User contributions for Adatvi 91
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A user with 35 edits. Account created on 26 October 2008.
30 April 2010
- 21:0621:06, 30 April 2010 diff hist +263 N File:Estadi.JPG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Olympic Stadium of Montjuïc, Barcelona.}} {{ca|1=Estadi Olímpic de Montjuïc, Barcelona.}} |Source=Own work |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
26 April 2010
- 21:4521:45, 26 April 2010 diff hist +232 N File:Malda neu.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Maldà after snowing.}} {{ca|1=Maldà després d'una nevada.}} |Source={{own}} |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
25 August 2009
- 17:0817:08, 25 August 2009 diff hist +253 N File:Estany ivars.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Estany d'Ivars.}} {{ca|1=Estany d'Ivars.}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
- 16:5316:53, 25 August 2009 diff hist +270 N File:Panorámica de Maldà.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=General view of Maldà.}} {{ca|1=Vista general de Maldà.}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
- 16:5116:51, 25 August 2009 diff hist +280 N File:Castell esglesia.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Maldà's Castle and Church.}} {{ca|1=Castell i església de Maldà.}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
2 August 2009
- 22:5722:57, 2 August 2009 diff hist +237 N File:Posta maldà.JPG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Maldà.}} {{ca|1=Posta de sol a Maldà.}} |Source=Own work |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
12 July 2009
- 17:3717:37, 12 July 2009 diff hist +154 N File:Acte castell.JPG {{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
- 17:3217:32, 12 July 2009 diff hist +103 N File:Pati castell.JPG Pati d'armes del Castell de Maldà.
9 July 2009
- 19:5719:57, 9 July 2009 diff hist +93 N File:Castell nit.JPG Castell de Maldà de nit.
- 18:1918:19, 9 July 2009 diff hist +130 N File:Formatge albió.jpg Formatge d'Albió, propi d'aquest indret de la Vall del Corb.
- 17:5817:58, 9 July 2009 diff hist +278 N File:Riu corb vallfogona.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=The Corb river at Vallfogona.}} {{ca|1=El riu Corb a Vallfogona.}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
- 17:5517:55, 9 July 2009 diff hist +137 N File:Corb segre.jpg Punt on es troben el riu Corb i el riu Segre, a Vilanova de la Barca.
- 17:4817:48, 9 July 2009 diff hist +132 N File:Corb desemboca.jpg Imatge de la desembocadura del riu Corb, a Vilanova de la Barca.
8 July 2009
- 22:0522:05, 8 July 2009 diff hist +286 N File:Vista.JPG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Malda's skyline.}} {{ca|1=Skyline de Maldà.}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}-->
- 22:0122:01, 8 July 2009 diff hist +343 N File:Turo.JPG {{Information |Description={{en|1=A view of Sant Joan de Maldanell from Maldà.}} {{ca|1=Vista de Sant Joan de Maldanell des de Maldà.}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{I
3 July 2009
- 16:5616:56, 3 July 2009 diff hist +340 N File:Maldaaire.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=General view of the village of Maldà.}} {{ca|1=Vista general de la vila de Maldà, des de l'aire.}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{Imag
18 January 2009
- 15:4215:42, 18 January 2009 diff hist +301 N File:Plaça castell.JPG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Malda's Castle square.}} {{ca|1=Plaça del Castell (Maldà)}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}-->
- 15:3415:34, 18 January 2009 diff hist +306 N File:Interior castell2.JPG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Inside Maldà's Castle.}} {{ca|1=Interior del Castell de Maldà.}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}-->
- 15:2815:28, 18 January 2009 diff hist +305 N File:Interior castell.JPG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Inside Malda's Castle.}} {{ca|1=Interior del Castell de Maldà.}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}-->
- 15:2115:21, 18 January 2009 diff hist +330 N File:Sala dels arcs.JPG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Malda's Castle nowadays.}} {{ca|1=Sala dels arcs del Castell de Maldà, en l'actualitat.}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|fu
5 December 2008
- 21:3921:39, 5 December 2008 diff hist +309 N File:Premigaudi.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Gaudí's cinema award.}} {{ca|1=Guardó del premi Gaudí de cinema.}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}-->
31 October 2008
- 19:5119:51, 31 October 2008 diff hist +312 N File:Malda17.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Saint Peter's romanic Church}} {{ca|1=Església romànica de Sant Pere}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}-->
- 19:4719:47, 31 October 2008 diff hist +315 N File:Maldanell.jpg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Sant Joan de Maldanell's Church}} {{ca|1=Ermita de Sant Joan de Maldanell}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}-->
- 19:2219:22, 31 October 2008 diff hist +283 N File:Piscina maldà.JPG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Malda's pool.}} {{ca|1=Piscina de Maldà.}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}-->
- 18:4118:41, 31 October 2008 diff hist +323 N File:Maldà nevat.JPG {{Information |Description={{en|1=View of the village after snowing}} {{ca|1=Vista de la vila després d'una nevada}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}-->
- 18:3518:35, 31 October 2008 diff hist +296 N File:Església de Santa Maria.JPG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Santa Maria's Church}} {{ca|1=Església de Santa Maria}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}-->
- 17:0617:06, 31 October 2008 diff hist +312 N File:Esgésia romànica de Sant Pere.JPG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Saint Peter's romanic Church}} {{ca|1=Església romànica de Sant Pere}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}-->
- 16:2516:25, 31 October 2008 diff hist +283 N File:Castell de Maldà.JPG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Malda's castle}} {{ca|1=Castell de Maldà}} |Source=Obra pròpia (own work) |Author=Adatvi 91 |Date= |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{ImageUpload|full}}-->