User:Rhododendrites/Insects of New York City
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Agelenopsis (grass spider), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Mecynogea lemniscata (basilica orbweaver), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Neoscona crucifera (spotted orb weaver) wrapping a bee, Prospect Park
Verrucosa arenata (arrowhead orb weaver), Prospect Park
Coleoptera (beetles)
Mordella marginata (tumbling ragdoll), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Tylosis longhorned beetle, Central Park
Diptera (flies and mosquitos)
Cerotainia robber fly with prey, Central Park
Cerotainia robber fly, Prospect Park
Cerotainia robber fly, Prospect Park
Condylostylus patibulatus, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Condylostylus patibulatus, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Dolichopodidae (long-legged fly), Prospect Park
Efferia aestuans robber fly, Prospect Park
Eristalis tenax (European drone fly), Central Park
Holcocephala abdominalis (gnat ogre), Prospect Park
Holcocephala fusca (gnat ogre), Prospect Park
Laphrinnae robber fly, Prospect Park
Lucilia (green bottle fly), Bellevue Sobriety Garden
Paragus haemorrhous (black-backed grass skimmer), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Psyillidae galls (plant lice), Prospect Park
Sarcophaga (flesh fly), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Toxomerus geminatus (eastern calligrapher), Prospect Park
Trichopoda pennipes (swift feather-legged fly), Central Park
Xenox tigrinus (tiger bee fly), Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
Xenox tigrinus (tiger bee fly), Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
Hemiptera (true bugs)
Cosmopepla lintneriana (twice-stabbed stink bug), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Gerridae (water striders), Trepobates and Rheumatobates, Prospect Park
Glatormenis proxima (northern flatid planthopper), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Lycorma delicatula (spotted lanternfly) nymph, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Lycorma delicatula (spotted lanternfly), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Lygaeidae (milkweed bug), Brooklyn Bridge Park
Lygaeidae (milkweed bug), Brooklyn Bridge Park
Neotibicen (dog day cicada), Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
Hymenoptera (ants, bees, wasps, sawflies)
Atanycolus braconid wasp, Green-Wood Cemetery
Augochlora pura (golden sweat bee), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Bicyrtes quadrifasciatus (four-banded stink bug hunter wasp), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Bombus griseocollis (brown-belted bumble bee), Central Park
Bombus impatiens (common eastern bumble bee), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Ceratina (small carpenter bee), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Dialictus (subgenus of Lasioglossum) (metallic sweat bee), Prospect Park
Dolichovespula maculata (bald-faced hornet), Central Park
Dolichovespula maculata (bald-faced hornet) nest, Prospect Park
Eumenes fraternus (fraternal potter wasp), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Halictus ligatus (ligated furrow bee), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Halictus ligatus (ligated furrow bee), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Isodontia elegans (elegant grass-carrying wasp), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Lyroda subita, Green-Wood Cemetery
Melissodes bimaculatus (two-spotted longhorn bee), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Monobia quadridens (four-toothed mason wasp), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Philanthus gibbosus (hump-backed beewolf), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Pseudodynerus quadrisectus (potter wasp), Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
Scolia dubia (blue-winged wasp), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Scolia dubia (blue-winged wasp), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Sphecius speciosus (eastern cicada killer), Prospect Park
Sphecius speciosus (eastern cicada killer), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Sphecius speciosus (eastern cicada killer), Prospect Park
Sphex ichneumoneus (great golden digger wasp), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Sphex pensylvanicus (great black digger wasp), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Xylocopa virginica (eastern carpenter bee), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths)
Atalopedes campestris (sachem), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Calycopis cecrops (red-banded hairstreak), Central Park
Celastrina argiolus (holly blue), Central Park
Celastrina neglecta (summer azure), Prospect Park
Epargyreus clarus (silver-spotted skipper), Prospect Park
Euphyes vestris (dun skipper), Prospect Park
Hesperiinae (skipper), Central Park
Hesperiinae (skipper), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Hypena snout-nosed moth, Green-Wood Cemetery
Nymphalis antiopa (mourning cloak), Central Park
Papilio polyxenes (eastern black swallowtail), Governors Island
Pholisora catullus (common sootywing), Bellevue Sobriety Garden
Phyciodes cocyta (northern crescent), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Poanes melane (umber skipper), Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Poanes zabulon (zabulon skipper), Central Park
Poanes zabulon (zabulon skipper), Central Park
Vanessa atalanta (red admiral), Central Park
Vanessa cardui (painted lady), Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
Mantodea (mantises)
Tenodera sinensis (Chinese mantis) oothecae, Gerritsen Beach
Odonata (damselflies and dragonflies)
Anax Junius (common green darner), Prospect Park
Enallagma cyathigerum (northern bluets) in Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
Lestes rectangularis (slender spreadwing), Prospect Park
Libellula incesta (slaty skimmer), Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
Pachydiplax longipennis (blue dasher) male, Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, and katydids)
Melanoplus femurrubrum (red-legged grasshopper), Central Park