Commons:Deletion requests/File:KBE 19-21 Schmalspur.png
This file may meet the criteria for speedy deletion. This file is a copyright violation because it is copyrighted and not published under a free license. The file is subject to speedy deletion unless it is relicensed according to the Commons licensing policy. This file is a copyright violation for the following reason: It is not known when it was published. Licence is invalid. No evidence that the author died 70 years ago. Photo scanned from book published in 1994. Please refer to Commons:Publication. There is no evidence that it was published 70 years ago. There are many indications that this is a photograph taken by a private person. Please refer to Commons:Project scope/Evidence. The uploader failed to prove that the photo was published over 70 years ago. This is not factory photography. All content in the book is copyrighted by the publisher. Respecting copyright is not about making claims without evidence. It never means that someone can scan a photo from a book and a recipe that they introduce shortly after creating it. The photo comes from a private collection with a high probability. There are no signs that this is a promotional photo. Many such photos were kept in private archival collections. Copyright should not be implied. This should be based on unequivocal evidence. No one can ever immediately assume that a photo was published immediately after it was taken. This can never be an arbitrary decision by one editor. This file is a copyright violation because it comes from - Wolfgang Herdam, "Die Köln-Bonner Eisenbahnen". EK-Verlag, Freiburg, 1994, ISBN 3-88255-540-8. Uoijm77 (talk) 13:31, 17 March 2023 (UTC)
KeepDie Aufnahme ist auf jedem Fall um 1910 entstanden. Der Fotograf ist nicht bekannt. Also hat man es auch um die Zeit veröffentlicht. Wenn man zu faul dazu ist, nach dem Ausmusterungsdatum der Lok zu schauen, ein Löschantrag zu stellen ist einfacher? Warum pochst Du so auf das Veröffentlichungsdatum in dem Buch? Das ist auf kein Beweis. Außerdem handelt es sich lediglich um einen Scan vom Buch. Die Urheber heute haben mit dem Scan vom Negativ wesentlich mehr Möglichkeiten. Also sollte man vielleicht nicht so viel Geschrei um nichts machen? Rainerhaufe (talk) 12:17, 20 March 2023 (UTC)
- Delete The photo is a copyright infringement. All explanations are provided at the beginning of the discussion. This picture is not in the public domain. Uoijm77 (talk) 09:18, 26 March 2023 (UTC)
Keep ein Foto was vor über 100 Jahren entstanden ist, als das Fotografieren von Eisenbahnanlagen privat verboten war, von einem unbekannten Fotografen, ist keine Urheberrechtsverletzung. Es ist daher gemeinfrei.Rainerhaufe (talk) 09:09, 30 March 2023 (UTC)
Kept: no valid reason for deletion. This is obviously an old picture published long ago, as halftone is visible. --Yann (talk) 09:25, 31 March 2023 (UTC)