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  • Time taken: 93.941002 sec
  • Number of files successfully analyzed: 5 (100.0000 %)
  • Number of files with exceptions: 0 (0.0000 %)
  • Number of distinct categories used: 5
Data of files categorized by category name
Category name Number of files Percent of files in the category
Category:JPEG files 4 80.0 80
Category:Taken with Nikon D60 3 60.0 60
Category:Taken with Sony DSC-HX5V 1 20.0 20
Category:Dombasle-sur-Meurthe 1 20.0 20
Template:GPS EXIF 1 20.0 20
Histogram of number of categories found per file
Number of categories found Number of files with that many categories
0 (20.0000 %)
2 (60.0000 %)
4 (20.0000 %)
Histogram of number of categories found per file (without file-type categories)
Number of categories found Number of files with that many categories
0 (20.0000 %)
1 (60.0000 %)
3 (20.0000 %)
Histogram of buckets
Bucket name Number of files in bucket
Type (80.0000 %)
Location (20.0000 %)

  • Mime Type: application/ogg
  • File type: OGG
  • Time taken: 0.461136 sec
  • Categories (0):

  • Mime Type: image/jpeg
  • Model: Category:Taken with Nikon D60
  • AverageRGB: 133.795, 149.3, 156.553
  • ClosestLabeledColor: PMS 16-4109 TPX (Arona)
  • EdgeRatio: 0.29904
  • NumberOfGreyShades: 162
  • PercentFrequentColors: 0.00261
  • MeanSquareErrorFromGrey: 78.22282
  • Stereo Card MSE: 67.056724635
  • Stereo Card Histogram MSE: 22.62242698
  • Time taken: 11.980334 sec
  • Categories (2): Category:JPEG files, Category:Taken with Nikon D60

  • Mime Type: image/jpeg
  • Model: Category:Taken with Nikon D60
  • AverageRGB: 124.041, 134.329, 142.535
  • ClosestLabeledColor: PMS 17-4405 TPX (Monument)
  • EdgeRatio: 0.25735
  • NumberOfGreyShades: 196
  • PercentFrequentColors: 0.5281
  • MeanSquareErrorFromGrey: 56.66753
  • IT8BottomBar: 22
  • IT8BottomBarGreyMSE: 55.79573
  • Stereo Card MSE: 86.7713317384
  • Stereo Card Histogram MSE: 24.3255713842
  • Time taken: 11.379793 sec
  • Categories (2): Category:JPEG files, Category:Taken with Nikon D60

  • Mime Type: image/jpeg
  • Model: Category:Taken with Nikon D60
  • AverageRGB: 84.281, 83.857, 80.169
  • ClosestLabeledColor: PMS 18-0403 TPX (Dark Gull Gray)
  • EdgeRatio: 0.26447
  • NumberOfGreyShades: 167
  • PercentFrequentColors: 0.4915
  • MeanSquareErrorFromGrey: 41.24736
  • Stereo Card MSE: 101.059892344
  • Stereo Card Histogram MSE: 3.1291761723
  • Time taken: 12.202048 sec
  • Categories (2): Category:JPEG files, Category:Taken with Nikon D60