de l'œuvre contestée, l'église de Brie-Comte-Robert disposant d'un site fort intéressant de même que la paroisse ou la commune. De surcroît, la base Palissy du ministère de la culture tente de répertorier les richesses artistiques de la France avec Une exactitude plus ou moins relative. En l'espèce, les vitraux de l'église de Brie-Comte-Robert font l'objet de notices, il est vrai sans illustration, et avec une datation erronée pour les fenêtres-hautes de la nef (XIVème siècle au lieu du XIIIème). Enfin, une petite consultation du Corpus vitrearum, certes déjà ancien pour la région Île-de-France, t'aurait évité ce type de bévue. Encore navré de devoir t'expliquer les règles élémentaires en matière de rigueur scientifique eu égard à une discipline comme l'histoire de l'art, je reste à ta disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire concernant l'œuvre en question. GO69.

Je vous prie de bien vouloir m'excuser de vous répondre seulement maintenant. Mon vocabulaire est très limité et j'ai oublié beaucoup de choses.
S'il vous plaît, excuser cette procédure agressive, n'ai pas vu la datation. Parce que je m'm'embrouille sur l'art, je vais bientôt présenter cette image à une personne familière et compétente. J'ai fait cette demande (proposer à la suppression un fichier) parce que il n'y avait la licence appropriée. Je devrais demander, cependant, et faire une recherche sur le web. J'espère que vous n'avez pas effrayé télécharger d'autres fichiers. --RE RILLKE Questions? 20:40, 24 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]

How to create a SVG?


How to create svg files? I don't know any image editors like photoshop. Please create it & upload it friend. (I thought it's just changing the file format in the end Here is the file File:TamilWikipedia.png --Surya Prakash.S.A. (talk) 17:19, 1 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Have a look at HELP:SVG. There are a lot of editors listed. Most of them are free. I'll try to create one. --RE RILLKE Questions? 17:45, 1 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

File:Wikipedia.tamil.path.svg, File:TamilWikipedia.svg created.

Thank you friend... --Surya Prakash.S.A. (talk) 16:56, 5 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Commons:Château de Versailles


Hello Rillke ! Thanks a lot for the translations of the project and the templates ! It really helps ! Trizek here or on fr:wp 09:30, 5 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

You are welcome! I'll publish a message in the German Wikipedia and hope there a few photo-enthusiasts. --RE RILLKE Questions? 10:25, 5 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks a lot, really ! Your action is very important for a partnership like this one. All kind of contributors are welcome to contribute, not only photographs : wikipedians are welcome to write articles for example ! They don't have to be in Versailles : we have tools for virtual tours ; they may contribute from where they are. Maybe you are interested ? Trizek here or on fr:wp 13:17, 5 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]
If there a things I can do (like improving photos (color correction, rotating, ...), translating important wp-articles, notifying users in german wp, inserting images in german-wp articles, ...) just ask me on my discussion page. But you have to know, that I am not very skilled in history and art. Therefore, if I visit France one time extensively I'll have a look at Versailles but I do not feel comfortable to write own articles or take quality photos.
By the way: I had trouble translating This is set on Wikimedia Commons, to invite photographs on backstage. Are photographers meant? (inviter une photo, Je me demande s'il vient.) --RE RILLKE Questions? 13:48, 5 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks a lot for your proposals. I'm very interested to have an ambassador on German Wikipedia ! I don't want to give you some big work, but if you can contact the good people, and talk about the partnership, I'll be very very grateful ! :-)
And about the translations, yes, I've made a big mistake : photographe is the French word for photographer. Quite the same, you see...
Thanks a lot again ! Trizek here or on fr:wp 17:48, 5 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Recrutement troupes coloniales [File:DSCN7684.jpg]

J'ai bien pris connaissance des règles à suivre, seulement j'ai été trop vite pour ce fichier et ai oublié de donner un titre explicite.
Si vous connaissez un moyen de modifier le nom du fichier, je suis preneur ! Moustachioed Womanizer (talk) 10:38, 6 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Un administrateur sera le faire. --RE RILLKE Questions? 10:55, 6 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Merci, vous l'avez déjà fait. --RE RILLKE Questions? 11:16, 6 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Danke für das nette Angebot. Eine Frage habe ich tatsächlich: Wie kann ich verhindern, dass Daten von der Kamera angezeigt werden? Grüße --SuperZebra (User talk:Wesel niederrhein|talk) 17:46, 11 April 2011 (CEST)

Sollen die Daten nur Dir nicht oder nicht angezeigt oder allen vorenthalten bleiben? (Ersteres wäre mit CSS zu lösen.) Gerade an den Kameradaten können wir häufig erkennen, ob es sich um eigene Arbeit handelt oder nicht. Deshalb wäre es schade sie zu entfernen. Ansonsten Exiftool oder Google das hab' ich aber noch nicht ausprobiert. -- RE RILLKE Questions? 16:08, 11 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Schon gut, nicht so schlimm. Bei Google werden ja sowieso alle Daten geklaut, das ist hier ja zum Glück nicht so. Aber danke. -- Grüße Super Zebra (talk) 18:42, 11 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Hast du noch nicht daran gedacht, das Benutzerrecht Rollbacker zu beantragen? Das könnte dir bei deiner Vandalismusbekämpfung bestimmt hilfreich sein. Grüße, FalconL ?! 15:22, 12 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Bis jetzt hatte ich dazu noch keinen Anlass. Die IPs haben immer nur 1 oder 2 Edits gemacht, bevor ich's bemerkt habe. Danke für den Vorschlag. -- RE RILLKE Questions? 16:43, 12 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ja, ich denke eigentlich, wer Patroller ist, taugt auch zum Rollbacker. Natrülich ist es kein riesiger Vorteil, aber schon irgendwie ein bisschen komfortabler, als alles (halb-)manuell zu machen. Ach, und um noch etwas Schleichwerbung zu betreiben für den Fall, dass du noch Rollbacker wirst: Rollback hat den Nachteil, dass man keine Begründung in der Zusammenfassungszeile angeben kann. Es gibt aber Skripte, mit denen das dann doch geht: User:FalconL/safe-rollback.js Grüße, FalconL ?! 18:49, 12 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Oder wie wär's mit COM:RfA? Nicht speziell zur Vandalismusbekämpfung, eher um Scripte (MediaWiki, Benutzerscripte) selbst ändern zu können und bei der Abarbeitung der DRs zu helfen. --Leyo 21:12, 1 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Dann müsste ich ja selbst den Kopf hinhalten und nicht auf andere zeigen :) In manchen DRs will ich partout nicht entscheiden müssen. Abgesehen davon glaube ich mir aber auch schon Feinde gemacht zu haben und nichts wäre peinlicher, als eine fehlgeschlagene Kandidatur. Darüberhinaus wäre man als Admin so gebunden - und es wird Zeiten geben in denen ich keine Minute für Commons opfern kann. Aber vielen Dank für den Vorschlag. Trotzdem schreibe ich AjaxQuickDelete nicht um. Das sollen Kalan oder Buche selbst machen .... Grüße -- RE rillke questions? 21:40, 1 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Es muss ja auch nicht jetzt sein. Kannst's einfach mal im Hinterkopf behalten. --Leyo 21:43, 1 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Commons:Deletion requests/File:LouiseFusiliers Badge.jpg


Some of my images have been downsized abit including this one. I also have given every one of my images credit, description, original sources, and the correct author. I have not changed these images in any other way. Hopefully this is not enough for a deletion. Thankyou Liquid2k(talk) 5:59 13 April 2011

All of my pictures now say they might meet criteria for speedy deletion. [] says that information that is posted is readily available for personal and public non-commercial use and may be reproduced, in part or in whole and by any means, without charge or further permission from the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General.
Never mind i understand what i am doing wrong now. Thanks Liquid2k(talk) 14 April 2011

This discussion has been moved back to Commons:Deletion requests/File:LouiseFusiliers Badge.jpg. Please respect my request to keep discussions where they started. Don't continue discussions from elsewhere on this page, as this makes discussions harder to follow. Thank you. -- RE rillke questions? 08:33, 14 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Bevor du hier einen User anmachst, er soll den Bildern bessere Namen geben, solltest du erst mal nachschauen, ob er überhaupt der erste Uploader war. Wenn das die Aktion eines Bots war, dann programmiere ihn besser oder rangiere ihn aus. Antonsusi (talk) 23:02, 17 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

This discussion has been moved back to User talk:Antonsusi. Please respect my request to keep discussions where they started. Don't continue discussions from elsewhere on this page, as this makes discussions harder to follow. Thank you. RE rillke questions? 08:32, 18 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Photo description


Hi! I added a photo to Commons:Nacktheit but it needs a description in German Would you mind adding it?

Thanks WhisperToMe (talk) 15:04, 22 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Do you think this photo is that important to get the clue? On policy pages, I prefer simple text because images are disturbing. (This is my impression. Others may think in an other way.) Therefore, if I thought this image would be important, I would have it added yet. If you can convince me that this image is important, I'll translate the text. Good luck and thank you for your enquiry. -- RE rillke questions? 16:09, 22 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Well, the images originally appeared on the English version. I just posted it to other languages.
The User Max Rebo Band posted the first one on 25 May 2010 - The second one on 17 September 2010
I think the original editor of the page posted the images because they are humorous and because they ridicule the idea of taking photos of sensitive parts of the body just to upload to Wikipedia. By using humor, the images are meant to discourage people from doing this. Also images catch peoples' attention easily.
If you want, I can contact Max Rebo Band and ask him to see if there are additional reasons why he posted the pictures.
WhisperToMe (talk) 22:06, 23 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done -- RE rillke questions? 10:22, 24 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you very much :) WhisperToMe (talk) 20:57, 25 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Burmese-Siamese War pictures


Hi, I've used the map available on Wikipedia as the background template. What should be the proper licensing I should indicate in this case? Hybernator (talk) 17:28, 28 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

This discussion has been moved back to User talk:Hybernator. Please respect my request to keep discussions where they started. Don't continue discussions from elsewhere on this page, as this makes discussions harder to follow. Thank you. --RE rillke questions? 18:06, 28 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

OTRS Script test


Hallo Rillke, ich habe dir die folgenden Bilder für deine Tests vorbereitet:

Damit kannst Du Dein Skript testen . Wenn Du fragen hast helfe ich Dir gern.


--Neozoon 21:08, 28 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Vielen Dank! Super... So sieht die Benutzeroberfläche momentan aus. Was ist von der Durchführung zu halten? Verbesserungsvorschläge? -- RE rillke questions? 22:01, 28 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Sieht gut aus. Vor allem sieht es sehr praktisch aus :-)

Du kannst mit den Bildern soviel rumspielen wie du magst, das OTRS ticket ist auch nur ein testticket

Groetjes --Neozoon 22:27, 28 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Wenn Dein Skript fertig ist will ich es haben :-) --Neozoon (talk) 19:03, 2 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Klar, aber vorher frage ich unseren solides-Holz-liefernden Baum, wo noch Tücken versteckt sind. Dann wird das ganze nach MediaWiki verschoben und eine Seite für Bugs eingerichtet. Wenn Du es zwischenzeitlich schon brauchst, kannst Du
zu Deiner js hinzufügen. Es wird dann ein Link "Perform Batch Task" zur Werkzeugleiste hinzugefügt.
Bis es nicht im MediaWiki-Namespace liegt, kann ich aber nicht für Funktionsfähigkeit garantieren. Außerdem muss ich noch mit IE und Chromium testen. Safari hab' ich nicht (und will ich nicht). Auf jedenfall danke ich für den Spielplatz, den ich auch noch ausgiebig zu nutzen gedenke.
Wenn Dir zwischenzeitlich noch eine Idee kommt, was der OTRS Mitarbeiter noch in Commons braucht und es ins Script passt, sag' es hier. -- RE rillke questions? 19:33, 2 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done: IE und Chromium getestet. Den Sandkasten brauche ich oder jemand anderes aber bestimmt trotzdem noch. -- RE rillke questions? 19:40, 6 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Der Sandkasten bleibt bis auf weiteres geöffnet. Lass Dir nicht dein Förmchen klauen! :-) Groetjes --Neozoon (talk) 23:05, 8 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Ich werde nun noch die Vorschläge der Buche einbauen, dann ist es reif für die Veröffentlichung. Vielen Dank für die großartige Unterstützung. (Dummerweise habe ich mir doch das Schäufelchen klauen lassen - mein Fehler). Wenn Du noch "Feature requests" hast, sag' mir Bescheid. Grüße -- RE rillke questions? 08:50, 19 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Question about vocabulary


Hi! What are "Recovered" and "Unrecovered" in German? They are used as in a "body recovered from an aircraft crash" - The words are going to be used for a German version of a map of an aircraft: Commons:Esplanada#Image_translation_request Thanks, WhisperToMe (talk) 00:05, 12 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done (on the page) It's about corpses, right? -- RE rillke questions? 15:54, 12 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, it is about corpses WhisperToMe (talk) 05:03, 14 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Anyway, thank you so much! WhisperToMe (talk) 04:54, 15 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, I wanted to translate the tool to Farsi which is an RTL language, problem for RTL languages is they change the order of some characters like brackets and numbers, is it possible to test the translation to see if it works correct? are changes revertible?   ■ MMXX  talk  15:34, 16 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

You can test in your user-namespace: common.js. Problem here is that your script must be loaded after AjaxQuickDelete is loaded.
Maybe, if the result is not the expected one, upload a screenshot. Sincerely -- RE rillke questions? 17:32, 16 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you very much, I've modified your code with my own translation but I'm not sure why it doesn't work, I still see English labels and messages, anyway, my problem is only in "Errors" messages part, is it possible to only translate some labels and leave "Errors" messages in English?   ■ MMXX  talk  10:37, 17 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

On your script, there is

i18n: {

but we need (only for the testing purpose)

AjaxQuickDelete.i18n = {

But there were more issues (forgotten comma, ...)

Don't expect that the labels are being changed but if you e.g. click on "nominate for deletion", you'll see the changes. I've tested already. Don't forget to clear your browser's cache. -- RE rillke questions? 16:38, 17 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Answer to the second question: Yes, but just do not translate them; All labels must be present in the translated JavaScript. -- RE rillke questions? 16:45, 17 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you for your help, I've applied the new code and as you said only some of messages get translated, do you know why? actually I was going to translate labels and few messages and leave others in English.   ■ MMXX  talk  20:32, 17 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I changed the code and now either all messages are translated or none of them (if you test it in User-Namespace). This is because browsers may interpret JavaScript differently. But if you put the new code on MediaWiki:AjaxQuickDelete.js/fa, MediaWiki:AjaxQuickDelete.js cares about the chronology of loading and it will work fine. As I can see, all i18n-strings are translated or present, therefore everything is Ok and it should work. Adding this translation will only change the user-interface; the messages you leave on discussion-pages or summaries are untouched. -- RE rillke questions? 09:37, 18 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
After putting this to Mediawiki-Namespace, don't forget to blank/delete your common.js . -- RE rillke questions? 16:28, 19 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
So do you suggest that I put it in the MediaWiki:AjaxQuickDelete.js/fa without testing it? problem is I'm not sure yet about the changes made by RTL text, it's possible that some messages look really strange, so I have to test it first.   ■ MMXX  talk  12:32, 20 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I created a little "test". Please do not save this; just replace the content of your common.js an press "show preview". Then a few message-windows should pop-up. You can check wether they look right.

-- RE rillke questions? 17:13, 20 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you so much for your help, I think I should work more on the translation, I'll try to replace Farsi characters with unicodes using this website, currently it seems words are not in right order. thanks again.   ■ MMXX  talk  17:40, 20 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

One more vocab question


Would "storage space" (on an aircraft) be "Lagerraum"? WhisperToMe (talk) 18:11, 16 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I would suggest "Frachtraum" or "Raum für aufgegebenes Gepäck". (The area for luggage the the object of interest, right?) -- RE rillke questions? 18:37, 16 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
It is not the underneath cargo compartment: I think it is simply storage space. WhisperToMe (talk) 03:03, 17 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I looked around and found "Laderaum", "Stauraum" and "Frachtraum" for that component of the plane that's outside the cabin for passengers. -- RE rillke questions? 13:40, 18 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Based on what is indicated on the original English image at File:Airfrance447diag.png - Which word(s) do you think is/are the best? WhisperToMe (talk) 23:43, 18 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
"Stauraum" -- RE rillke questions? 16:26, 19 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you :) WhisperToMe (talk) 15:40, 20 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

You are welcome. ✓ Done -- RE rillke questions? 07:52, 30 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Please improve your tone/ choose better words


Transcription of the initial comment


Request to improve tone/ choose better words

Please improve your tone/ choose better words ("crap"): If this is irony, please point this out clearely. I don't want another spiral of insults here. -- RE rillke questions? 18:25, 16 May 2011 (UTC) [8][reply]

Response to the request above

Please improve your tone/ choose better words

So you are entirely comfortable with: "Freaking shit!" "Encyclopedia my ass!" "old fart" "TITS !!" "zomg tits" "zomg ass" "zomg pussies" "boobies" "tits" (all written above my comment)? Vapmachado (talk) 18:51, 16 May 2011 (UTC) [9]

Adding template "Be civil" to inform user

Please remain calm and collegial

català  čeština  Deutsch  English  español  français  galego  magyar  Nederlands  português  polski  suomi  svenska  Türkçe  македонски  русский  українська  മലയാളം  日本語  中文(简体)  עברית  +/−

It is important to keep a cool head, especially when responding to comments against you or your edits. Personal attacks and disruptive comments only escalate a situation; please keep calm and remember that action can be taken against other parties if necessary. Please try to remain civil with your comments. Thanks!

RE rillke questions? 18:52, 16 May 2011 (UTC) [10][reply]

For your information


Please improve your tone/ choose better words Vapmachado (talk) 18:55, 16 May 2011 (UTC) [11][reply]

Additional request


Please help to improve the climate on commons. Ask other users to chose their words with care, too. Honestly, I admit, I did not read the other comments. Thanks and happy editing. -- RE rillke questions? 18:56, 16 May 2011 (UTC) [12][reply]

Adding template "Be civil" to respond

Please remain calm and collegial

català  čeština  Deutsch  English  español  français  galego  magyar  Nederlands  português  polski  suomi  svenska  Türkçe  македонски  русский  українська  മലയാളം  日本語  中文(简体)  עברית  +/−

It is important to keep a cool head, especially when responding to comments against you or your edits. Personal attacks and disruptive comments only escalate a situation; please keep calm and remember that action can be taken against other parties if necessary. Please try to remain civil with your comments. Thanks!

Vapmachado (talk) 18:58, 16 May 2011 (UTC) [13][reply]

The discussion follows on this page only


You call what you are doing "improve the climate on commons"? The discussion started here. Respect your OWN requests. Retracting and apologizing are both excluded from that "improvement" process? Vapmachado (talk) 19:10, 16 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Ok., maybe I was wrong, remove the template from your discussion-page (I added this one minute after this page has been created. And this is not a problem that should be discussed on a deletion-nomination-page of a file, in my view).
In general, what do you intend with your contributions? -- RE rillke questions? 19:17, 16 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Making it as easy for you as painting by numbers or as 1, 2, 3 if you prefer.

  1. Please make up your mind. Keep the discussion where it started. If you wish to open an exception, please state clearly so on this page that it was at your own request and restore where the discussion started here: [14]
  2. Retracting, apologizing and oversight of your belated and out of place request [15] would be a good way to start anew, even privately if you prefer.
  3. Please provide a full explanation of the next edit [16] and your response to it [17]

Who will I be writing to, just in case you intend to ask more personal questions? Vapmachado (talk) 20:42, 16 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Let's sum up: Order of edits: 18:25 - Rillke 18:51 - Vapmachado 18:52 - Rillke 18:55 - Vapmachado 18:57 - Rillke 18:58 - Vapmachado

As you may see, I started adding this template to your user-page one minute after you created the discussion-page. Therefore you can assume that I did not recognize this duly/in time. Furthermore, because I thing our problem has nothing to do with the deletion request itself and is not of interest for a lot of other users, I prefer to use user-talk-pages.

Let's go to no.2: I still think it is inappropriate to call someone's work "crap"; especially as the author is an active contributor to commons. It is not important what other users say or do. Everyone is responsible for his wording.

There is probably a language-gap (I am only an intermediate-en-speaker): If you think I misunderstood something, feel free to point this out.

Now no.3: I hardly believe that administrators do Troll-Requests (nonsense/ vandalism requests). Therefore I wanted to point out that we shouldn't treat it as "nonsense request".

4: Your intention behind your edits is that secret that you have to know my identity :)

Sincerely -- RE rillke questions? 17:26, 17 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I'm sorry for not taking into account that you are only an intermediate-en-speaker, and not explaining myself a little better which I believe is causing a lot of misunderstandings. I hope you'll forgive my oversight, and I'll try to take it a little slower to avoid confusing you. When in doubt, and even if not in doubt, please ask, so that you'll get confirmation. I'll try to do the same.
Under item 1. I wrote "restore where the discussion started here: [18]" "Here," meant "on this page," that is, on this discussion page of yours that was the first post concerning this matter.
You seemed to be rightfully concerned with what happened before and after that message. There was or there is no implication whatsoever concerning the sequence of what happened before or after the posting of that message. It was never my intention to question it, and, again, I apologize if I have misled you.
Virgilio A. P. Machado
Vapmachado (talk) 00:57, 19 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I don't want to misinterpret your intentions. Given your lack of response, I'm assuming that you have no intention of honoring your own request and restore the first post[19] that was made, on this discussion page, concerning the subject of this discussion. Is my assumption correct? Vapmachado (talk) 00:30, 27 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Mhh ..., I can see the text of your first edit on my page here, just below the headline (h2). But I'll not change the haeding to "for your information" as this is not very descriptive. If you have an idea what heading would be better, let me know. Sincerely -- RE rillke questions? 17:43, 27 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

You are absolutely right. It's the first line of text on this section. I only noticed that now. Sorry about that. What about following your order of edits and use some subheadings? I would suggest starting with my comment.[20] Do you want me to try showing how that would look, no obligation for you to keep it, and you're welcome to delete it or change it if you don't like it or don't agree? Vapmachado (talk) 03:16, 28 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Feel free to show me what you think looks better as long as this does not affect the other postings on this page. Thank you. -- RE rillke questions? 07:48, 30 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I added the first three edits in chronological order, so that you could see how they will look. Again, you have no obligation to keep them that way, and you're welcome to delete or change whatever you want, if you don't like or agree with the way they are presented. Vapmachado (talk) 04:21, 1 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I'm finished adding to this page all previous edits form other pages. We now have everything in one place. I hope that was done to your entire satisfaction. If that is the case, we'll have point 1. above behind us. Please let me know if you have no objections and if we can proceed trying to untangle any remaining misunderstandings. Vapmachado (talk) 21:16, 3 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Looks good to me, we can go on. -- RE rillke questions? 14:31, 4 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Added links in bold to the origin of each subsection, as I was doing initially, but forgot to do for the remaining transcriptions. I'm sorry I missed that. I hope you'll agree with their late inclusion.

Under point 2. what I wrote was that your request [21] was "belated and out of place," that is, was made too late on the deletion request and did not address the much more serious cases, that then I listed in the talk page. All those other comments were made before mine, that is, they were "all written above my comment."

Somebody else also thought that your request was somewhat heavy handed [22]

You honestly admited, that you did not read the other comments [23] and that maybe you were wrong [24]

I think that your request was "belated and out of place," and asked you to retract it, apologize and oversight it, for those two reasons and those two reasons only ("belated and out of place") as I tried to explain above.

I have nothing against you thinking that "it is inappropriate to call someone's work "crap"; especially as the author is an active contributor to commons. It is not important what other users say or do. Everyone is responsible for his wording."

The "language-gap" might have played a role in your reaction to my wording. It's certainly not the most polite expression, but look at the way the meanings are ordered as to reflect the most common use: [25] 1) Something that is of extremely poor quality; 2) Nonsense; and 3) Rubbish; junk. Only 4) and 5) are the real stinkers :-)

Still on the "language-gap," allow me to make one suggestion, and you're welcome to ask for a "second opinion." Instead of "I don't want another spiral of insults here," something more impersonal, like "A spiral of insults is not welcome here" might be preferable. That conveys more that your personal opinion, but also what the community thinks is desirable, that you agree with, and are trying to convey to another person.

Anyway, I didn't, I don't and I would never ask you to retract, apologize and oversight your opinion, which I respect and you are absolutely untitled to.

If you were able to understand all of the above (don't hesitate to ask for clarification of anything that you don't), please take the time to do what you think might be appropriate and suitable for now. Vapmachado (talk) 04:22, 5 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you for your patience with me and the work to "sketch" the situation, showing that your intention here is really reasonable.
It will take some time till I'll comprehend everything and can take action.
I added my comment - you really couldn't know this - because I experienced some hateful speech on another place (and User:Niabot's work was involved, too - It really polarized the community.) which ended e.g. in some users got blocked (example is by the way the user who added the 'freedom of speech comment') because they did not know when to stop. This should not apologize my exaggerated, and -I agree- belated comments.
It would be helpful if you can explain how "A spiral of insults is not welcome here" conveys more personal opinion. Using the first person singular I thought, I can express my opinion.
Of course everybody should be able to tell his opinion here at commons and I don't want you to keep away form discussions and I never wanted to. If you felt so, I am sorry.
And you were right. I used Google translator (and another one) for "crap" and translated into my native language, it was a clear insult. But now I am wiser. Thank you. -- RE rillke questions? 22:30, 5 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Just for information purposes (Source: Langenscheidt Dictionary of Contemporary English - complete entry)
crap n taboo sl 1 [U] solid waste matter passed from the bowels 2 [S] an act of passing waste matter from the bowels: to have a crap 3 [U] something worthless or unwanted that does not deserve serious attention: His speech was just a load of (old) crap.|Clear all this crap off the table. —see also CRAPS
[U] uncountable; [S] singular;

-- RE rillke questions? 10:09, 6 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I understand the reason why you lost your patience with my comment and appreciate you taking the time to explain it. I wasn't following any of those other discussions. That deletion request was brought to my attention by a post on the Foundation-l mailing list I did feel that you were picking on me, and that made me respond.

Sorry. My mistake. The phrase "That conveys more that your personal opinion" should be "That conveys more than your personal opinion." (the first one doesn't make much sense). That should make clear my suggestion.

Your observation from such a well reputed dictionary made me look up a couple of things which might also be useful to you.

There are great linguists of all sorts of languages in Germany (including of Portuguese) and the Langenscheidt dictionaries are among the best if not the best in the world. I looked up my own Taschenwörterbuch der Portugiesischen und Deutschen Sprache and found the following:

"Übersetzung und Bedeutung. Die Reihenfolge richtet sich grundsätzlich nach der gebräuchlichkeit und Häufigkeit des entsprechenden Wortes."

That rule is not always followed. My The New Merriam-Webster Pocket Dictionary uses the following criteria under Sense Division:

"No one of the senses, as defined, is better or more important than another, but one may have more appropriate meaning in a specific context."

Interesting enough, I found a criteria in my Portuguese dictionary that seems to fit what you found in your Langenscheidt Dictionary of Contemporary English. It translates like this:

The different meanings are shown in logical order, from their natural meaning to the figurative.

One last detail. Is your dictionary of British, American English or both? Non-formal speech varies more from one place to another and with time also. My familiarity with non-formal speech in Great Britain is somewhat limited.

As far as I'm concerned were done with points 2. and 3. (I understood your explanation of what was going on). There's a couple of things that I would still like to address. I'll get to them in my next message. Thanks for your attention. Vapmachado (talk) 04:35, 8 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

The question, at the end of my message at 20:42, 16 May 2011 (UTC) asked "Who will I be writing to, just in case you intend to ask more personal questions?" That means that if you intended to ask more personal questions, like "In general, what do you intend with your contributions?", which I consider a personal question, I would like to know who I would be talking to. Would I be talking to a 12 year old girl or to a retired steel worker? You don't write the same way to both. I guess you are neither. You could have written: "Call me Mike, I'm a German 18 year old high school senior (last year)." As long as that was true, it would have been sufficient. I'm sorry to say that your statement "Your intention behind your edits is that secret that you have to know my identity :)" is FALSE, smile included. It is absurd to infer from my comment [26], my response [27] to your "belated and out of place request" [28], and my next six edits, that my intentions behind my edits is that secret that I have to know your identity. I already explained how much I needed to know of your identity and why. Thanks for not having asked any more personal questions, like what are my intentions.

"I recall how some people have been so baffled that they wonder about what are my intentions. I don't think I ever answered. We all know that "hell is full of good intentions." What I have done is nothing, but whatever I have done for the Wikimedia Foundation projects nobody can take away from me. Now, would you believe me if I told you that there are some people who are spending their time and effort trying to do just that? Sad isn't it? But yes, it is true, you better believe me." [29]

My second point is that I have been very fortunate to be able to carry this exchange with you, without the interference of others. Consider the time and effort it took me (and you) to get over this misunderstanding. Imagine what it feels like when some half a dozen of angry editors jump in, accusing me of all sort of misdeeds. Very seldom do I have the time and disposition to explain things in detail to each and every one of them, right away. Look at how long we have been carrying this conversation: it's going to be three weeks, next Monday! That's why I have written the following, elsewhere, under "Ask first, fire later" [30] (I don't have an English version. Please use an automatic translator. It should be enough to give you an idea of what I meant. If there's anything that you're not sure you have understood, please "ask first, fire later":

«Esta edição [31] da página de referências exemplifica uma das questões mais complexas do trabalho colaborativo nos projectos da Wikimedia. Como se sabe, qualquer pessoa pode editar, em qualquer altura e é encorajada a fazê-lo. Por vezes a intervenção é no trabalho de um editor individual, noutras em trabalho já de natureza colaborativa, envolvendo vários editores, entre os quais se estabeleceu uma metodologia de trabalho que pode não estar documentada ou completamente explicitada. A gestão de todo este processo é de grande delicadeza pois é, potencialmente, geradora de contrariedades que, facilmente, podem escalar em conflitos, mais ou menos agudos. As relações estabelecidas entre os editores envolvidos são determinantes para um eventual desfecho amistoso e benéfico para o projecto em causa e para todas as partes envolvidas.

É difícil estabelecer regras rígidas, porque cada caso é um caso, mas encontram-se considerandos, aqui e ali:

«A edição é livre, mas com a liberdade vem a responsabilidade, por isso lhe pedimos que use este recurso de maneira responsável.» [32]

«Reversão é, portanto, uma ação aconselhada ou apropriada ao lidar com o vandalismo. Não é recomendado reverter apenas por considerar uma versão mais antiga preferível à versão actual.» [33]

«não se deve utilizar o sumário de edição como plataforma de diálogo numa guerra de edições entre usuários, o que pode levar ao bloqueio de ambos se não utilizarem em vez disso a página de discussão para apresentarem os argumentos de alterações.» [34]

[...] fica aqui ilustrada uma das consequências mais difíceis de gerir nos projectos da Wikimedia. É que até uma edição bem intencionada pode exigir do editor anterior um substancial esforço de explicação e justificação, recaindo sobre ele o duplo trabalho de criar e defender as características da sua criação. Ao editor seguinte, para além do tempo gasto em trabalho, eventualmente, não produtivo, bastou uma linha de sumário. Esta desproporção de esforço, nem sempre é favorável ao projecto e dá muita força à recomendação de usar a liberdade de editar com o máximo de responsabilidade. A via mais segura, mais cordial, mais respeitadora do trabalho dos outros, parece ser, em caso de dúvida, perguntar primeiro e editar depois. É munido desse cordial entendimento que cada editor se integra, verdadeiramente, no trabalho colaborativo em curso e o fenómeno se multiplica pela imensa e sempre renovada rede de editores dos projectos Wikimedia. Nada do acima exposto se aplica, evidentemente, a casos flagrantes de vandalismo, que requerem uma actuação concertada de natureza muito diversa.»

I would still like to know if your Langenscheidt Dictionary of Contemporary English is of British, American English or both. If you can't tell, I might be able to help you find out.

Thank you again for your time and patience.


Virgilio A. P. Machado
Executive Editor, Logística a Logistics wikibook in Portuguese
The One and Only Editor to ever develop and complete academic projects on the Brazilian Wikipedia
Vapmachado (talk) 23:03, 11 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Thank you for pointing out the issue with the map licensing. It seems that several other users have made the same mistake. cheers --Guerillero 03:17, 25 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

As Neozoon said, if you need help, don't hesitate to ask. If you and other map-uploaders need help correcting wrong information, please leave a note here and sprecify exactly what you want to have replaced/ added from the file-desc-pages. I can modify my script doing this task. Sincerely -- RE rillke questions? 11:14, 25 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
This is what I think this batch of files should look like. Would you please check it over --Guerillero 18:30, 27 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you so much for fixing the licenses. It would have taken me ages, as I cannot use AWB due to my location. Cheers!!! Anna Frodesiak (talk) 05:24, 30 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
You're welcome. Next time consider uploading maps in PNG-format (it's lossless and if you use e.g. PNG-out they can become small, too) ✓ Done -- RE rillke questions? 07:51, 30 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]



danke! . hätte ich eigtl. selber machen sollen, also doppelt danke ;) LG, Amada44  talk to me 19:16, 31 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Na, LicenseReview sollte ja immer ein Zweiter machen (aber du meintest sicherlich eine Anforderung). Schöne, vor allem nützliche Bilder. (Ich mag Pflanzenfotos) - Weiter so!
Nette Feiertage wünscht -- RE rillke questions? 19:42, 31 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ne das wusste ich nicht. Ich dachte der admin status wäre gewichtig genug dass ich es selber machen könnte ;). Dir auch schöne Feiertage und danke für das Lob ;). LG, Amada44  talk to me 16:57, 1 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Bild Pat McKay


Hallo Rillke. Ich habe das Bild von Pat McKay selbst gemacht (fotografiert) und selber hochgeladen. Alle Rechte liegen bei mir.--Claus Michelfelder (talk) 19:24, 31 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Danke. -- RE rillke questions? 19:36, 31 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Can you please check my vote?

Discussion moved back to User talk:Surya Prakash.S.A.. -- RE rillke questions? 14:59, 1 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you


Thank you for that nice crop job on the two pics of the Charleston houses. Much appreciated. Best, MarmadukePercy (talk) 22:21, 2 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hi again. I just noticed that the second image [File:Shackleford Williams House.jpg], as opposed to the first that you cropped, seems to have been greatly reduced in size from the original [35]. Do you know why that might be? Thanks. MarmadukePercy (talk) 03:44, 3 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I did not take the original, I just used your provided one. Now, I used the tif. Ok? -- RE rillke questions? 08:50, 3 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, okay, I wasn't certain on the house photo. Looks good now. Also, I didn't realize that about coins, and the position of copyright about them. That image should be deleted then. Thanks for letting me know. And for your help. Best, MarmadukePercy (talk) 10:16, 3 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Your request for a speedy deletion of File:AstridBerge.jpg



I am totally confused, now, regarding this case. The user who has uploaded the image has maintained he was the image`s author and has released the image to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Do You not believe him that, and if so - why?! --Hans Dunkelberg (talk) 21:45, 5 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Do you see a CC-By-SA anywhere on this website, which seems to be the original source? In general, if an image has been published, we need either a link to the website confirming the chosen license or an COM:OTRS E-Mail.
In this case we have a significantly smaller resolution and a crop, and no Exif-data. Therefore, I think the author-claims are not accurate. (If he is the photographer, why he uploads only a small resolution and leaves no comment that it is the small resolution and you can obtain a higher res. if you want to pay for another license?). Why he uploads only one picture?
All in all it seems to be a copyvio to me and we are enforced to make sure that Commons does not host them.
Maybe I am wrong but we have COM:UR in case the user decides to provide a link or a permission via OTRS. Sincerely -- RE rillke questions? 22:05, 5 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I see, so this is just Your overall impression. I think You should insert the adjective "probable" before "copyvio". I have removed the image from the English and the Italian articles and checked the other articles linked to in the English article. The image is now not used anywhere, any more. In the Català article, there is a further image which I do not understand the copyright notice of. It is a film poster or a crop of such a poster and maybe thought to be usable in the sense of "fair use", or how that is called (I do not know what that is).
Do You not think it could deter many people who would like to contribute images that they do not know whom they should write such a COM:OTRS e-mail? --Hans Dunkelberg (talk) 22:16, 5 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ok. Let's see who is right. The uploader has 7 days time to send a permission or just provide a link to an explicit permission or explain why it is published somewhere in the web. It is really not necessary to remove the image from the articles. If an administrator decides to delete, he will use commons-delinker which produces a log-file and you can undo the changes if you want to.
Sincerely -- RE rillke questions? 22:39, 5 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I understand that it could be problematic to hint possible illegally acting people all-too clearly to the methods Wikimedia uses for the verification of data on image authorship, but I have inserted a hint to the OTRS personnel list, on the discussion page of the English Wikipedia article on Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey. That should suffice for the case that we have to do with a good faith upload. --Hans Dunkelberg (talk) 23:17, 5 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Some help


Hi Rillke, I've created a new main page for Tamil. (முதற் பக்கம்) But there was already a main page for Tamil called முதன்மைப் பக்கம். But We Tamil Wikimedians follow the first name for Main page. So, according to that I've changed the name too. I need it to be changed in commons. Please delete this முதன்மைப் பக்கம் page. And change முதற் பக்கம் in other language list as I requested in the talk page here Template_talk:Lang-mp#New_Tamil_Main_page. :) --Surya Prakash.S.A. (talk) 13:29, 6 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

You need and administrator for such a task, which I am not. But I put your request here. -- RE rillke questions? 16:53, 6 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Meine Bilder


Hi, jetzt wirds mit aber bissrl zu Bunt hier. ;-) Nachdem ich bereits eine Mail wie vor Wochen gefordert an das OTRS gesendet habe, haben meine Bilder nun erneut einen Warnhinweis erhalten, dass diese nun nach dem 6. Juni gelöscht werden. Was bitte soll das? Alles was ich bis jetzt vom OTRS erhalten habe ist folgendes: Subject: [Ticket#2011051110007737] Permission for uploaded pictures. Sehr geehrter xxxxx. ...danach hört die Mail auf. --Lokomotive74 (talk) 17:38, 6 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Die Anfrage wird (jetzt hoffentlich) bearbeitet. Wenn das Ticket existiert, entferne ich die Warnhinweise sofort. Es sind ja noch 7 Tage Zeit. Danke. -- RE rillke questions? 18:00, 6 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo, kannst Du bitte einfach mal der E-Mail antworten und sagen, dass sie unvollständig war? Danke und bitte um Entschuldigung für den Extra-Aufwand -- RE rillke questions? 18:52, 6 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo Lokomotive74, könntest du bitte nochmals in der Mail nachschauen? Die Antwort vom 15.05. ist ein wenig "zerstückelt" - sie beginnt mit "Sehr geehrter ...", dann wird deine Mail zitiert und erst am Ende folgt die Antwort des Support-Team-Kollegen. In unserer Mail vom 07.06. findest du aber noch einmal, was benötigt wird - ganz einfach die Links auf die Bilder, um die es geht. Falls noch Unklarheiten bestehen, einfach wieder hier oder per Mail nachfragen. Danke für deine Mitarbeit und sorry für die Komplikationen, —Pill (talk) 14:11, 8 June 2011 (UTC) (Support-Team)[reply]
Danke für die AW. Um ehrlich zu sein finde ich es recht mühsam alle meine Bilder herauszufiltern und dann die Links zu versenden. Zudem hatte Rilke dazu geraten, und so habe ich das auch in der Email formuliert, eine generelle Erlaubnis zu den Bildern zu erteilen welche unter meinem Account hochgeladen worden sind. Ist es nicht techn. einfacher für die Wiki das so zu händeln? --Lokomotive74 (talk) 18:10, 8 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Das sollte eigentlich gehen ... Habs nochmal aufs Noticeboard geschrieben. Wenn nicht: als TSV exportieren -- RE rillke questions? 18:24, 8 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Danke :-) Paralel habe ich gerade die Mail mit, hoffentlich, allen links verschickt. --Lokomotive74 (talk) 18:33, 8 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo Lokomotive74, deine Mail ist angekommen und unser System hat automatisch einen Hinweis darauf an den Bearbeiter deiner ersten Mails versandt. Da Rillke auf den Bildseiten schon einen entsprechenden Vermerk angebracht hat, der klarstellt, dass eine Mail schon geschickt wurde und diese noch auf die abschließende Bearbeitung wartet, besteht jetzt auch kein Löschrisiko mehr, auch wenn es gegebenenfalls ein paar Tage dauern kann, bis du eine Antwort mit einer positiven Bestätigung deiner Freigabe (oder unter Umständen einer Rückfrage) erhältst. Danke euch beiden für die Mithilfe, —Pill (talk) 18:47, 8 June 2011 (UTC) P.S. Ja, es geht grundsätzlich natürlich schon, das auch ohne Aufführung der Bildlinks zu schicken, wenn man klar angibt, auf welche hochgeladenen Dateien man sich bezieht (also zum Beispiel: alle zwischen 01.01.2001 und 21.12.2001 hochgeladenen Dateien von Benutzer:xy) -- nur war mir hier nicht bewusst, dass es um so viele Bilder ging, deshalb habe ich den "normalen" Weg beschrieben. —Pill (talk) 18:51, 8 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ich danke, Pill. Für die schnellen Antworten und die Hilfe. Allein hätte ich da alt ausgesehen. -- RE rillke questions? 18:55, 8 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Thank you @all for your patience and help. -- RE rillke questions? 16:12, 9 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you - RfLR


Thank you for asking so many question to let me know more detail on different country's copyright law. :) --Waihorace (talk) 12:51, 7 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

It is not important that you actually know the law of every country. It is important to know where to find the information and to apply them.
On the candidature, I think I'll vote with neutral. Therefore, you may think about withdrawing the candidature (but that's possibly wrong - it is your decision), looking on Commons:License review and linked pages and then return. You can take time to answer the questions. We do not expect you know everything.
Furthermore there is a difference in mentality. You wrote you would delete the image because the author does not agree with publishing under the chosen license anymore. That would possibly morally right but we are enforced not to care about this. Only the legal stuff is important. And that's why we have image-reviewers. These trusted persons should state whether an image has been published under the specified for later record.
Sincerely -- RE rillke questions? 13:09, 7 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

My pleasure ! :-) Trizek here or on fr:wp 14:44, 10 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

PS : is there a list of the templates waiting for a translation in French (or others languages) ? Trizek here or on fr:wp 14:45, 10 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Oui: Template:Requested_translations ({{Folklore}} et {{No scaled down dupes}} et {{Please use SVG}}). Mais il n'y a pas une liste seulement pour les modèles. -- RE rillke questions? 14:57, 10 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Rillke, Do you really think that the fact that File:Heliothis proruptus.jpg is published anonymously at BOLD Systems should result in the impossibility of publishing it at commons? Kind regards, Lymantria (talk) 15:29, 18 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

What I think is not important. You are more experienced. Do what is "common practise" here. Is there really no way to obtain the author-information. Yours faithfully -- RE rillke questions? 20:09, 18 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
What does "unspecified" mean? -- RE rillke questions? 20:10, 18 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I can't obtain the author's name. The uploader to BOLD Systems simply didn´t mention it and left it "unspecified". Combined with "No Rights Reserved" I don't see a problem. You underestimate yourself. What you think IS important and resulted you in tagging with "no source". I am not the type of editwarring and I may be more experienced, I might have wrong ideas or blind spots as well. So I ask you to remove, unless you are really not satisfied. Kind regards, Lymantria (talk) 07:59, 19 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Is there a possibility to contact the uploader at BOLD Systems? -- RE rillke questions? 08:53, 19 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
See Kind regards, Lymantria (talk) 12:30, 19 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Vielen Dank! Lymantria (talk) 20:22, 19 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Please look into attribution


Bitte, please, look into atribution discussion, at

It would be helpful to understand the proper and correct attribution, etc. The discussion is at the end of that part. I hope you can add some facts and sources! --Janwikifoto (talk) 14:29, 21 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I hope I'll find some time this weekend. Sincerely -- RE rillke questions? 18:03, 21 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

fluoreszenzspektrum chinin


Grüß Dich Rillke,

finde meinen alten post nicht mehr, darum frage ich nochmals ;-). Würde gerne oben genanntes bild verwenden. du meintest du möchtest nur einen link auf wikipedia zu dir bzw. du hättest das bild ebenso aus literatur? wenn letzteres, könntest du noch die dazu gehörige referenz anbieten? i would appreciate it, da nicht wirklich einfach zu finden ;-).

meine referenzierung lautet bisher: Adaptiert nach Rillke,

Danke schon mal.

Gruß, Kahlan1

Hier war's (und die Antwort):
Meinst Du
oder ?
Die Daten stammen aus eigener Messung (mit einem zusammengebastelten Gerät, deshalb auch diese "wacklige" Kurve).
Beim Fluoreszenzquenching von Chinin bitte Vorsicht, denn die blaue (0M KBr Quencher) Kurve ist bei einem anderen pH-Wert aufgenommen. Das wollte ich schon immer mal korrigieren / darauf hinweisen.
Grüße -- RE rillke questions? 15:43, 7 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Is there a way to...


Is there a way to check if File:Sprayer.jpg was previously deleted, I believe so. --Thepoliticalmaster (talk) 11:31, 14 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]

But the user simply did not know about {{subst:OP}} and COM:OTRS. I suggest, you read his contribs. -- RE rillke questions? 11:38, 14 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Has this changed though? --Thepoliticalmaster (talk) 11:40, 14 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]
There is no way for us to find out whether the content was the same. You'll have to ask an administrator. -- RE rillke questions? 11:44, 14 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Doing so. --Thepoliticalmaster (talk) 11:49, 14 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Yes there is, and the previous upload is recent and related to the same issue, and if it is resolved by the OTRS process that will cover the matter. Let it sit with OTRS pending and see which way it resolves.  — billinghurst sDrewth 11:53, 14 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done OTRS confirmed -- RE rillke questions? 18:53, 22 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Why did you tag my image with derivative no source?


This discussion has been moved back to User talk:Dr Brains. Please respect my request to keep discussions where they started. Don't continue discussions from elsewhere on this page, as this makes discussions harder to follow. Thank you. -- RE rillke questions? 18:48, 22 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]

The maps by Justinian43


I also think these are own work by en:Justinian43. But I could not really find him telling what he used as the base map. Although several people asked him about it. /Pieter Kuiper (talk) 09:45, 28 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]

The second problem is that User:Trad.byzantion uploaded a lot of maps without a link to the original. He should use a tool to transfer images. -- RE rillke questions? 09:49, 28 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]

PD licence


If you would be so kind and can check the licence again to file which I uploaded. Regards.--Verwolff (talk) 14:08, 1 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Thanks for responding. It's not easy to find the correct copyright-tag in our template-jungle. -- RE rillke questions? 14:16, 1 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Autorisations de réutilisation du fichier File:Maximilien Luce - Les batteurs de pieux entre 1902 et 1905.jpg


Hi Rillke, User:Léna added the PD-Art model just before I can do it. The author Maximilien Luce is dead for more than 70 years now. You can check if the authorisations are right, if you want. If it's still not ok do not hesitate to tell me what is wrong. Sincerly, PierreSelim (talk) 22:33, 1 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you for uploading free media files. Please do not use {{self|cc... for photos of 2-D reproductions or make sure to put it under the heading Photograph and use {{PD-Old}} for the original. But {{PD-Art}} is the best choice. (PD-Art - Not in Sweden and some other countries where even simple 2d-reproductions are protected.) ✓ Everything's ok now. Thanks. -- RE rillke questions? 22:41, 1 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Thanks. Regards--. 22:05, 2 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Go on and request further rights! COM:RFR and Commons:License review/requests (but read the archive and the instructions before). -- RE rillke questions? 22:10, 2 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done -- RE rillke questions? 09:44, 8 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Files dileted


--Falcom (talk) 14:18, 3 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

If you are responding to a message or template that I left on your user talk page, respond there




Hello. About this edit to my user page, I realize that cross-wiki redirects like this don't exactly work, and I don't mind the template as left by the bot, but the guideline (and edit summary) is relevant to user talk pages. No worries, just thought you might want to check the pages the bot is editing or something. Cheers —DoRD (talk) 15:15, 5 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you for reporting this issue. But the work should have been done though. Special:BrokenRedirects should be zero. Thanks again. -- RE rillke questions? 15:46, 5 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done -- RE rillke questions? 09:44, 8 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Bitte um Massenänderung


Hallo Rainer, ich bitte Dich darum, alle meine von mir selbst fotografierten, bisher hier hochgeladenen Bilder abzuändern und zwar vom normalen Lizenzbaustein CC-BY-SA 3.0 de auf User:Schwäbin/license, da darin Dank Dir jetzt auch eine hoffentlich für jeden Nachnutzer verständliche Erklärung prangt. Die Lizenz selbst wird nicht geändert. --Schwäbin (talk) 17:32, 7 August 2011 (UTC) PS: Da hatte ich ja großes Glück, Dich noch vor Deinem Urlaub zu „erwischen“![reply]

✓ Done -- RE rillke questions? 09:44, 8 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Bitte um Einfügeung


Hallo Rillke, ich habe deinen Code hier vorgeschlagen, daher würde ich dich um Einverständnis und Bestätigung bitten und die Beschreibung ggf. (verbessernd) anpasst. LG -- πϵρήλιο 18:48, 7 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Eigentlich war die Seite eher für private Zwecke gedacht. Aber Du kannst es ja umprogrammieren (button o.ä.), so dass es auch von consolen-scheuen Benutzern genutzt werden kann. -- RE rillke questions? 09:21, 27 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Rillke. Hast du Template:OTRS received da absichtlich einsortiert? --Leyo 09:05, 8 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Natürlich nicht. Da fehlt das iffile. Wird gändert. Danke. -- RE rillke questions? 09:31, 8 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done Danke noch einmal. Die Struktur war ein bissl zu komplex. Hab's übersehen und vergessen zu prüfen. -- RE rillke questions? 16:29, 24 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Ich hab noch eins falsch hochgeladen. Der Bot findet das offenbar nicht, und in deinem Link ist ein Rotatebot nicht zu finden! Also mach ichs wieder wie bisher zu Fuß. Fingalo (talk) 15:58, 8 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]


Use {{rotate|90}}. -- RE rillke questions? 16:27, 24 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

How To Sign Postings?


How do I sign postings? Johndulles1 (talk) 22:36, 8 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

  1. If you are responding to a message or template that I left on your user talk page, respond there
  2. simply type ~~~~ at the end of your comments / postings. But there is a how-to on your talkpage, too. Still questions? -- RE rillke questions? 22:17, 8 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  3. ✓ Done: Great, you understood. -- RE rillke questions? 08:40, 9 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
 Info On this occasion I would like to mention a script for "automatic signing". It could still be improved, so I call it here in place of experienced. VG -- πϵρήλιο 13:49, 9 August 2011 (UTC):[reply]
// en: AUTOMATIC SIGNING; de: Automatische Unterschrift;
✓ Done: I wrote something about this script on de:Benutzer Diskussion:Perhelion/signing.js -- RE rillke questions? 09:13, 27 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Danke! Habe dementsprechend etwas angepasst. Ein konkretes Problem habe ich jedoch noch, bei der Unterschiedsanzeige (Show changes) gehen sämmtliche Variablen verloren, also der Halen fürs Unterschreiben wird ungewünscht resettet (jedoch nicht beim Preview, evt. über mw.user.tokens.get( 'editToken' ); oder Cookie?) Evt. erkennst du das Problem wieder sofort :), dass ich nicht in der Werkstatt fragen bräuchte. LG -- πϵρήλιο 11:53, 28 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

License plates uploads



Thanks for the notification. I upload(ed) the images of license plates from other countries as well. Therefore I have no intention to explain anything there. Only in possible DR.


Quahadi Añtó 09:24, 11 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

add metadata


Thanks for the note about the IPTC metadata thingy. I was away for a bit so it took me a while to respond (I did just now at User talk:Morray). I have indeed heard of exifTool. Its an excellent piece of software, and use it a lot myself. Cheers. Bawolff (talk) 22:40, 15 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]


(permalink) -- RE rillke questions? 16:19, 24 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

translatewiki issue


Commons:Village_pump/Proposals#Implementing_addition - this didn't work. Can you have another go at it? Thanks. Rd232 (talk) 23:25, 22 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I'll try it. -- RE rillke questions? 07:42, 23 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Done. Reedy was very kind. -- RE rillke questions? 19:16, 24 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Excellent, but look at this - FuzzyBot removes part of the old text. I don't understand what FuzzyBot does... Rd232 (talk) 23:55, 24 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
...aber ich sehe von der deutschen Version, dass die Entfernung dieses Textes offentsichtlich deine Absicht war. Na gut. Rd232 (talk) 00:12, 25 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Das war Siebrand. Er hat hat eine Datei im SVN nochmals geändert. -- RE rillke questions? 05:56, 25 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Jetzt heißt es ✓ Done und warten: translatewiki:FAQ#How_is_the_work_done_on_translatewiki.net_connected_to_other_wikis?
this updating process can take months to happen at Wikimedia
-- RE rillke questions? 09:18, 27 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

du schriebst, die dateien wäre auf de-wp bereits vorhanden. ich habe sie dort nicht finden können. kannst du das aufklären? einige wurden auf de verwendet (Arbeitsliste Fehlende Bilder) --Akkakk (talk) 10:21, 24 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Letztlich habe ich ja nur auf Aufforderung gehandelt. Ich kann aber gern einen Admin fragen, ob er die Bilder transferieren könnte, wenn Du dir sicher bist, dass sie noch nicht in der de.WP sind. Grüße -- RE rillke questions? 16:13, 24 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
das scheint ein mißverständniss gewesen zu sein: diff. sie sind wohl nicht auf de und der uploader hat sie auch nicht mehr. wär schön, wenn du dich um den transfer kümmern könntest. --Akkakk (talk) 14:15, 3 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Bilder fehlen


Hi Rainer (du Langzeiturlauber), ich frage mich grade, weshalb hier die hochgeladenen Dateien alle aufgelistet sind, hier aber alle fehlen, die vom Rotatebot gedreht wurden. Das ist doch so eigentlich nicht korrekt. Hast Du 'ne Ahnung wo man da nachfragen kann? Du bist ja der Technikfreak... --Schwäbin (talk) 19:10, 24 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Die Erklärung steht in spätestens 48h in der Liste. Wenn du's vorher wissen willst: schau mal hier -- RE rillke questions? 19:17, 24 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Es soll aber daran gearbeitet werden: Commons:Village pump/Proposals#Draft_feature_list
Danke für den Nachsatz. Ich hatte schon geschrieben:
Okay...? Ist aber weiterhin irreführend, wenn man unterhalb der Benutzerbeiträge auf eine Liste hochgeladene Dateien klickt und nicht die hochgeladenen Dateien des Benutzers angezeigt bekommt, sondern nur die, die niemand anderes später bearbeitet hat. Oder was meinst Du? --Schwäbin (talk) 19:45, 24 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Dann danke für die Info und die Hoffnung, dass es bald besser wird :-)



Hi, you might not have seen the comment I left at AN. I was wondering whether you think you could adapt your AjaxMassDelete script to provide an AjaxListFilesFilter script, with some of the filtering options asked for in Bugzilla30522? Most fundamentally, just showing all the files a user has ever uploaded (unlike Special:ListFiles/username), with annotating cases where the file was overwritten by someone else, would be great, and I think not so far away from what your existing script does.

This would be useful in itself, and then links for those options could then be provided in MediaWiki:Listfiles-summary as well (Commons' local copy, that is). That would be an excellent interim solution (bug will probably take 6-12 months minimum to be actioned). What do you think? Rd232 (talk) 01:49, 26 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I'm working on it. -- RE rillke questions? 09:14, 27 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Prototype at User:Rillke/JSONListUploads.js. It is far away from being ready. But the overall look will not change. -- RE rillke questions? 18:15, 27 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

So, really, a link to your script (when it's a bit more polished) should replace the planned link to Special:MyUploads, since it's so much more useful (being what MyUploads should be). Or do you see some problem with doing that? Rd232 (talk) 00:22, 29 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, users complaining about something they expect and what's not working in that way. :-) Seriously: There are a few users without JavaScript. -- RE rillke questions? 09:06, 29 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Users without Javascript won't get the Special:MyUploads link either, since that's added via Javascript. So there's no difference for them. We could think about how to make Special:MyUploads more prominent for them, but right now, it's all about people with Javascript. Rd232 (talk) 09:53, 29 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

MyUpload translation


There you go!

* "My uploads" => "আমার আপলোড"
* "List of files you have uploaded" => "আপনার আপলোডকৃত ফাইলের তালিকা"

Thanks! — Tanvir | Talk ] 01:37, 28 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you. -- RE rillke questions? 08:45, 28 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I'm suddenly struck that I've forgotten about the localization of User:Rd232/Gadget-NoMyUploadsLink. I can ask people who've contributed translations, but I actually don't know how to localise a gadget description. I'm guessing you do? Rd232 (talk) 16:14, 28 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Just have a look at other gadgets -- RE rillke questions? 16:35, 28 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
ha, I actually expected it to work like that, but couldn't find any gadget examples that did it. Thanks. Rd232 (talk) 23:39, 28 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Polish translation


There's no good word for "uploads", so maybe "Moje pliki" (My files) or "Pliki, które przesłałem" (Files I've uploaded). "List of files you have uploaded" will be "Lista plików załadowanych przez Ciebie" or shorter, but not exactly - "Lista Twoich plików" (The list of your files). Greetings, Herr Kriss (talk) 00:00, 29 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Added to the script, using "my files" and "list of files you have uploaded". Thanks. Rd232 (talk) 00:19, 29 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Admin nomination


Dear Rillke

Before I start, I want to inform you that I will nominate you for adminship on Commons. You've done good work here and it will be very nice if you are an admin. Could you accept my nomination, please. Best regards!--Hoangquan hientrang (talk) 10:56, 29 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Please give me one week to think about that. There are users where I was not very patient and friendly and also being a good admin is really difficult. You've done very good and useful work, too. So if you feel ready, you may email me. Thank you. -- RE rillke questions? 11:53, 29 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

First, consider whether becoming an administrator is the best way for you to contribute to the project. Experience shows that outstanding contributors of content often reduce their contributions because of the maintenance overhead after they become admins, and this is what we want least.

I fear I will have less time for the things, I like. Furthermore there is the legal question: Am I responsible if I do not delete an image for some reasons and a court will decide in another way?
If you look somewhere on this page, you will find another user suggested going to RfA. Of course, you could not know because it's written in german. But the concerns are still there. -- RE rillke questions? 12:06, 29 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
OK, thank you for letting me know that. I'm really sorry for this. So before creating a nomination page, I will ask the user first to get the acceptance. Best regards!--Hoangquan hientrang (talk) 12:54, 29 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, that would be the best. Nevertheless, thank you for the encouragement and the trust. -- RE rillke questions? 13:07, 29 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I would also vote against, because you may, no longer could concentrate on the essentials. -- πϵρήλιο 13:27, 29 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I need some more time to think about that. -- RE rillke questions? 19:43, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Just noticed couple of gadget related requests on Commons:Administrators' noticeboard :-) I think will be good idea if you'll get administrator status, since some of your gadgets are heavily used. And MediaWiki updates broke functionality sometimes :-( I think tool maintenance is good justification for status, even if you'll not dedicate too much times to content related issues. But you could test tools occasionally :-) --EugeneZelenko (talk) 14:57, 15 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Gute Änderung, aber du solltest dein script in AjaxBatchPerform oder Dergleichen umbennen. --Martin H. (talk) 17:36, 1 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Wegen des Edit-Summaries? Könnte ich auch ohne das ganze zu verschieben ändern. Das aber sticht irgendwie heraus, deshalb auch noch der Nachsatz: Bevor ich das gemacht habe, war ich wie immer schlau und habe mir einen Testedit bestätigen lassen. -- RE rillke questions? 17:46, 1 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ist ja nicht das Problem, der Skript name klingt halt nur so negativ und verschleiert das wahre Potential des Skripts. --Martin H. (talk) 19:09, 1 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Rillke,

kannst Du nochmals hier vorbei schauen? Danke! --ALE! ¿…? 10:33, 3 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Wird erledigt. -- RE rillke questions? 12:02, 3 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Computer generated work


Hi Rillke, I have a question regarding computer generated work, could you take a look at Commons:Deletion_requests/File:Third_compound_stellation_of_icosahedron.png? I thought there's a page describing this issue, but couldn't find it at the moment. Thanks --Ben.MQ (talk) 10:57, 3 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I added a link. I am not sure whether it was what you were looking for. -- RE rillke questions? 11:56, 3 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

pd-art|pd-old → pd-old?


Hallo Rillke/Discuss/2011, Danke für die RegExp, aber wieso? Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 02:51, 5 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Die Antwort geb ich mir selbst - sorry (keine Kunst im engen Sinne, sondern nur ein Foto). ;) Dennoch wäre der Grund in der Summary hilfreicher, als die Regexp. ;) Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 03:12, 5 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo, ja ich werde das Scipt bei Gegelgenheit verbessern. Wie schon Martin H. wünschte (s. 2 threads drüber). Ich habe nur auf Anweisung gehandelt und Bedenken vorher geäußert. Aber es scheint ja so richtig zu sein. -- RE rillke questions? 07:22, 5 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Hi Rillke, hope this is correct. :) --Ben.MQ (talk) 12:34, 5 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks! This will prevent notifying users who reverted only. -- RE rillke questions? 13:07, 5 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Just wondered if you might be able to help sort the issue at MediaWiki talk:Gadget-GoogleTranslate.js#Bug fix. cheers, Rd232 (talk) 16:42, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Das Problem ist, dass der ResourceLoader die Gadgets auf der Serverseite zusammenpackt und ich keinen Server zum Testen habe. Letzteres wird sich bedauerlicherweise demnächst ändern, kostet mich aber wahrscheinlich exorbitant viel Zeit. -- RE rillke questions? 19:40, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Hm, OK. Ich hab keine Ahnung davon! Rd232 (talk) 20:40, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]



see also:

Hallo Rillke, wo hast du denn hingerettet? Oder hast du dich wirklich vertan? Commons:Forum#Rettung_nach_de Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 19:46, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Ich bitte den Inhalt der dort angegebenen Links zu rezipieren. Ich war davon ausgegangen, dass ich die Angaben des Uploaders nicht noch zu prüfen brauche. Wenn Du dir übrigens die Mühe machen würdest und einige Threads weiter oben oder auf der Diskussionsseite H-stts nachschauen würdest, wirst Du feststellen, dass ich das Problem erkannt habe. Ich wäre Dir dankbar, könntest Du sie transferieren oder entlöschen, so dass ich es machen kann. Frag' aber bitte vorher nach, ob ich online bin. Sie sollen ja nicht ewig "entlöscht" bleiben. Wenn Dir noch ein gutes Tool einfällt, lass' es mich wissen. Vielen Dank der Nachfrage. -- RE rillke questions? 20:38, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Rillke, ich habe gerade beispielhaft mal ein Bild versucht per CH2 zu übertragen - der braucht ewig (>5 Minuten). Ich glaube fast, dass es schneller geht es manuell zu machen. Ins Feld Quelle sollte wenn möglich dann noch ein Link auf das Uploadlog der Datei in Commons, sodass es nachvollziehbar ist, wo die Datei herkommt. Eigentlich hätte ich auch dringenderes zu tun, als die Dateien geschätzt stundenlang zu verschieben. ;)
Ich war eben schon daran mir ein paar JS-regexps zum Einfügen in die Firebug-Konsole zu schreiben, um manuell gut verschieben zu können. Wäre auch ne Möglichkeit - dann müsste ich noch nicht mal entlöschen.
var box = $j("textarea").html();  //holt sich den Beschreibungstext 
box = box.replace(/\|Description\s*\=/g, "|Beschreibung     =)";
//TODO // ....
//TODO // {{cc-by-sa-2.0-de}} → {{Bild-CC-by-sa/2.0/de}}
//TODO // |Quelle= foo → |Quelle= [// commons]. Originalquelle: foo
Wie willst du verschieben? Wenn du willst, kann ich sie dir entlöschen - klar. Du hast nicht zufälligerweise Lust ins IRC zu kommen? Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 18:03, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Da ich nicht auf die gelöschten Datein zugreifen kann, muss ich Dich bitten zu testen:

   .replace(/\{\{delete\|.+day\=\d\d?\}\}/i, '')
   .replace(/\{\{(\D\D)\|(?:1\=)?((?:[^\n\}\|\{]|(?:\{\{[^\n\}\{]\}\}))+)\}\}/ig, "*''$1'': $2")
   .replace(/\|Description\s*/i, '|Beschreibung    ').replace(/\|Date\s*/i, '|Datum           ').replace(/\|Author\s*/i, '|Urheber         ').replace(/\|Permission\s*/i, '|Genehmigung     ')
   .replace(/\|Source\s*=/i, '|Quelle          =* [//' + encodeURI(mw.util.getParamValue("target")) + ' ' + mw.util.getParamValue("target") + ' in Commons]' + ". \n*Originalquelle: ")
   .replace(/\|other[_ ]versions\s*/i, '|Andere Versionen').replace(/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/ig, '$3.$2.$1')
   .replace(/\=\=\s*Lic.+\s*\=\=/i, '== Lizenz ==')
   .replace(/\{\{cc(-[^\}\d]+)-(\d\.\d)-(\D\D)\}\}/i, '{{Bild-CC$1/$2/$3}}{{Schutzlandprinzip}}').replace(/\{\{cc(-[^\}\d]+)-(\d\.\d)\}\}/i, '{{Bild-CC$1/$2}}{{Schutzlandprinzip}}')

-- RE rillke questions? 20:43, 15 September 2011 (UTC) Verunstaltet von Saibo (Δ) 22:09, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

  1. Funktion im Editmodus auf echten Dateiseiten und auf der Undelete-Seite
  2. Einbinbar als User-Gadget mit Link z.B. in der Toolbox, falls aktuelle Seite eine unterstützte ist.

-- RE rillke questions? 22:43, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Kennst Du da was?


Hi Rainer, da ich grade mal wieder in Dein neues My uploads schaute und Du doch so ein Programmierspezi bist: Ich hab in den letzten Tagen häufig in Kategorien gestöbert (Category:WikiCon2011 und Category:Images_from_Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2011,_DE-BW) und wünsche mir eine Möglichkeit, die Bilder in einer Art Diashow anzuschauen: Etwas größer als das gängige Vorschaubild, mit Bildbeschreibung und Angabe des Fotografen. Derzeit muss man ja jedes Bild anklicken/aufrufen, um Details zu erfahren. Gibt es sowas schon? Falls nein: Wäre der Zeitaufwand für die Programmierung annehmbar? Danke & Grüßle, --Schwäbin (talk) 20:59, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Slideshow in den Einstellungen. Ist nicht perfekt aber gut. -- RE rillke questions? 21:15, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Danke, hab's ausprobiert. Aber leider zeigt es ja weder die Bildbeschreibung noch den Fotografen an. Mich interessiert nicht der Dateiname, sondern die file description... --Schwäbin (talk) 07:17, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Dann setz' es bitte mit einem Verweis auf MediaWiki:Gadget-GallerySlideshow.js auf die TODO-List bei COM:User Scripts. So schwer dürfte das nicht sein. DieBuche deutete hier schon etwas an ("Should grab description"), scheint aber zu beschäftigt zu sein. Eventuell findest Du ja in der de.wp jemanden, der ausreichend Zeit hat das zu übernehmen. -- RE rillke questions? 08:04, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Frag z.B. mal Bergi. Die Meldung oben auf der Benutzerseite ist glatt gelogen. -- RE rillke questions? 08:07, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Filing a bug


At Commons:Village_pump/Proposals#Discussion you said "This would be nice. a) total uploads count (log) b) number of images created by user x and alive c) live count of a) ". Can you clarify this really well so that a developer can act on it (vielleicht auf deutsch), and then I'll file a bug for that. The other thing I've already done (Bugzilla30915). Rd232 (talk) 15:14, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Danke fürs Bug-erstellen. Zum Counter:
a) Gesamtzahl der geloggten "events of type upload". Also die Anzahl aller Uploads, egal welche Aktion (Überschreiben, Erstellen, Zurücksetzen)
b) Anzahl der vom Log erfassten Aktionen "upload" (=Neu-Erstellen einer Datei) -(minus) gelöschte Dateien. Also erstellte, nicht gelöschte Dateien eines Benutzers.
c) nicht wirklich wichtig
Die Entwickler und "Techs" werden nicht begeistert sein, weil sie eine neue Tabelle mit vorhandenen Daten anlegen müssen. -- RE rillke questions? 17:16, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Bugzilla31340 Rd232 (talk) 05:06, 4 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

No username specified


The script breaks if you go to the link when logged out. It should throw an appropriate error message, and allow the user to enter a username. This change is also needed for the link I'm adding at MediaWiki talk:Listfiles-summary. PS "ask your question on helpdesk." -> "ask your question at the Help Desk." Rd232 (talk) 15:40, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Thank you. You can see the changes after the copy in MW-Namespace is updated. -- RE rillke questions? 17:16, 15 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Hi Rainer,

darf ich Dich fragen, ob es für Commons ein Äquivalent zu Lustiger Seths Unsigned-Skript gibt? Ich vermisse es doch recht häufig...

Danke & Grüßle, --Schwäbin (talk) 12:35, 21 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Warum nicht einfach benutzen:
Und ab damit in die common.js oder <skin>.js Gerade getested. -- RE rillke questions? 14:59, 21 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Okay, danke. Das Ding spricht dann aber nur Deutsch, richtig? Ich hab es schon gesehen, dass hier auf Commons nachsigniert wurde, bloß weiß ich nicht, ob die Leute ein Skript oder ein Template benutzt haben oder was... --Schwäbin (talk) 17:18, 21 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Nein, es setzt genau das, was Du brauchst und nutzt englisch (unsigned). -- RE rillke questions? 17:31, 21 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Prima, dann nochmal danke :-) --Schwäbin (talk) 20:02, 21 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

VisualFileChange.js: doesn't work on the contributions page


Hi Rillke, bei ↑ habe ich zwei bugs(?) entdeckt: Wenn man das Tool auf Beitragslisten von Usern aufruft, funktioniert es nicht (undefined im Drop-down). Und: Oben bei der Checkbox sollte es nicht "Disselect" sondern Deselect heißen. 2 Doku-Bilder als zip . Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 00:12, 23 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Danke für die Hinweise. Leider bin ich nicht in der Lage das eigenartige Verhalten auf der Contribs-Seite nachzuvollziehen. Ich habe aber eine Idee: Das i18n-Objekt wird irgendwie wieder überschrieben. (Tritt dann wahrscheinlich nicht mit &uselang=en auf.) Von meinem momentanen Standort aus, kann ich das allerdings nicht ändern. Wird also noch eine Weile dauern. Grüße -- RE rillke questions? 09:48, 23 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Die Weile dauern macht gar nichts. Wollte es nur mitteilen. :) Auf Steht in dem Dialogpopup schon "null" (statt deinem Namen) drin, nachdem ich auf "perform batch task" geklickt habe. Ich habe dann deinen Namen eingetragen: dann war alles richtig. Wenn ich auf (ohne uselang) gehe, steht im Popup direkt schon Rillke drin, aber danach steht "undefined" im interface. Ah! Wenn ich meine Interface-Sprache auf Englisch umstelle, dann geht's auf auch der Beitragsliste (hatte vorher Deutsch). Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 22:39, 24 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Bug MediaWiki:JSONListUploads.js: zwei Uploads fehlen


Hallo Rillke, wenn ich für den User Samiam26 JSONListUploads.js aufrufe, wird mir nur File:TantrumbyartistJasonThompson.jpg und File:DaydreamerBronze.jpg angezeigt, obwohl er noch (ich wollte einen danach einen Mass-DR stellen) vier Uploads hat. Habe das gleiche auch nochmal ohne https probiert und in der JS-Konsole stehen in FF 3.6 keine Fehler. Ebenso in Opera 11 (unangemeldet). Die Statistics sind:

New Created:8
Total logged events:8
Deleted revs:0
Matching filter:2

Ansonsten: Mega-Tools bastelst du hier! :-) Wenn die bezahlten Devs doch mal sowas (gescheites) machen könnten... Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 22:28, 24 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

1 API-Fehler und der Rest sind Redirects, für die ich kein ImageInfo bekomme. An denen muss ich noch arbeiten. Ist gerade für verschobene Dateien wichtig. Sonst bekommt noch jemand einen Schreck, wenn da steht seine Datei sei gelöscht worden. -- RE rillke questions? 09:37, 25 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done -- RE rillke questions? 17:41, 13 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Done? Ich sehe weiterhin nur 2. ;-) Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 00:23, 14 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ja, in der Kopie in meinem BNR. Wenn Du MediaWiki:JSONListUploads.js aktualisierst, sollten zumindest einige auftauchen. -- RE rillke questions? 06:16, 14 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Zumindest dachte ich das. Ist aber hier nicht der Fall: Für 2 darunter auch File:Himself with child.jpeg gibt die API keine Informationen zum Bild an. Ich werde Roan mal fragen. Die anderen sind als dupes gelöscht. Jedenfalls verfolgt das Script jetzt bis zu max. einer Dateiverschiebung. Zur Not sieht man die Datei aber immernoch als gelöscht. -- RE rillke questions? 06:23, 14 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Alles klar, danke! Nach Krinkles Aussage update ich das wohl besser nicht einfach so - oder wie ist das? Er scheint das Script für recht problematisch zu halten.

Inwiefern könnte die Sache bzgl. Security denn für das Rotatescript relevant sein? Es ist aber ja wesentlich kompakter... Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 23:27, 14 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Wenn er es sicherheismäßig für problematisch hält, soll er sagen, was falsch ist. Ich sehe da absolut keine Probleme. Und vorher waren auch keine sicherheitsrelevanten drin. Das Problem mit den "insecure requests" bezog sich nur auf die Bilder die das Script geladen hat. Die müssen m.E. nicht digital signiert werden (völliger Unsinn...), habe es aber trotzdem geändert, weil manche Browser das sonst blockieren. HTML wird ordnungsgemäß escaped (war von Anfang an so), wenn es nötig ist und so etwas wie Buffer-Overflow gibt es in JavaScript nicht. Außerdem gibt es keine Handler, die einfach irgendwelche Funktionen aufrufen, ohne zu prüfen. -- RE rillke questions? 09:10, 15 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
(BK) Oha, sorry, da habe ich wohl etwas falsches angesprochen. ;-) Nunja - wenn jemand seinem Provider/Arbeitgeber/Neugierigen im LAN sein Surfverhalten nicht mitteilen will, dann ist der Abruf der bilder über https schon nötig. Ist ja (mit protokollrelativen URLs) auch kein Umstand das zu machen. Magogs Script benutze ich schon aus anderen Gründen nicht, aber danke für den Hinweis. :) Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 12:15, 15 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Naja, dass Du auf Commons herum spazierst, sieht -wer es möchte- trotzdem. Und wenn man dann noch 1&1 zusammenzählt, weiß man auch was Du machst. (nicht was Du Dir anguckst - aber früher oder später verrät man sich doch mit einem Edit, der ja mit Zeitstempel geloggt wird; Zeitstempel + Zeitpunkt der Anfrage an den Server = Aha, der Benutzer). Außerdem soll es ja Zertifizierungsstellen geben, die Zertifikate für HotMail und Yahoo ausstellen und nicht merken, dass die Betreiber nicht dahinter stecken. Dennoch ich kann das Argument verstehen. Über die Leistung braucht man sich momentan keine Sorgen zu machen. Da hat die WMF wahrscheinlich aufgerüstet. -- RE rillke questions? 12:53, 15 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Gegen Ansprechen habe ich auch gar nichts. Übrigens habe ich die Aussage über das andere Script zurückgezogen. -- RE rillke questions? 12:53, 15 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Ja, über Matching von Zeitstempeln in den RC und Zeitstempeln im Traffic bekommt ein Angreifer heraus, welchen Usernamen der angegriffene Anschluss hat. Das gilt aber nur für Edits, die man macht. Welche Bilder oder Seiten abgerufen werden, bleibt verborgen. Ja - ist mir wohlbekannt - wenn denn nicht der Angreifer gefälschte Zertifikate besitzt und die Verbindung nicht nur belauschen, sondern auch manipulieren kann. Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 14:31, 15 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
So jetzt lege ich nochmal nach :-) Betroffen waren nur die UserInterface-Bilder. Die Thumbs kamen sicher verschlüsselt. So gesehen sind einige von Lupos Tools jetzt auch unsicher. Einfach mal beim Besuch eines Bildes auf "Seiteninformationen anzeigen" (Kontextmenü) klicken und dann auf "Medien". Du wirst sehen, dass der Immage-annotator das hier lädt. "Oh großer Schreck", sprach der Arbeitgeber: "Der Saibo besucht nicht nur Commons, sondern auch Dateiseiten." Verzeih mir bitte diesen dunklen Humor/ diese Dummheit. Und weil ich gerade beim Schlammwerfen bin, kannst Du $('input>', { daran erkennen, dass auch Krinkle Fehler unterlaufen. Was mich aber am meisten ärgert, ist dass unsere Anfragen zu ignorieren scheint und dieses halb zerbrochene Script da jetzt unter meinem Namen rumliegt. Kannst es gern löschen (das im Commons-Namensraum natürlich). -- RE rillke questions? 15:59, 15 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Rillke, mache dir doch keine unnötige Mühe - weiß ich doch. Aber nur weil andere Scripte und vielleicht sogar MEdiaWiki-Extensions das nicht gut machen, heißt das ja nicht, dass man es nicht besser machen kann, oder? :) Dem ImageAnnotator wollte ich eigentlich schon länger mal nachgehen... nunja - irgendwann :D
Was zu tun ist, ist der Editrequest in den Adminnotizen, richtig? Ich könnte ja ... ;-) Dazu fühle ich mich aber noch ein wenig zu unwissend in der Sache. Ich mache jetzt erstmal das mit der Drehung.
Da ich glaube, dass dir zu wenige Leute danke sagen ... ich mach's daher einfach nochmal: DANKE! :-) Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 18:11, 15 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, I noticed this edit I do not object to it, but do not understand it. The image File:Over-categorization.svg does not have any annotations. --Jarekt (talk) 13:26, 29 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

As this is a high-traffic page and there are no annotations required in this image, I just thought that it's not necessary that the browser sends a request asking for the contents of the file-description page in order to display annotations (because the browser does not know that there aren't annotations) each time someone visiting the page. It's just a waste of resources. That's one reason why image-annotations on images included in templates should be always turned off. If you have firebug-console or similar you can see the XHRs. If you disagree fell free to revert. Sincerely -- RE rillke questions? 14:47, 29 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I do not disagree, I did not know about that extra server call. I know that image-annotations on images included in templates should be always turned off - at some point creator templates did not have it and it was very strange when I first encountered creator template using image with annotations. However many templates I know display some icons or logos and those are usually not have annotations turned off. I will try to fix that. I learn something new every day. Thanks --Jarekt (talk) 15:26, 29 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
We should probably ask User:Lupo, who invented image-annotator whether there is a threshold of the size before changing a lot of pages. -- RE rillke questions? 17:12, 29 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
He wrote in Template:ImageNoteControl/doc that the threshold is at 60x60, so I guess icons or logos should be fine. --Jarekt (talk) 18:20, 29 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Cleanup script


OK, so I finally got booted into Windows 7... and I'm not experiencing the same problems with IE9 (specifically, 9.0.8112.16421). My guess is MS won't want to take a bug report for IE8 on Windows XP, although I could be wrong. Thoughts? Magog the Ogre (talk) 19:00, 2 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I fear so, too — even if WinXP is still supported and IE9 does not run on it. Thanks for testing. -- RE rillke questions? 17:17, 3 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

-- RE rillke questions? 18:31, 4 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Bot run


Hi, could you launch a bot run to remove the hard redirects in Commons:Database reports/Broken redirects ? I don't know what happen yesterday to have such a massive new amount of redirects. --Foroa (talk) 02:31, 6 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Most of the work ✓ Done. There were a few exceptions. -- RE rillke questions? 08:03, 6 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
And again 86 new ones please. Don't know what is happening, normally, there are only 2 or 3 per day. --Foroa (talk) 06:18, 7 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done Took me just one minute :). BTW one of the pages seems to be protected or at least I got an error that I can't edit protected page. Next time I'll investigate which page it is. -- RE rillke questions? 08:45, 7 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
The script is now stable enough and there is no need to patrol it's edits anymore. Could you please add autopatrolled-usergroup? I asked Leyo to remove it before because I wanted to patrol it's edits. Thank you. -- RE rillke questions? 09:32, 7 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Funny enough, several of them where very old; it looks as if Bernsteinbot is improving itself ;) I found the protected one; this is of course not acceptable for a talk page. Could you check a bit the coming days till we get all the old ones filtered out. Thank you again. --Foroa (talk) 10:52, 7 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Of course. -- RE rillke questions? 11:10, 7 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
It looks as if we are approaching the end of the old list: Special:BrokenRedirects might become usable. Thank you again. --Foroa (talk) 05:54, 10 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for review my request as image reviewer


reply is there -- RE rillke questions? 08:03, 13 October 2011 (UTC) haaaaaaaaaaaaaa........Then how to merge my accounts.--Sridhar1000 (talk) 10:47, 13 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Seems to be impossible. Ask a 'crat, please. -- RE rillke questions? 13:02, 13 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for correcting my data


Thank you for correcting the data of the images I uploaded (Best before seals). I was wondering for some time how to set the data right and then saw you did it. I couldn't uderstand why some images uploaded correctly but some of them didn't. Maybe because of the cyrillic letters. I really don't know.--Gabriel VanHelsing (talk) 19:54, 15 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, this it is a bug in UploadWizard and is unrelated to Cyrillic letters. It will be fixed on Monday hopefully. -- RE rillke questions? 09:01, 16 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

When you add a category to a DR, such as Category:Undelete in 2078 in this one, please be sure to enclose it in <noinclude> so that it is not transcluded. If you omit the markup, not only the DR, but the DR log of the day and month, and the archive, will all show up in the category.

<noinclude>[[Category:Undelete in 2078]]</noinclude>      Jim . . . . Jameslwoodward (talk to me) 11:48, 16 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Oops, of course, sorry. While I think Category:Undelete in 2078 can be removed but I can remember tagging other DRs with more realistic dates, too. -- RE rillke questions? 13:41, 16 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Well, I usually wouldn't add an undelete much beyond 2030 or so, but we can afford to take a very long view, since it is essentially free.      Jim . . . . Jameslwoodward (talk to me) 15:55, 16 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Concerning Infonuagique.svg


The message I got here is unclear: the template does not specify what the corrective action is (which fields need to be filled out, and with what). I'm also surprised the upload wizard did not prevent this from happening. Urhixidur (talk) 14:29, 17 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I cannot recommend UploadWizard for derivative works. It is important that the original author is mentioned in the author field. I use this for derivatives. You can see that I reverted my no source. I missed that you put it in the description field. -- RE rillke questions? 14:34, 17 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I'm glad this was cleared up (you acted just a tad too fast  :-) ). My request that the warning template be improved still stands, though. Keep in mind that its intended audience is rather newbie-ish. Urhixidur (talk) 14:52, 17 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I fear you have to make an explicit proposal. It is autotranslated and it must be updated for each language, then. -- RE rillke questions? 15:17, 17 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Rotatebot - new feature


Moved to User talk:Rotatebot#Rotatebot - new feature. Luxo maintains this bot and will be able to reply. I just wrote the script. Thank you. -- RE rillke questions? 09:27, 18 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Ich benachrichtige mich immer selbst von Löschanträgen eigener Bilder, damit ich sehen kann, ob sie auch abgearbeitet worden sind, und eventuell Löschdiskussionen sofort anklicken kann. Fingalo (talk) 14:46, 19 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Rotate > 360°


Hallo Rillke/Discuss/2011! Danke für die Änderungen 1 2 - allerdings habe ich einen Fehler gemacht: der Bot weist in der aktuellen alles ab, was nicht 0,90,180,270° ist. Nur, falls intern (durch das Berücksichtigen von EXIF) mehr als 360 rauskommen, kommt mod zum tragen. Man könnte problemlos mehr als 360° (sofern mod 90 = 0) akzeptieren, aber dann müsste ich Luxo nerven eine neue Codeversion einzuspielen. Ich habe nur den Code und daran programmiert, nicht aber den TS-Zugriff. Kannst du dem switch-Befehl in den Vorlagen einfach den gemodeten Wert geben? Der Rotatebot geht nur nach dem Sortkey - was in der Vorlage steht, ist egal. Wenn nicht, mache es bitte wieder rückgängig. Sorry. Bei der nächsten Codeänderung bau ich den mod-Spaß auch mal bei der Eingangsprüfung ein - weil's so schön ist. ;) Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 00:14, 25 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Danke für deine Änderung an Template:Rotate! Wenn ein Fehler auftritt, dann wird {{lc:{{{degree|{{{1|}}}}}} als Sortkey genommen? Und ansonsten keiner? Kannst du mir das erklären? :)

{{#iferror: {{ #expr: {{{degree|{{{1|}}}}}} mod 360 }} | {{lc:{{{degree|{{{1|}}}}}}}}}}

Aber wird schon passen - der Bot hat ja alles richtig gemacht (wie es grob durchgeschaut aussieht), und wenn hier jemand Programmierfehler macht, dann bin ich das. ;) Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 18:22, 25 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Eigentlich könnte man sich das iferror im sortkey bei der momentanen Programmierung auch sparen. Ich habe mich an an der Hilfe in der de.WP orientiert. {{#iferror: <Ausdruck> | <Text bei Fehler> }} — Bei einem Fehler im Ausdruck wird Text bei Fehler angezeigt, ansonsten der fehlerfreie Ausdruck. -- RE rillke questions? 18:34, 25 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Bitte den Quelltext lesen! — 90 -- RE rillke questions? 18:37, 25 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ne komische Funktion ist das. Ja, dann geht's natürlich. Danke! Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 19:17, 25 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]


The Audio Barnstar
Thank you for your kind, quick, considerate help with converting a media file for a new user. Great work!  Chzz  ►  20:36, 26 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

 Chzz  ►  20:36, 26 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you. -- RE rillke questions? 20:42, 26 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
File:Mercedes_rail_device.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.

If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues.

Please remember to respond to and – if appropriate – contradict the arguments supporting deletion. Arguments which focus on the nominator will not affect the result of the nomination. Thank you!

Tomascastelazo (talk) 02:31, 27 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Deletion review


Hi Rillke. Sorry you got drawn into the mess re Catrinas. FWIW, your image was nominated (along with six of mine) vindictively rather than because of any good reason. I hope we get some answers to your questions, and from someone who is knowledgeable rather than just guessing. Colin (talk) 16:32, 27 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Your Flickr review tags


Please change the format you use upon placing the Flickrreview tag, your current format is detected by the FlickrreviewR robot as "never edited by their reviewer" and reported here. Please use {{Flickrreview|Rillke|2011-10-28}} instead. Please change the tags on the three listed images accordingly and remove them from the list. I can't change the format myself because it's reported as well (unless I place my own tag). --Denniss (talk) 01:35, 29 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Didn't know that the bot is that stupid. Changed & thanks for notifiying me. {{Frw}} must be changed as well... -- RE rillke questions? 08:15, 29 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
No, the Bot isn't stupid, the first set of instructions at Template:Flickrreview/doc#Usage, generated via {{TemplateBox}} is wrong. --Denniss (talk) 08:49, 29 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Bots should be tolerant whether using template-parameters or not since it is valid Wikisyntax. I left a note on it's talk-page. Probably Bryan finds it some day. Do you think I have to change {{Prw}}, ... as well? Or are there cleverer or just no bots for those ones? -- RE rillke questions? 08:59, 29 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I'd consider the Flickrreview bot a bit fragile and not working at 100% anymore as it doesn't use the bad authors list during the review process (also applies to the Flickrupload bot). Because of this I'd suggest to keep using a syntax the bot is familar with. If you know someone able and willing to check/fix the bot or to program a new one, please ask him/her. I don't think Prw needs to be changed - AFAIR it's a manual review process and The Flickrreview bot is not connected with it.--Denniss (talk) 20:23, 29 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. Hopefully we can find someone fixing this. Good to know. -- RE rillke questions? 21:02, 29 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Question about Jcb's comment on RfA


What does Jcb mean when he says this--Quan (talk) 15:13, 29 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Personal revenge maybe? This could provoke other users to give you their support. In essence I don't think it will harm you.
BTW, you often change your opinion. First investigating, then voting, please. -- RE rillke questions? 15:28, 29 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Just a note that Hongquan has resigned from Commons. I made a comment there at the bottom. Best Regards, --Leoboudv (talk) 07:46, 30 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

That's really regrettable. He was one of the hardest workers (> 2000 edits the last 30 days) and especially license reviewers and furthermore friendly. It always scares me loosing those users. On the other hand he will have to learn that one can't make it as everyone like it. It is important to find your own way. Thanks for the notification, Leoboudv. Do you suggest doing something? Sincerely -- RE rillke questions? 08:17, 30 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  • No. WikiCommons and Wikipedia can be really addictive and time consuming and time management can be a problem...even to me. When I applied to be a reviewer here, I said straight out that I would never apply to be an Admin as I don't have the time to handle the responsibilities of being an Admin. Hongquan has made his choice. One can wish he remained a reviewer to mark images like I do--and I did support his reviewer request--but its his life to do as he wishes. As for me, my high resolution photos are on my userpage here. I don't take many photos anyway and have free time to do most edits mostly only on weekends only. Goodnight from Vancouver, Canada, where its almost 3 AM, --Leoboudv (talk) 09:58, 30 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Mass delete based on categories


Hi Rillke/Discuss/2011, I was in Category:Files by User:Rkali and called "perform batch task" to nominate they all for deletion. Worked fine Commons:Deletion requests/Files in Category:Files by User:Rkali - but the two different uploaders were not notified. Is this intentional? Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 03:21, 31 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

This is a known issue. I am working on a completely new version, which addresses this weakness. I hope I get it ready today. -- RE rillke questions? 08:11, 31 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo again Rillke, (your talk subpage breaks my hallo template ;-) ... fixed now), okay, thank you! :-) Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 14:36, 31 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done Thanks for your overall help! -- RE rillke questions? 10:55, 5 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]



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Ein Willkommenspräsent für unseren neuen Administrator von deinen Kollegen...

Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Rillke! Du hast jetzt die Rechte eines Administrators auf Commons. Nimm dir bitte einen Moment Zeit, um dir die Seite Commons:Administratoren und die in Verbindung mit der Beobachtungsliste stehenden Seiten durchzulesen (insbesondere Commons:Administrators' noticeboard und Commons:Deletion requests), bevor du damit beginnst, Seitenlöschungen, Accountsperrungen oder Änderungen am Seitenschutzstatus bzw. an den geschützten Seiten selbst durchzuführen. Der Großteil der Bearbeitungen eines Administrators kann durch andere Administratoren wieder rückgängig gemacht werden, mit Ausnahme der Zusammenführung von Versionsgeschichten, die deshalb mit spezieller Obacht behandelt werden muß.

Wir laden dich herzlich ein, mit uns auf IRC Kontakt aufzunehmen: #wikimedia-commons @ Es gibt auch einen Channel für Commons-Admins, der für sensiblere Themen sowie zur Koordination unter Admins genutzt werden kann. Du findest zudem in dem Commons:Ratgeber zur Administratorentätigkeit vielleicht eine nützliche Lektüre.

Bitte überprüfe, ob du in der Commons:List of administrators und den jeweils nach Datum oder Sprache sortierten Listen eingetragen wurdest und ergänze deine Daten andernfalls.

EugeneZelenko (talk) 15:52, 6 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Welcome to the team -- long overdue. You may find User:Jameslwoodward/Commons notes for administrators useful -- feel free to edit or add to it and if you have questions, you know where to find me.      Jim . . . . Jameslwoodward (talk to me) 16:43, 6 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Juhuu! :-) Ich wünsche dir "gutes Gelingen", viel Spaß weiterhin und danke für deine Hilfe! Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 21:32, 6 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Congrats and thanks for what you do :)  ■ MMXX  talk 23:51, 6 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Comment: Don't forget to put the Admin template on your userpage and congratulations. You didn't need to hear about this topic but since Blue Marble/Hoangquan nominated you, maybe you have the right to know the real reason why he quit Commons now. Its a sad and petty story sadly. Both Admin Lymantria--who is a courteous and true professional--and I talked about it. I'm just glad I'm not involved in the de-admin issue which sparked this whole explosive situation....and I advise that you stay clear of this controversy as many people are angry at each other. I don't know Jcb well enough to have any strong opinion--except for his single vote against Hoangquan's RfA--and he did vote for your RfA anyway. Best Regards, --Leoboudv (talk) 06:01, 7 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for all the nice wishes and advice . Yours faithfully. -- RE rillke questions? 18:07, 7 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Auch von mir einen herzlichen Glückwunsch! Habe irgendwie völlig übersehen, dass Du hier nominiert warst :-} Viel Erfolg! a×pdeHello! 17:45, 11 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Help needed with a Flickrreview script


The script at User:Patstuart/Flickrreview.js is used by a lot of admins/image reviewers. Today I stumbled onto a problem - if the license tag is placed after the Flickrreview-error tag then the license gets deleted once the script places a positive review tag. See here for an example. It's not a problem using it for a regular Flickrreview tag, see here. Do you have some time to investigate? --Denniss (talk) 18:09, 9 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hope this helps. -- RE rillke questions? 18:59, 9 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for fixing - works. Could you fix another problem? Script does not work with {{Flickrreview/human}}, see here, it places the review tag at the bottom of the page without replacing the old tag. --Denniss (talk) 14:19, 11 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Should be ✓ Done. I really don't know why this old script is still in use. It does not care for lots of new tags and is outdated. -- RE rillke questions? 16:31, 12 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Because it's working for most of the time. The FlickrFixr gadget (from preferences) does not work with all Flickr templates. If I understand the code right, it only works with the standard Flickrreview template but not if flickrreview/human is placed or the bot reported a problem requesting human review. --Denniss (talk) 18:20, 12 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ok, then let's see whether I can update the gadget. Thank you. -- RE rillke questions? 18:50, 12 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Hi Rillke, I've created a way for {{Gadget-desc}} to display messages requesting translation help, if the user's language isn't available for a gadget description. Can you take a look at User:Rd232/sandbox2 and make sure it makes sense to you? The logic is a bit tricky and I'd like a second opinion. If it seems OK, you can implement it using your new powers :) Thanks. Rd232 (talk) 18:39, 9 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you. That's a great idea. The downside was that on Special:Preferences {{FULLPAGENAME}} and {{BASEPAGENAME}} point to Special:Preferences, not the MW-messages. Therefore I added a self/base-parameter to all English descriptions. Ich weiß nicht, ob es einen Trick gibt, um das leichter zu lösen... -- RE rillke questions? 12:30, 10 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Danke, dass du dies und andere Probleme mit dem Code gelöst hast! Es freut mich, dass die Idee so schnell in funktionierender Form zu sehen ist. Hast du übrigens eine Meinung zu {{Gadget-talk}} und {{Gadget-help}}? Ich bin nicht total zufrieden mit ihnen. Rd232 (talk) 14:08, 10 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, I've just added an instruction to {{Gadget-translation-editintro}} to change the "self" parameter in translations. Now I'm not sure if that's correct... Should the self/base be the same in all language versions? Rd232 (talk) 14:10, 10 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Alle Achtung. Ich bin beeindruckt, dass Du Deine guten Ideen so systematisch und mit einer solchen Kontinuität umsetzt.
Template:Gadget-help: Für Scriptprobleme habe ich speziell Commons:User Scripts geschaffen, das aber keiner findet und auch keiner benutzt. Das sollte den "Devs" ersparen die Village-Pump-Diskussionen zu durchforsten. Natürlich ist Helpdesk gerade bei Fragen von Neulingen auch angebracht, da deren Fragen häufig von auch erfahrenen Nutzern beantwortet werden können.
Wenn Du mir noch verrätst, womit Du nicht zufrieden bist, könnte ich sicher gezielter helfen.
{{Gadget-help}} sollte evtl. noch eine Möglichkeit zur automatischen Übersetzung bieten.
For our purposes it's not of importance. But if someone else wants to implement something with it, it is desirable to have the full path. -- RE rillke questions? 15:43, 10 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks, I think we're about there (though maybe the vertical spacing between the boxes could be slightly less). And the template coding is rather hard to unravel; I'm tempted to wonder if it wouldn't be worth using one or two helper templates to make it easier to understand/maintain. (And it'll be even worse once someone gets round to internationalising it.) One thing remains: {{Lang links}} insists on providing an edit link which doesn't work in this context. Can you edit it to provide an optional parameter which removes that edit link? Thanks. PS {{Gadget-translatelabel}} could use a {{Documentation}} link in it. Rd232 (talk) 13:58, 11 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Uebrigens... "automatische Übersetzung"? Etwa eine Variante von MediaWiki:Gadget-GoogleTranslate.js, welches mit einem Knopfdruck die ganze Seite mit Google Translate uebersetzt? Das koennte generell ein nuetzliches Gadget sein. (Na gut, du meintest warscheinlich {{Autotranslate}}.) Rd232 (talk) 14:07, 11 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Natürlich war autotranslate, langswitch über ein template oder ein anderes Verfahren gemeint. Meinst Du wir sollten Neulinge auf das Google-Translate-Gadget hinweisen? Dann sollten aber Abkürzungen wie DR oder Copyvio vorher expandiert werden. -- RE rillke questions? 08:46, 12 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Danke. Kleiner Schreibfehler: supressaddlink -> suppressaddlink. Nee, was ich meinte war ein Knopf, der Google Translate bittet, sowas zu machen: [36]. Das sollte relativ einfach sein. Man koennte es sogar mit einer Vorlage schaffen (aber als Gadget, auf jeder Seite nutzbar, waere besser). Abkürzungen zu expandieren ist schon was ganz Anderes. Uebrigens, ich versuche {{Gadget-translatelabel}} von {{Gadget-talk}} einzubinden, und es klappt irgendwie nicht. :( Rd232 (talk) 12:41, 12 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ups. Danke für den Hinweis. Irgendwie bin ich ein bisschen schwer von Begriff: Wo soll der Knopf hin? Nur in speziellen Vorlagen oder generell in die Tool-Box? Knopf.
Wo klappt denn die Einbindung nicht? Das sieht doch gut aus? Oder nicht? Grüße -- RE rillke questions? 14:08, 12 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ha, die Einbindung klappt doch, ich habe nur den Link vermisst weil meine Interfacesprache normalerweise English ist. Aetsch, Zeit fuer Kaffee! :) Mit dem Knopf: ja, als Gadget wuerde es im Toolbox Sinn machen. Als Vorlage koennte es zusaetzlich angewandt werden wo es vielleicht besonders nuetzlich sein wuerde, vor allem weil Benutzer die nicht eingeloggt sind das Gadget nicht nutzen koennen. Das waeren also zum Beispiel Hilfeseiten fuer Gadgets oder kritische Seiten im Commons: namespace. Der Knopf wuerde natuerlich nur eingeblendet werden wenn eine echte Uebersetzung nicht zur Verfuegung steht. Rd232 (talk) 14:19, 12 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ja, übertreibe es nicht mit der Arbeit hier ;-) Soll ich die Vorlage erstellen oder bist Du schon am Basteln? -- RE rillke questions? 16:50, 12 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
{{Google translate}} scheint zu funktionieren, zumindest of kuerzeren Seiten (Google Translate hat ein unklares Limit, wieviel Paragraphen oder Woerter oder Buchstaben es uebersetzt). Ich bin aber nicht ganz sicher, ob es effizienter sein koennte; ich habe eine Liste aller Sprachen erstellt die Google Translate kennt. Ich konnte mir ohne das nicht ausrechnen was mit GetFallback passieren wuerde. Na ja, die Logik ist jetzt da; hast du lust, ein simples Gadget daraus zu bauen? Oder vielleicht auch etwas komplizierteres, welches versucht den Limit durch den Translate API zu umgehen... Rd232 (talk) 19:46, 12 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
en:User:TachyonJack/gTranslate.js und en:User:AnonEMouse/translators.js koennen hier nuetzlich sein. Rd232 (talk) 02:39, 13 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Hm, you can probably tell what I was trying to do at {{Install script}}; I think it needs Javascript, unless you have a bright idea. Rd232 (talk) 03:38, 13 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Das alte Translate-gadget wird seine Arbeit sowieso am 1. Dezember diesen Jahres einstellen. Also muss was neues her.

Die Frage ist, ob wir es uns einfach machen und das hier verwenden. Ich weiß leider nicht, ob das mit der Datenschutzrichtlinie der WMF in Übereinstimmung zu bringen ist. en:User:TachyonJack/gTranslate.js und en:User:AnonEMouse/translators.js könnten auch Lösungen sein, ja. Man müsste sie aber gründlich aktualisieren, da sie veraltet und ungepflegt scheinen.

Es gibt sicher noch andere Services, die eine Übersetzung anbieten. Die meisten modernen Browser haben für sowas aber Add-Ons, so dass ich keine Lust habe, dort enormen Arbeitsaufwand zu investieren.

Concerning {{Install script}}, I would suggest to create an /install.js on every script page as a subpage and using this approach to preload this code. I am sure you already found "EasyInstall". I am going to test whether this would work. -- RE rillke questions? 17:27, 13 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Seems to work. Fantastic! I tried it at MediaWiki talk:Category from gallery.js. I was just wondering though if there was a way to avoid creating lots of very similar subpages, using withJS, where a Javascript script could write a standard inclusion into common.js (and perhaps also check if it's already there). It would be a bit like MediaWiki:Botcheck.js (invoked eg by clicking a link from {{Duplicate/en}}). Rd232 (talk) 20:36, 13 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Good idea. I think that's possible. Checking whether it is already installed is a bit more tricky but also fast. What I will definitely not include is autosave. That's too dangerous (there are still some script doing this...). I will be very busy the next days, so it can take a while... -- RE rillke questions? 22:07, 13 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Mit withJS= geht es nicht. Das ist aber aus Sicherheitsgründen auch gut so. (Server result 303: Moved). Man könnte es noch ganz anders, nämlich mit XHR machen. Mal sehen... -- RE rillke questions? 22:22, 13 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
OK. I had a feeling security restrictions might (and should!) be an issue. I'll wait a bit then to see if you can come up with something. It would be very cool, and could be copied to other wikis too. Rd232 (talk) 12:51, 14 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I'm a little confused


Hi Rillke, Thanks for your trust to give me license reviewing permission. While reviewing Fairrington's images, I was doubtful if user fairrington on flickr is the real American artist, w:David Fairrington, or just a fake name. I noticed User:Denniss has confirmed some of his files (1) but User:Mmxx has requested an OTRS for some of them (2). I'm now a little confused what to do? request an OTRS or keep reviewing them? AMERICOPHILE 20:26, 16 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Yes that's difficult. I thought about whether I should review them or not. Let's see what OTRS will unveil. There are still enough other images to be reviewed. Thanks for your work! -- RE rillke questions? 20:39, 16 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Rainer, thanks for this property, but what can I do in this property? --MyCanon (talk) 00:16, 17 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hello MyCanon, I assigned this usergroup to your account because it is unlikely that you will vandalize or upload unfree files. It shows that you are trusted. You can request more rights on COM:RFR but you have to accept if an admin refuses handing out the requested right.
Autopatrolled users do not appear in our unpatrolled recent changes. This is beneficial to find vandalism. Kind regards -- RE rillke questions? 10:13, 17 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
There is actually {{Autopatrolgiven}}. I've tidied these templates into Category:User rights message templates. Rd232 (talk) 11:55, 17 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
This category is pretty useful. I wasn't aware of it. Thanks -- RE rillke questions? 12:08, 17 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I just created it in response to this thread. :) Rd232 (talk) 13:02, 17 November 2011 (UTC) [reply]
Simple answer: you can't do anything. Giving trusted users the autopatrolled right is essentially a benefit to vandalism patrollers, in reducing the number of edits/uploads they need to check. Per Commons:Autopatrollers#Autopatrolled: "This reduces the backlog of Newpage, Commons:Anonymous edits and Commons:Recent uploads patrol." Rd232 (talk) 11:31, 17 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Urghh, Rd232, du wärst ein schlechter Verkäufer ;-) P.S. Ich weiß ja, dass es eigentlich editinterface ist was Du brauchst, montan ist das aber leider nicht lieferbar. Deshalb können Sie aus unserer vielfältigen Produktpalette zum günstigen Preis wählen: Möchtest Du Kontrolleur, Zurücksetzer oder Dateiverschieber werden? Wenn Du was brauchst, lass es mich wissen. -- RE rillke questions? 11:58, 17 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Danke, aber die nuetzen mir wenig. Rd232 (talk) 13:02, 17 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the useful information about this property. I wish success to all. Thank you. --MyCanon (talk) 15:29, 17 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Scripts to ease the task


Bon soir Kyro,

das ist ja toll, ich kann gleich auf Deutsch weiterschreiben: Ich sehe, dass Du Löschanträge immer noch manuell anlegst. Das ist Ok, aber wenn es schneller gegen soll, kannst Du einfach den "nominate for deletion"-link in Deiner "Tool-box" benutzen. Außerdem gibt es ein Gadget, Quick Delete, das es erleichtert Copyvios und Bilder ohne Quelle od. Lizenz zu kennzeichnen und die Uploader zu benachrichtigen. Generell kann sich ein Blick in unser Gadget-Sortiment auszahlen. -- RE rillke questions? 18:51, 17 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Danke für das Tipp ! Kyro (talk) 18:53, 17 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Missing license


Hi Kyro. Can you please add a license to File:IPod_Shuffle_2G.jpg? Thanks. 99of9 (talk) 09:19, 18 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Clin Kyro (talk) 11:51, 18 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
99of9 was this intended as a trap? -- RE rillke questions? 12:07, 18 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I don't understand the meaning of the question, my tempalte adds the Cc-by-sa licence banner. Kyro (talk) 12:11, 18 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

user Heinzi


hallo , eine frage , besteht die möglichkeit, daß ich zur eventuellen weiterführung meines projektes " baudenkmäler - architekturdetails " auch ein email mit anlage ( skizze )schicken kann.

wie ich hier eine skizze unterbringen kann , ist mir unklar , daß möchte ich aber jetzt auch nicht lernen .

ich beziehe mich auf das angebot " fragen stelle zu dürfen " .

mfg heinzi --Heinzi (talk) 20:24, 19 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo, ich hoffe Du bist mir nicht böse, dass ich Deine Anfrage umformatiert habe. Natürlich darfst Du mir eine Mail mit Anlage schicken. Bitte jedoch ausschließlich Bilddateiformate (wie jpg, png, tiff). Die Bearbeitung kann aber etwas Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, da ich stark eingebunden bin. Sei bitte nicht traurig oder böse, wenn es länger als eine Woche dauert. Fachliche Fragen werde ich wahrscheinlich weiterleiten müssen. Aber wir bekommen das schon - wie vor einiger Zeit unsere Kanzlerin sagte - gewuppt :-) Grüße und schön, dass Du die Möglichkeit nutzt -- RE rillke questions? 22:34, 19 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

? ja und wie ist die email - adresse ? oder wo steht die ?

mfg heinzi

--Heinzi (talk) 16:03, 20 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Ich habe vor einiger Zeit und kurz nach Deiner Anfrage E-Mails an Dich geschickt. Und zwar an die Adresse, die Du in Deinen Einstellungen angegeben hast. Nicht angekommen? Ansonsten einfach die Antwortfunktion Deines Mailprogrammes nutzen. -- RE rillke questions? 09:31, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Hallo Rillke, könntest du bitte User:Rd232/Stockphoto.js/de schnell durchschauen und evtl korrigieren, und dann nach MediaWiki:Stockphoto.js/de verschieben? Danke! Rd232 (talk) 21:21, 19 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Irgendwie sehen die Texte bei den großen Icons für die Anons komisch aus. Das liegt aber nicht an mir. Müsste mal jemand style:text-align:center abstellen. Nicht mein Script, also pfusche ich auch nicht dran rum. Es sollt gänzlich neu geschrieben werden, so dass man es auch weiterverwenden kann. Aber ich habe keine richtige Zeit und Lust.... -- RE rillke questions? 23:09, 19 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Danke. Kriegst du jetzt den deutschen Text? Ich nicht. :( Rd232 (talk) 17:15, 20 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ja, den bekomme ich. Einstellung auf Deutsch setzen und sämtliche temporären Internetdateien löschen. Firefox: Extras - Neuste Chronik löschen - nur Cache auswählen - Seite neu laden. -- RE rillke questions? 20:28, 20 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Danke, ich sehe es jetzt... und merke einen kleinen Pfuschfehler: Verwending dieser Datei... Und stimmt was nicht mit dem "Link per Mail" link? Fuer mich passiert nix. Rd232 (talk) 08:02, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
"Verwending..." ist Teil der etwas mysterioesen Behauptung Verwending dieser Datei benötigt möglicherweise den Anhang einer vollständigen Kopie der GFDL. Vielleicht sollte man da mindestens Verwendung dieser Datei unter der GFDL schreiben, da viele Dateien GFDL und CC-By-Sa sind. Rd232 (talk) 08:09, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Mailfunktion funktioniert bei mir. Eigentl. sollte der Mailclient dann starten. Mit welchem Browser funktioniert es nicht? Chrome? -- RE rillke questions? 09:39, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Mm, es ist Firefox. Aber auf meiner Hauptmaschine funktioniert es (in Firefox). Liegt wohl irgendwie an dem Laptop - der hat auch seit Monaten dass merkwuerdige Problem, ueberhaupt keine Bilder in Wikipedia/Commons anzuzeigen, und ich kann mir einfach nicht ausrechnen, wieso. Andre Webseiten funktionieren problemlos... Na ja, ist nicht so wichtig. Rd232 (talk) 10:09, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
? Startet denn der Mailclient, wenn Du auf ganz normale Maillinks klickst? z.B. -- RE rillke questions? 10:19, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Wikimedia Deletion Requests Tsillaria360 - Photographs


Thanks for the copy. I think one is enough. Therefore I removed it here. -- RE rillke questions? 21:32, 21 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I replied there and on Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Tsillaria360. Additionally you got instructions on your talk-page. -- RE rillke questions? 09:42, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Please do me a favor


Hi Rillke, I made a request at administrators' noticeboard to be exempted of IP block. Apparently User:Jameslwoodward is inclined to do it but he wants to another admin agree to my request too. Could you please do me a favor and agree to my request? I have already asked User:Mmxx, User:Mardetanha and User:Neozoon to do that but unfortunately no positive response was received. AMERICOPHILE 04:15, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

User_talk:Mmxx#Some_Questions_and_Requests should be noted. Rd232 (talk) 08:05, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I didn't hide my block on fawp. I mentioned to that on administrators' noticeboard. Furthermore, Rillke knows himself that I'm blocked because my block was fully discussed on my request to become a reviewer. AMERICOPHILE 08:16, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I read your requests and hoped someone else will comply. It will take some time because I have to study the manuals and old decisions now. -- RE rillke questions? 09:26, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
OK, I wasn't to know that. It would have been helpful to link to that discussion at COM:AN. Rd232 (talk) 10:13, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I will reply on COM:AN. -- RE rillke questions? 14:48, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Category/file move tab


Based on the discussion at Commons:VP#hijacking_of_the_members_of_a_category I think it's worth exploring a script which adds a Move tab to categories and file pages. That tab wouldn't do any actual moving, but would offer the user the range of options that exist for handling move issues. I've made User:Rd232/Catmove and User:Rd232/Filemove as first drafts of what a 'move tab' script might offer the user as choices. I know you've got loads on your plate already... and it needs some community approval to even create a gadget (ultimately, I'd like it to be an on-by-default gadget). At this point, can you just indicate how easy or difficult you think it might be to do? And whether you think it's a good idea? Rd232 (talk) 10:19, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, something like that was already on my to do list. It always depends on how smart the tool should be.
I heard about admins on en.wp that are bored and delete pages just because a particular user created them instead of evaluating the content. Maybe we can poach some useful users from en.wp? Additionally you could have something from my plate. Ich teile gerne. Just go to COM:RFA. -- RE rillke questions? 11:20, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Now look what you made me do. As will be obvious, it wasn't an easy decision... Rd232 (talk) 18:42, 23 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
But a good and the right one :-). Finally. Don't worry if you get contras from some users from a specific country Of course this a subjective impression. They don't like it if they are asked why they voted for or against something. Even if the adminship fails (what I do not think and hope), you are always welcome to "bother" me! I hope I didn't unintentionally convey something else. Best Regards -- RE rillke questions? 19:00, 23 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
"I hope I didn't unintentionally convey something else. " - not at all, but I've been feeling a bit guilty about bothering admins for many things I could easily do myself if I only had the tools. Rd232 (talk) 19:39, 23 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Rillke, I know that this bot reviews some images and reuploades a higher resolution if possible (example), but what about images that need a human review? Does the bot still reuploades a higher resolution or it's my duty (absolutely moral duty!) to do it? for example when reviewing this image, Is it my duty to replace image by its original size from Flickr or FlickreviewR's? What about the crops? Can FlickreviewR determine a crop and reuploade the original image (after cropping)? (example). Thanks AMERICOPHILE 21:53, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

It is not your duty. You "just" have to ensure the copyright-status is right. If it is difficult for you to upload, just don't do it. If I encounter an image that isn't a crop, I upload the full resolution, but often forget to ask the original uploader to do so in future, which we should do. (but this could be also part of an automated script...). FlickreviewR is only uploading the full resolution in some rare cases.r (I think if it finds that the user uploaded one of the smaller photos offered by Flickr.) If never seen it overwriting a cropped image and you should not do this, too. One possibility is to upload the original in this case and link the images to each other. -- RE rillke questions? 22:21, 22 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Tsillaria360‎, please stop this. I could state that I am the author of Mona Lisa here and it would not prove anything. I confirmed that you are the owner of the FlickrAccount. Thanks for the Flickrmail. I did not delete your files and told you what you have to do and how to proceed. Your files were deleted by Zscout370 (talk · contribs) and not because my deletion-request. Ask Zscout370 (talk · contribs) for the reasoning. Additionally, please always reply there where discussion has started, if you communicate with me. I watch your page and see if you make changes. Thank you. -- RE rillke questions? 10:57, 23 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Babel customization


Hi, You left cryptic message on my userpage about Babel customization. I do not speak CSS. Do you know if the code in MediaWiki:Common.css can be used to make {{#babel: ...}} look more like default {{Babel}}? --Jarekt (talk) 15:59, 23 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Partially only. Just look what I have in my User:Rillke/common.css and try it in your common.css. Tell me what you think about. One thing that I have no solution for is the left/right margin. If you put it in common.css and change to a rtl-language like ?uselang=fa, the server exchanges right and left. Therefore I set it to 0. -- RE rillke questions? 16:10, 23 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Those changes to CSS do make {{#babel: ...}} look more like default {{Babel}}! Between this and $wgBabelUseUserLanguage set to true (to allow header localization) we should be able to solve most issues that make some users to dislike {{#babel: ...}}. I assume those changes can be added to MediaWiki:Common.css. --Jarekt (talk) 16:40, 23 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done, in MediaWiki:Common.css diff. You can delete your css now if you want to. -- RE rillke questions? 17:59, 23 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Bonjour Rillke, il y a ce fichier aussi ; File:Mathematica².jpg deŭ des sources ont été supprimées, et donc il faudrait en faire autant avec celui-ci. Bonne journée, et merci encore pour votre aide. FrankyLeRoutier (talk) 03:30, 24 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done (nominated for deletion) -- RE rillke questions? 21:20, 27 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Abuse filter


Hello Rillke, would you please take a look at this and its discussion, thank you.  ■ MMXX  talk 22:30, 26 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Tomorrow. -- RE rillke questions? 21:20, 27 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
✓ Done -- RE rillke questions? 12:42, 28 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks.  ■ MMXX  talk 01:31, 29 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Error occuring when renaming file


Thank you for your reply. The word API was included in the error message. Best regards, --Réginald alias Meneerke bloem (To reply) 13:48, 28 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Rillke. Ich würde mich über eine Stellungnahme freuen. Danke. --Leyo 14:38, 28 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Help with Template:Archival version


Help! I've created an autotranslated template, {{Archival version}}, and it's not quite working - it's driving me nuts! For instance, in User:Rd232/sandbox2 it should mention the TIF filetype given as a parameter. :( Any idea what's going on? Rd232 (talk) 00:55, 29 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Solved? -- RE rillke questions? 10:55, 29 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks! (And: doh! doh! doh! ... I guess I was very tired :) ) Rd232 (talk) 19:59, 29 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Closing undeletion requests


Hi - I was wondering if you knew anyone who might write a script to allow closing of undeletion requests ;) Either folk do not know what to do or don't bother but if it were easier maybe the page would stay shorter and we could focus better on the ones that need attention. Best --Herby talk thyme 11:11, 29 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, I had did a fast evaluation and found that the page-structure is totally different from the deletion requests (no sub pages, h2 headings, no daily pages). DieBuche and Lupo, the authors of MediaWiki:Gadget-DelReqHandler.js seem to be very busy. Me, too. The question is whether we restructure the procedure or write something completely new. When restructuring, we have the problem that DRBot must process the list... Everything leads into hard work. We have a long list but no volunteers: Commons:User scripts :-( -- RE rillke questions? 14:25, 29 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
OK - thanks for your time and thoughts. --Herby talk thyme 15:13, 29 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]
This thought crossed my mind very recently as well... it would be better if UDEL had the same structure as DR. But that means changing DRBot (albeit a minor change, if the structure is made exactly parallel), and its author (User:Bryan) hasn't been heard from in 9 months :( ... The alternative is to do without the bot and ask people to add entries to the daily list manually, and then manually remove the daily list from UDEL once all entries have been closed. Last I checked en.wp used something like this for their AFD system. It would be better than the status quo, I think; not being able to watch individual UDEL entries is a burden. And if the structure is made parallel, it'll be easier for DelReqHandler to be adapted to cover UDEL. Rd232 (talk) 18:57, 2 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

fullurl: {{{1}}} at Template:Image_permission/en


Hallo Rillke, fullurl: {{{1}}} at Template:Image_permission/en seems wrong to me (and probably to most users). It produces a relative URL (//commons...) which isn't really useful (not clickable if simply pasted and why at all a external link? Why not [[:File:foobar]]? Thanks for explaining! :) Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 23:51, 30 November 2011 (UTC)[reply]

please include the URL of the image as located on Wikimedia Commons for which you are providing permission

You are welcome. -- RE rillke questions? 09:21, 1 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

If it is really intended for OTRS then it should be canonicalurl instead of fullurl to include a protocol (clickable links in emails and no strange look for non-techies). But it is given in the sentence about COM:UNDEL where a wikilink would make more sense. Don't you think? Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 17:20, 1 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Then simply fix it. You may consider transcluding {{Post undeletion request|file}}. But I fear it is a worse idea. It will course lots of nonsense-requests. -- RE rillke questions? 17:45, 1 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
If I didn't know that you had inserted the link I would have fixed / changed it. :-D I just thought that you already made you mind up about which template to use and why not a wikilink. Well, I will then change it to [[:{{{1}}}]]. Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 20:39, 1 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

My license review request


Hello Rillke

Could you please look at my application there. Thank you--Morning Sunshine (talk) 08:32, 1 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Yes. Today or tomorrow. -- RE rillke questions? 09:23, 1 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you. What do you mean--Morning Sunshine (talk) 10:43, 2 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
We recently lost a good user, Blue Marble (talk · contribs), formerly Hoangquan hientrang (talk · contribs). Do you have contact on your homewiki to this user? If so, you may tell him that a lot of users feel sorry about what happened here. -- RE rillke questions? 21:22, 2 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I meant Commons:License review/requests and replied there. I hope I did not misread anything. Did I? -- RE rillke questions? 21:42, 3 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

The Emirr


Hallo. I thank you for informating. Guten tag:)

 The Emirr M 15:16, 02 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Hi Rillke, thank you for congratualtions. But i want to know how can I use this {{flickrreview|YourUsername|Date}} on files automatic? Vitor Mazuco Msg 09:17, 3 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

First, remove one of the scripts from your User:Vitor Mazuco/common.js (just delete the whole line).
Then, go the file-pages and you will encounter this menu -- RE rillke questions? 09:39, 3 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thank You so Much! Vitor Mazuco Msg 20:00, 3 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Category gadget


I'm looking at MediaWiki:Gadget-Long-Image-Names-in-Categories.js and thinking, maybe using the same approach we could have some very simple filtering by file type? Maybe a script could parse the filename, and hide images which don't match the specified type? A little button for that on every category would be useful, and not server-heavy. Rd232 (talk) 17:59, 3 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

How should it be implemented? Gadget? -- RE rillke questions? 20:07, 3 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, it would be a gadget. Rd232 (talk) 20:28, 3 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
✓ DoneMediaWiki:Gadget-GalleryFilterExtension.js. You may test it in Category:Duplicate or on the new-files page. -- RE rillke questions? 16:41, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Brilliant, works very nicely on categories. It just needs to default the select to the "all" entry (currently it shows "jpg" to begin with, when it's actually "all"). However on new files, and other galleries, it just seems to show "all" in the select. Perhaps we don't really need it on galleries anyway? A little icon would be nice. Beyond that, I don't think it needs anything else to "go live" in the Preferences. Rd232 (talk) 18:25, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Not brilliant but maybe useful :) Which icon do you suggest? -- RE rillke questions? 20:29, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

IndaReview bot


Dear Admin Rillke,

I hope your IndaReview bot will soon be fully operational and mark most or all the images in the backlogged Indafoto review category after going through its first test run smoothly. I had talked to MGA73 about the need to create a bot to review all the Indafoto images here recently and he did not disagree at all. It does not matter who creates the bot as long as it reviews Indafoto images. Best Wishes, --Leoboudv (talk) 05:08, 4 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

  •  Comment: Maybe your bot can run 100% in the future on the remaining Indafoto images before people change licenses. Samat got a few licensed freely again as he says here. I told MGA73 about them. Thank You, --Leoboudv (talk) 22:38, 4 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Answer to license review question


Hello again, Rillke

I think it will be better if I answer here. I should have told this before. First, I want to say that I'm really Blue Marble. And I think when you asked me in the license review page and mentioned about me here, you may think that this account belongs to me. And you know what, the reason I quited the previous account is not because Jcb at all. Actually, I have been addicted to Commons and it has messed up my study while I had 2 big exams in the period from 31st October to 14th November. Also, I requested a block to think about managing the time properly. Since I failed at my RfA so I wondered if I can be here or not. And I decided to continue working here (although I am rather active now). I want to start all over again. I want to have my LR rights back to review image and help reducing the backlog. Please don't consider that it is a sockpuppet. This will be my primary account and I prefer to be called by this name (you can request for checkuser for sure). I think I can be trust again. Best regards, my friend--Morning Sunshine (talk) 16:38, 4 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, a sock but not used in an abusive way. No worries. -- RE rillke questions? 09:41, 5 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you very much. Now I can start reviewing images again. I have have my previous account redirected to this one. But I have another question about your Flickr review script. How to use it?--Morning Sunshine (talk) 15:24, 5 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I replied on your talk page. -- RE rillke questions? 15:48, 5 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

The (now) free images


Would you or MGA73 please mark these images that Samat got re-licensed freely? I don't have the license review pass/fail bot on my computer--only flickr review pass/fail bot. And there are no current templates for marking Indafoto images. Thank You, --Leoboudv (talk) 08:53, 5 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done. BTW, you might be interested in User talk:ZooFari/licensereviewer.js#Rewrite coming soon. To import the improved version, you may use importScript('User:Rillke/LicenseReview.js'); -- RE rillke questions? 09:35, 5 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

User messages


My user messages have disappeared - any idea why? --Herby talk thyme 13:29, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

  1. Please first, Please purge your browser’s cache. (You only need to do it once.)

Microsoft Windows or Linux macOS
Internet Explorer Press Ctrl+F5
Mozilla Firefox Hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
(or press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+ Shift+R)
Press  Cmd+R (reload page) or
 Cmd+ Shift+R (reload page and rewrite cache)
Opera Press Ctrl+F5 or  Shift+F5
Apple Safari Hold down  Shift+Alt while clicking Reload
Press Ctrl+R Press  Cmd+ Option+E (clear browser cache)
or  Cmd+R (update)
Chrome Press Ctrl+F5 or  Shift+F5
or hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
Press  Cmd+F5 or  Shift+F5
or hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
  1. Then, look for a "notify this user" link.
  2. If you really need the all the links back (the filter-box inside the gadget is very convenient), follow Help:Gadget-UserMessages#Custom settings, thus adding
window.installOldLinks = true;
to your User:Herbythyme/common.js or User:Herbythyme/monobook.js, if you use this skin
  1. I announced this exchange more than one time and currently on COM:VP.
  2. I hope you feel not angry. -- RE rillke questions? 13:38, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Maybe a watchlist notice would be appropriate? It is a surprising change of behaviour. Rd232 (talk) 13:42, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I agree with Rd232 - as someone who spends time notifying users are things finding it had gone was very frustrating. I'll look at it but it looks like there will be additional clicks to be made which does not speed up the process sadly. --Herby talk thyme 13:47, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
One enter more is required, yes. On the other hand, you are now protected from malicious links and have the link(s) available on the contribs and log-page too. But there are a lot of other improvements: Like the speed after you clicked on "add template", the script does not switch in edit mode, instead a fast API-call is used.
✓ Done for en. -- RE rillke questions? 14:06, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

FWIW, the new behaviour makes a lot more sense to me than the old one. Filling up the toolbar with links was messy, and having some of the links automatically leave messages without any confirmation was not a good behaviour. Transition, however, always involves friction for, and perhaps from, people used to the old way. Rd232 (talk) 14:22, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

That's why the old script added a symbol to each user page with a tool tip that it will be updated and a link to the section discussing the update or asking questions. Revision of MediaWiki:Gadget-UserMessages.js
And I raised it multiple times in COM:VPP / COM:VP.
Hopefully not that much friction that the update will go up in flames. Thanks for your tweak to the watchlist message! -- RE rillke questions? 14:36, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I notice (for example) that the edit summary with the out of scope template has now become "Please do not upload out of scope media." In many instances I am deleted pages not uploads so if the user looks at the edit summary they may be more confused - I do realise that there is a parameter for the page/file but if they have only one contribution that is out of scope it saves time not to bother with the parameter (previously it just said "Adding template "Project scope" to inform user"). --Herby talk thyme 14:56, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I was happy to fix this. It now says "Please do not create ...". As long as script does not complain, the fields are optional. -- RE rillke questions? 15:23, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Did you change any other edit summaries in setting this up (& was it discussed - if so apologies)? --Herby talk thyme 15:27, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Yes I did so. No, it wasn't discussed in detail. Since I got no bad feedback from about 7 active users who tested it for at least 3 months, I assumed the messages would be Ok. I know it is a bad feeling if you click somewhere and you do not know what it produces - and you cannot revert. However, the messages changed because I had the feeling summaries like "adding Test2 to inform the user" or "adding template Dont remove nsd or nld to inform the user" or even "adding template Copyvionote|File:Example.jpg to inform the user" is not very descriptive. I would be happy to discuss the new messages. I am going to make a list. -- RE rillke questions? 15:46, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
MediaWiki talk:Gadget-UserMessages.js#New talk summaries -- RE rillke questions? 16:03, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
The problem you have is those who do most work on Commons have little time for reviewing all the changes that folk put foward. The current backlog on copyvios is large and getting larger for example and I know what my priority will be for now. I appreciate the listing and will look properly when some backlogs are dealt with. --Herby talk thyme 16:18, 6 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I am happy to announce that you can include

window.AxUserMsgFireAsYouClick = true;

now to make the script immediately adding a message after you clicked a link, if no additional parameters are required.

Just so you don't think I spend all my time complaining - thanks for the ongoing work on this - it will be better in the end I'm sure :) Regards --Herby talk thyme 11:14, 7 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, I did not expect that you will remove the other line. But now it should work, though. -- RE rillke questions? 12:11, 7 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ooops - I've taken the "oldlinks" line out but I still have the old links.... Sorry :) --Herby talk thyme 10:03, 8 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
OK now - I think I've got it sorted. --Herby talk thyme 17:00, 8 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

It was difficult for me to find out what was the problem you tried to tell me (since I thought you loved the old links and hated that they have disappeared) and I am relieved that the issue is solved. One note: If you put something in your common.js, you don't have to put it in your monobook or vector js. Common.js is loaded independently from your skin-selection. -- RE rillke questions? 17:09, 8 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Your patience and advice is appreciated :) --Herby talk thyme 17:19, 8 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

For your information


Coats of arms of a federal institution are in Germany by law in public domain at any time. So this image was sometime created by a member of the 110th Engineers battalion, that was an federal institution and is the source as such. The license said "public domain by law". I will hope this information will help you! --— Preceding unsigned comment added by Steinbeisser (talk • contribs)

As it seems to me to be a 3-D item, you have to specify the photographer. See COM:Currency (the "Attention" section). That's hair split I know and just causes extra-work... but unfortunately that's law. I did not write it. -- RE rillke questions? 16:59, 8 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Commons cannot keep this Indafoto image. Its copyrighted, I'm afraid. Torobala changed the license to ARR from cc by sa generic certainly because his other images here are licensed as cc by sa generic. Its not my problem as I don't speak Hungarian anyway. But maybe you will have to DR it? I don't know. --Leoboudv (talk) 09:22, 9 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I've sent a message to Torobala. I hope he will change back the licenc. Samat (talk) 16:57, 9 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done: check now. Samat (talk) 17:17, 9 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Dear Rillke! Could you please delete two newer revisions of File:Római katolikus templom (6867. számú műemlék) 10.jpg in file history. It was my mistake. Sorry, and thank you! Samat (talk) 16:57, 9 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks a lot! :) Samat (talk) 18:05, 9 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

It looks like an important building but I don't know Hungary. PS: By the time you receive this message, I will have stopped marking Indafoto images. I marked 68-70 Indafoto images but I have to mark other images from flickr and panoramio too. Hopefully you can mark some of the other Indafoto pictures. Best Regards, --Leoboudv (talk) 03:10, 10 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you for reviewing so many images from Indafotó. You are image-reviewer and you are trusted. There is absolutely no problem if you found that I made a mistake to review the image. BTW, on my userpage I have the admin-box. It's pretty well hidden between SUL and Flickr. Kind Regards -- RE rillke questions? 10:33, 10 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you very much for reviewing pictures from Indafotó. It is a great help for us! Building on File:Rk. Csatatéri fogadalmi emléktemplom (1538. számú műemlék).jpg is a memorial church in Mohács, built for memory of Battle of Mohács. It was one of the three largest tragedy in Hungarian history. Samat (talk) 10:51, 10 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  • Thank you for telling me what this building was. It helps a lot. I know the Battle of Mohacs was a disaster for Hungary but nothing moreon this building. And yes, I see the admin box on your userpage now Rillke. I did not check it earlier. My mistake. Regards, --Leoboudv (talk) 19:41, 10 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, Rillke. Hope you're doing good. First of all, thank you for giving me file mover rights. :) And, I'm here for deleting 3 of my files. They've nominated for deletion also. Please delete the files ASAP. I too have given my responses in the following nomination pages. (File1, File2, File3) (As I uploaded those before I know most of the CC license.) Thank you Rillke. :) --SuryaPrakash Talk... 08:47, 10 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

First 2 are done. Could you answer the question on the third photo, please? -- RE rillke questions? 10:43, 10 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I answered Rillke. --SuryaPrakash Talk... 11:08, 10 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Autopatrol given


Hallo Rillke, du hast mir diese Mitteilung auf meine Seite gesetzt. Nachdem mein Englisch aber leider nicht so gut ist, Wäre es nett, wenn du es mir auf deutsch erklären könntest. --gruß K@rl (talk) 20:57, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Das heißt nur, dass jetzt kein Kontrolleur mehr Deinen Edits hinterher schnüffelt. Eine ausführlichere Erklärung schreibe ich noch in die Vorlage. Für Dich ändert sich nichts. -- RE rillke questions? 21:15, 12 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Danke - alles klar. --gruß K@rl (talk) 19:14, 16 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Hi Rainer/Rillke. I saw your babel (en-2, de-3 and fr-1), but I missed your native language. I thought that would be German as you're originally from the German Wikipedia, but clearly it's not... So I wondered what you're native language could be (Swiss or Luxembourgish perhaps?). Kind regards, Trijnstel (talk) 18:41, 13 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Trijnstel, as this does not really matter for my work here, I would prefer keeping this secret. Thank you for your enquiry. I prefer not being subject to dubious researches done by WMF or someone else. Do you see a problem not offering the native-language? -- RE rillke questions? 21:10, 13 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Oh, no of course it's not a problem... I was just curious. If you wish not to tell than it's fine by me ofc. I can understand that. (And I don't work for the WMF in case you were wondering). Kind regards, Trijnstel (talk) 21:25, 13 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I did not suspect you are working for WMF :-) and even if so, it wouldn't be a problem for me. Have a nice evening and thanks for your work on Commons. Commons needs this and a lot of Trijnwagons: . We have too much vandalism. Ah, and before I forget it: Marry Christmas. Have some peaceful days. -- RE rillke questions? 22:02, 13 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for the compliment (I appreciate your work too btw) and Merry Christmas in advance to you as well. :-) Trijnstel (talk) 23:22, 13 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Template:User MediaWiki


FYI, there is now {{User MediaWiki}} on Commons as well as on Translatewiki. Rd232 (talk) 18:49, 13 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks. In use. Nice to see, you created an account on tw. -- RE rillke questions? 22:08, 13 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Yes... I may even get round to figuring out what to do with it :) Rd232 (talk) 22:15, 13 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]



I deleted his images since a lot of it was treating the Commons like a personal Flickr/Photobucket account. Most of the other images that were posted was sourced as "MOD" and author was "DOM" and other strange things. I did get his talk page message but I cannot imagine having his images restored. User:Zscout370 (Return fire) 05:49, 14 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

The problem was that they were in use on an article-draft page on - and there was no explaining comment in the deletion-log or on Commons:Deletion requests/Files uploaded by Tsillaria360. The Flickr-Account is his. But I am convinced keeping this files deleted is no harm if the person is irrelevant for Wikimedia-projects. -- RE rillke questions? 10:33, 14 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I used the Special:Nuke tool; I remember seeing a discussion somewhere and just took action. I didn't check for usage on en.wikipedia but I imagine he can have the images uploaded there if he wants. User:Zscout370 (Return fire) 19:39, 14 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

EXIF rotation


Hallo Rillke, kannst Du mir kurz erklären, wie das Script funktioniert? Klappt bei mir nicht so ganz... Grüße --Brackenheim (talk) 20:11, 16 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

  1. Es wird ein relativ schneller Computer benötigt. Meiner ist nicht so schnell, weshalb es beim Laden immer ein bisschen dauert. Evtl. kommt sogar eine Rückfrage, ob das Script weiter ausgeführt werden soll, weil es nicht antwortet.
  2. In deiner User:Brackenheim/monobook.js hast Du es ja schon. Also verwendest Du Monobook als Skin.
  3. Wenn Du die Seite besuchst, werden theoretisch unter die Gallerieboxen 2 Links eingefügt: "-Exif, -list" (entfernt den Eintrag aus der Liste und beauftragt Rotatebot, das Exif-Orientierungs-Bit zurückzusetzen) und "rm from list only" (entfernt den Eintrag aus der Liste).
  4. Die aus der Liste zu entfernenden Einträge werden gesammelt. Wenn es 26 sind oder vorher auf den Link "remove from list now" geklickt wird, werden alle gesammelten Einträge von der Seite entfernt. -- RE rillke questions? 20:27, 16 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Funktioniert nicht? Welchen Browser nutzt Du? -- RE rillke questions? 20:27, 16 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, Danke! Es funktioniert einwandfrei! Ich war nur zu doof, um es richtig zu bedienen ;-) Schade, dass die Arbeitskategorie von Rotatebot schon voll ist... Grüße und danke --Brackenheim (talk) 20:43, 16 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Kannst Du Dein Script so programmieren, dass die Vorlage nur eingefügt wird, wenn sie nicht schon auf der Dateiseite ist? Dann könnte man solche Pannen vermeiden... Grüße --Brackenheim (talk) 18:00, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Erledigt. User:Umherirrender/EXIF rotation besuchen und Please purge your browser’s cache. (You only need to do it once.)

Microsoft Windows or Linux macOS
Internet Explorer Press Ctrl+F5
Mozilla Firefox Hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
(or press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+ Shift+R)
Press  Cmd+R (reload page) or
 Cmd+ Shift+R (reload page and rewrite cache)
Opera Press Ctrl+F5 or  Shift+F5
Apple Safari Hold down  Shift+Alt while clicking Reload
Press Ctrl+R Press  Cmd+ Option+E (clear browser cache)
or  Cmd+R (update)
Chrome Press Ctrl+F5 or  Shift+F5
or hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
Press  Cmd+F5 or  Shift+F5
or hold down  Shift while clicking Reload

. -- RE rillke questions? 19:31, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Das ging aber schnell! Danke! Grüße --Brackenheim (talk) 19:52, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

failed rotate at test image


Hallo Rillke, what did you do here? Really strange - that param is right - I thought. Some escaping problem? Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 01:07, 17 December 2011 (UTC) Btw: "Rotatbot" ist falsch ;) Der gute heißt Rotatebot. --Saibo (Δ) 01:08, 17 December 2011 (UTC) Selbstbeantwortung: weil es ein png ist. ;-) Da gibts natürlich kein resetexif - tsss! ;-) Viele Grüße --Saibo (Δ) 01:43, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Messing with image?


What did you do here and why? This image was correctly - vertically - uploaded by me and correctly - vertically - displayed both here and in the Swedish WP article last time I saw these pages. Then what happened? And how long will the Swedish article look awful? SergeWoodzing (talk) 02:35, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

See Commons:Village_pump#Why has an image rotated without being told to do so.3F ––Denniss (talk) 02:45, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks! So now I spent a lot of time reading thtough all that and am no wiser for it. I don't understand the technical jingo, don't understand why this happened and don't know what is going to be done about correcting all the errors - I looked through my uploads and found 4 more so far. SergeWoodzing (talk) 03:04, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
In short - Your images have EXIF-/Metadata with the wrong image orientation information (image linked has 90 degrees counter-clockwise rotation info stored). Longer: This info was ignored by the MediaWiki Software until early October 2011. With the release of version 1.18 the orientation info is used to rotate images on-the-fly. This was probably done without further investigation about the consequences (some recent searchs suggest about 60000 images have this problem and need to be rotated). The bot currently used for the task, User:Rotatebot, was barely able to get all the images done and accumulated a huge backlog but steady improvements raised it's speed. At the moment the backlog is just over 24 hours so an image tagged for rotation today will be rotated and reuploaded tomorrow. I have tagged your other four images for rotation (what Rillke actually did for the linked image). --Denniss (talk) 03:27, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you again! I am using the rotate tag for a few more I've found. SergeWoodzing (talk) 03:31, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
PS when you say "the wrong image orientation information" does that mean that the owner of the brand new camera should complain to the shop that sold it? SergeWoodzing (talk) 03:33, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
If you have a new camera that saves the orientation with the photo, you often see this when previewing the image in the camera. Portrait images are then shown correctly. After transferring the image to your computer, Windows users, however encounter that they have to rotate their image because most Microsoft Software is ignoring this information. Therefore they do so. But Microsoft Software only rotates the image but does not remove the information that the image has to be rotated. After uploading to a MediaWiki-Wiki, the image is double-rotated. So if your camera supports automated image-orientation and you did not rotate the image on your computer manually, you should complain or better ask. The superior solution is always being friendly but strenuous. You will achieve more. And sometimes it is a good idea to do a search. I am not responsible for "the mess", I just try to reduce it as fast as possible. Regards -- RE rillke questions? 10:57, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
OK, so you are telling me that the problem and fault is with the uploader and h camera, not with Commons? SergeWoodzing (talk) 16:18, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I just told you the facts. But you are at the wrong place if you want to complain about a MediaWiki-issue. I did not make it and I try minimizing the impacts. If more complaints are reaching my talk-page, I will immediately stop tagging images and will not invest one minute in fixing other's images. That's my last word as I lost more time due to this issue than most uploaders while neither being responsible nor having own wrongly orientated uploads: I wrote and maintained RotateLink, tagged lots of images in order to restore their right orientation and answered lots of question about this issue. The same is true for Saibo, Denniss, Stefan4, Luxo, Jonkerz, Brackenheim and even Docu. BTW, thank you Denniss for caring for the questions on my talk-page. -- RE rillke questions? 16:55, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Who's complaining? I sincerely appreciate and thank you for all the great work you and others are doing to try to fix these images. None of the 6 I reported have been fixed yet, by the way. I guess 24 hours need to go by? Last time I wrote here, I asked you a question, because I'd like to know. You chose not to answer it. That's your prerogative. All the images were OK before, and I still don't (really need to) understand how they got screwed up. If anyone/thing on the uploader's end is at fault, it would just be nice to know. SergeWoodzing (talk) 17:09, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Ok, if you rotated your photos with a software despite your camera added Exif-Orientation tags, the mistake is at your side from the point of MediaWiki. This is not my point of view. It was intended as a feature: Plug your cam into the USB-Hub and upload directly without caring about the orientation. -- RE rillke questions? 17:46, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you! How objectionable of MediaWiki to blame the uploader, who could not reasonably know that images once uploaded to Commons and fine suddenly, often years later, would be turned on their sides! It's sort of like a waitress blaming a customer for a sudden fly in soup that never had a fly in it before. Terrible attitude. SergeWoodzing (talk) 17:53, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Following a suggestion by Steven W.: Please complain at wikitech-l. They are responsible for the current situation and they should be able to explain the details. -- RE rillke questions? 22:14, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Bad rotations


Please do not rotate vertical images so that they appear sideways. I have spotted at least four images that were correctly vertical, but are now all sideways. --EncycloPetey (talk) 04:05, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Is this when that happened, if so manually, in that case? SergeWoodzing (talk) 06:17, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Resetexif is a parameter used when the thumbnail image is rotated but the full resolution image is in the correct orientation. Otherwise please use the rotation by degree. TIP: enable the gadget Rotatelink in your preferences, has some nice functions including a preview image of the rotation effects.. --Denniss (talk) 06:26, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Which files? File:Acacia cultriformis2.jpg? or File:Ancyloceras coquandi.jpg this one? It is possible that I clicked the wrong button. But 4 times? Just click on revert in the file-history. -- RE rillke questions? 11:10, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
File:CAS Nereocystis 1.JPG‎, File:CAS Macrocystis 2.JPG‎, File:CAS Macrocystis 4.JPG, and it seems I miscounted and there are only three. All three used to display correctly, but then did not. Now, they do again. I tried to understand the notice pasted into the image, but it was only partly in English and included words that I have no familiarity with (as a dictionary writer). It might as well have been written in Sanskrit. --EncycloPetey (talk) 22:06, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Well. Then I am happy to tell you that I was not responsible for the wrong rotations but that it now shows up right. Do not blame other users if you do not understand the message. Just look one section above or at COM:ROTATEFIX or search. BTW: The messages you see here are not created by bots. Humans translate them and you are welcome to do so for your native language. Regards and thanks for your contributions -- RE rillke questions? 22:22, 17 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
If I understood it, I would be able to translate it. The template text contained cryptic words I did not understand. I followed the template's link to Commons:Media_for_cleanup#Sideways_pictures_or_pictures_with_noticeable_camera_tilt, which again included words like "block boundary", "lossless rotation", "exiftran", and "Geeqie". This did not explain anything; it only added to my confusion. --EncycloPetey (talk) 02:46, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I've edited that page, moving the tech details to a footnote and hopefully explaining them a little better. Rd232 (talk) 05:38, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Following a suggestion by Steven W.: Please ask at wikitech-l. They are responsible for the current situation and they should be able to explain why. -- RE rillke questions? 22:14, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Your script contains a bug: if there is just an image, but no file information page, the text "-Exif; -list" changes into "working..." and shows that message forever, without requesting rotation and without removing the "working..." message. I observed this problem at File:Portón de Maderuelo.jpg (where I immediately added a file information page).

This also shows another interesting feature: if there is no file information page, the bots which tag images with "no source" and "no licence" won't find the image and won't tag it. --Stefan4 (talk) 18:26, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Visit User:Umherirrender/EXIF rotation and Please purge your browser’s cache. (You only need to do it once.)

Microsoft Windows or Linux macOS
Internet Explorer Press Ctrl+F5
Mozilla Firefox Hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
(or press Ctrl+F5 or Ctrl+ Shift+R)
Press  Cmd+R (reload page) or
 Cmd+ Shift+R (reload page and rewrite cache)
Opera Press Ctrl+F5 or  Shift+F5
Apple Safari Hold down  Shift+Alt while clicking Reload
Press Ctrl+R Press  Cmd+ Option+E (clear browser cache)
or  Cmd+R (update)
Chrome Press Ctrl+F5 or  Shift+F5
or hold down  Shift while clicking Reload
Press  Cmd+F5 or  Shift+F5
or hold down  Shift while clicking Reload


The queue-display is now slightly green. Scipt just removes the image from the gallery if it is already tagged for rotation. Queue limit is now 36. Script now displays "Error!" when it does not find an image-description-page. -- RE rillke questions? 19:29, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]


* Frohe Weihnacht und einen guten Start ins neue Jahr
* Prettige Kerstdagen en een gelukkig nieuw jaar
* Merry Christmas and a happy New Year
from --Neozoon (talk) 23:33, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Danke! Das wünsche ich Dir auch. PS. Der Baum gefällt mir. Was ist denn links unten im Bild passiert? -- RE rillke questions? 23:46, 18 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Problem mit VisualFileChange.js


“Script cannot find any file / initial upload in / by Gumr51”. User:Gumr51 hat aber jede Menge Dateiuploads. --Rosenzweig τ 16:20, 26 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Was die API manchmal zurückgibt, kann ich auch nicht nachvollziehen. Ich werde ASAP nachsehen. Danke für den Hinweis. Ein gutes neues Jahr wünscht -- RE rillke questions? 00:59, 28 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Should be Fixed. There are still issues with moved files. -- RE rillke questions? 23:02, 30 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I still get exactly the same error message. --Rosenzweig τ 10:24, 31 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Fixed: Diesmal wirklich. Bitte den Browsercache leeren. Du solltest dann Version sehen. RE rillke questions? 14:40, 2 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

An issue with the "Nominate for deletion" in the toolbox in the left pane


If I say something that is clearly wrong and not part of a controversy, please feel free to fix it on sight, with, of course, some sort of notice to me. The edit here was perfect -- too many of our colleagues would have put a note on my talk page asking me to fix it, which might have been 24 hours later, leaving bad information hanging out there to embarrass me and misinform others.

In that spirit, may I suggest that on User:Rillke/Discuss, you change

  • "Click on a link below to attain my current discussion page" to something like
  • "Click on a link below to go to my current discussion page".

"Switch to" or "change to" would also be OK. "Attain" has a sense of accomplishment as in "attain a goal", that isn't needed when it's a simple thing. Compare

  • "he attained the top of Mount Everest", to
  • "he went to the house next door".

     Jim . . . . Jameslwoodward (talk to me) 12:45, 30 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Oh, I should of course have notified you. Sorry, I forgot. I would like to offer the same to you. You are free to correct obvious mistakes by me (both, language and content-related). Thanks for the suggestions. -- RE rillke questions? 13:03, 30 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
No, I wasn't clear. As I said, it was perfect -- your edit comment notified me.      Jim . . . . Jameslwoodward (talk to me) 13:12, 30 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hey there, I recently captured Archaeological Museum Jamnagar through my camera as a part of small GLAM activity carried out single handed and created Lakhota Museum Jamnagar Gallery too, can you please have a look at it and see that if any of the picture is good for Picture of the Day or a Featured Picture? Also how does one nominate a picture for the same? Thanks. Rangilo Gujarati (talk) 17:27, 30 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Ufff. I have to admit that I am more a technical admin than someone dealing with image-promotion. I never created a gallery but let's see whether this can change. So you may ask another user if my reply is dissatisfying.

You can at least nominate them as quality images. I don't think they will be featured, but as I said, I am not very experienced. Please read the guides there on how to add an image. We have also valued images. This is another possibility for your own photos if you think they show a specific matter better than all other images on Commons. The Picture of the day is choosen from the Featured pictures.

Other photos suffer from problems:

  • File:Double Barrel Muzzle Loading Rifle.JPG has reflections. I do not own one but I know that one can use a polarization filter to remove or emphazize them in lots of cases.
  • File:Pistol (For Women).JPG is too dark on the right side. You would need special equipment and a permission from the museum in order to put it in front of a neutral background to take a good photo.

You may follow the links I provided to find users who are more involved in the processes. Thanks for your contributions and I hope I could at least point you the the places where you'll get more help. -- RE rillke questions? 18:15, 30 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, this is exactly what I wanted to know. Thank You. Rangilo Gujarati (talk) 22:25, 30 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Hi Rillke, DR's are not as a problem as they where in my early days. This DR should be an example. But they are an annoyance both for users and I guess for admins when multiple instances of same issue are opened at several places. Best wishes...

--Nevit Dilmen (talk) 17:34, 31 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, I assume the user was not aware that one can make a "mass-deletion-request". I wish you a HNY, too. BTW, thanks for your contributions. Can you add descriptions to your X-ray-images? And I am curious, where do they come from? -- RE rillke questions? 22:08, 31 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Deletion requests - Mass Deletion Request and Reason

  • Please be more specific. E.g. "copyvio" is insufficient. Why it is a copyright violation.
In which cases ? Please show samples concretely. I've provide evidence(s), when I opened DRs. At least, I've gave links to show evidence to prove copy violation. Maybe I forgot to provide it. If any, you can show samples. I'm ready for providing evidences. Because I've never opened groundless DRs.
  • Please discuss the same matter on one page. You may find COM:MASSDEL useful. I already got 2 complaints of long-term contributors. Of course they should respect the copyright instead of complaining but copyright is very complex. Discussing one matter on one page helps both, admins and the affected uploaders.
I assume that you mean DRs on violations of images taken in Harikalar Diyarı. Even if they are similar case, the situation of original copyrights are different. Original copyright of some images in Category:Harikalar Diyari (Harikalar Diyarı) had expired. In these case, according to the Turkish copyright law, we can redistribute them. If need, you can unify some DRs.
Long-term contributors mean neither experienced users, nor well-informed (especially about laws) user. And I don't prefer to the off-line communication. I've never accuse them. So I assume that they have no intention to abuse copyright and only don't know and/or misunderstood articles of laws, in accordance with Commons:Assume good faith. I recommend you not to focus on users, to focus cases, laws, and rules. And please don't ignore Commons:Assume good faith.

Thank you. Takabeg (talk) 23:45, 31 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Replied where discussion has started. RE rillke questions? 14:40, 2 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hello Rillke Could you, please delete this RfA because I don't know that you have made it just some hours ago. BTW, thank you for your suggestion and I will sign my acceptance there. Happy New Year--Morning Sunshine (talk) 12:05, 1 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Not deleted, just closed. RE rillke questions? 14:40, 2 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]