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Reasons for uploads

  • Short version:

The pictures uploaded with this "nick" are just meant as a replacement for the pictures in the categories of the "human male reproduction system" marked as blurry / low quality and for the ugly stuff there. I personally would delete 90% of all pictures in these categories for the sake of our children/teenagers. And if the Community doesn't consider my uploads as educational enough they may be deleted as well. Comments welcome.

  • Long version:

When I was a teenager with growing interest into the human body and the reproduction system the internet didn't yet offer reliable information sources, so books were still the media of choice. I probably would never have read about these topics in the wikipedia if there hadn't been an article about the female genitalia the article of the day a few years ago (i don't remember in which language version, however it led to a discussion by that time). That day I found out that a surprisingly high number of pictures on the genitalia were already available on the wikimedia pages - however I had the impression that most of them were bad quality stuff (blurry, heavily under- or overexposed, strange perspectives...) and many simply ugly. Now, some years later, I noticed that this situation has not yet really changed. That's why I spontaneously decided to upload a few pictures myself. (I would never have had the courage a few years ago!)

I personally believe it is helpful that teenagers and young adults may find lots of pictures on the human genitalia in the wikimedia. They may read that there is a wide variety of "normality", but they won't really believe it or still feel unhappy and unsecure about themselves - so a high number of pictures may help to comfort them. This is especially true for young men... as most people won't consider the male genitalia as aesthetic (beauty has to do with symmetry, and they are anything but symmetric!). On the other hand, there is no need to scare young people with lots of ugly pictures and I believe that many could or should be deleted.

I hope my pictures do meet the wikimedia standards and are regarded as useful by the Community. I won't link them myself to any pages, and if the Community doesn't consider them as educational enough they may be deleted.

Comments welcome. I regard this "project" as completed, no further uploads planned so far in these categories. (Some are still lacking quality and might be replaced.)

Image notes


First I had the intention to upload only pictures without flashlight to avoid dark shadows and get best color fidelity of skin tones and pubic hair, which is really difficult using non-professional lighting. I was quite satisfied with the results, but the thumbs turned out to look darker than expected. Therefore I uploaded some more pictures with shaved genitalia and using the camera flashlight.

Penis notes


Size has never been a matter for me, really - probably because I always have been confident about my "normality". In the Commons guidelines ( people are asked to give some information, though, and for many users size seems to matter (see also the question on my talk page "Personally I would like to ask the specified sizes, length and width. Is this an average size?").

Therefore once and for all:

1. The pictures show the genitalia of a Southern-European male, aged 30 years at the time of shooting (31 now...)
  • Penis length: flaccid approx. 9.5 cm = 3.7 in, erect approx. 16.3 cm = 6.4 in, measured upside
  • Penis width: flaccid approx. 3 cm = 1.2 in , erect approx. 3.8 cm = 1.5 in
  • Penis circumference: flaccid approx. 9.5 cm = 3.7 in, erect approx. 12.3 cm = 4.8 in
  • Compared with data on several Wikipedia pages, the circumference/width is very close to the average value in Southern Europe, the length slightly above the average (median) value in Southern Europe (approx. 70% are shorter, 30% longer, "normal" erect range 7-21 cm). Average values in other world regions differ significantly.
2. As measurement of size isn’t that easy and exact, I calculated the values for my penis the following way:
  • flaccid penis: average length and circumference of a few measurements with the penis held horizontally (variations of length and circumference between 9 and 10 cm, hanging down it usually is or seems somewhat longer; width was calculated)
  • erect penis: smallest length of a few measurements (variations up to 16.7 cm), average circumference of a few measurements on different points of the shaft (variations between 12 and 12.5 cm), width is a calculation.

I tried to take pictures of the flaccid and erect penis with a ruler, but was not satisfied with the picture quality so you just have to trust me... and I hope there are no questions left.


  • Flaccid penis (relaxed genitalia)

  • Erect penis (tense scrotum)

  • Comparison of flaccid and erect penis (see also "normal tilt" below)

  • Erection development

  • Area of pubic hair
I never uploaded a picture with the specific intention of showing the whole body area with pubic hair, but after usage of HQ_SAM_F.JPG in a Wikipedia article for that purpose I added a version which shows a little bit more of the belly. The second/third picture was uploaded upon user request. (see Usertalk)

  • Glans penis, Corona, Frenulum

  • Scrotum and raphe

  • Foreskin
I don't believe this upload could possibly be useful for Wikipedia articles, but the pictures and the description might stay on the Wikimedia Commons for people seeking information.

  • Pre-ejaculate / Precum / Cowper's fluid
This picture was an unintentional, accidental by-product of the foto shooting, but it might be good to know for young people that the liquid is clear and nevertheless may contain sperms (to help preventing unwanted pregnancies).

  • Semi-erect penis
I'm not too sure about the usefulness of these...

  • Normal tilt
These pictures were uploaded upon user request to show "normal" tilt (see Usertalk).
  • Perineum
These pictures were uploaded upon user request (see Usertalk).