
Paola Ricaurte Quijano holds a Language Science PhD from the National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH, Mexico). She holds a M.A. and a B.A. in International Journalism at the People's Friendship University of Russia. Her doctoral dissertation "Migration, Memory and Signification" analyzes the process of construction and reconstruction of memory among the Latin American immigrants in the United States applying methodologies of textual analysis (semiotics and discourse analysis).
Currently, Paola is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Cultural Studies, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus. There she has taught several courses at the graduate and undergraduate level, such as Discourse Analysis; Communication and Media Studies; Communication, Ideology and Power; Media, Culture and Society; Intercultural Communication; Content Analysis; Applied Semiotics; Communication Theories and Methodologies, Spanish, and several training courses for teachers. She has been a Visitant Researcher at the Latin American Studies Center of the University of Maryland were she conducted an action-research project on digital competences for the improvement of the quality of life among working-class Latin American immigrants.
Her research interests include the empirical study of the impact of technology in social life, in particular, e-politics, digital activism, and digital literacies. Her multidisciplinary formation is reflected on her research approach: qualitative methods of data collection (interviews and ethnographies) and textual analysis (content analysis, discourse analysis, semiotics) for the study of digital environments. Previous research includes the study of identity, migration and cultural change.
She loves blogging on topics related to digital culture.
She colaborated with the Wiki Learning project at ITESM Mexico City Campus.