Category:Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Collection
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This category has the following 53 subcategories, out of 53 total.
- Breaking and training horses (10 F)
- Das anglo-normännische Pferd (48 F)
- Horse and the Hound (7 F)
- Horse portraiture (1867) (5 F)
- Modern polo (1902) (40 F)
- The coaching era (1900) (6 F)
- The Fox (1906) (7 F)
Media in category "Webster Family Library of Veterinary Medicine Collection"
The following 72 files are in this category, out of 72 total.
The adventures of a gentleman in search of a horse (IA adventuresofgent00step).pdf 693 × 1,095, 454 pages; 21.02 MB
The anatomy of the horse - a dissection guide (IA anatomyofhorsedi00mcfa).pdf 789 × 1,254, 512 pages; 37.87 MB
The art of taming horses (IA artoftaminghorse00rare).pdf 583 × 943, 270 pages; 13.58 MB
Bipeds and quadrupeds (IA bipedsquadrupeds00hieo).pdf 572 × 977, 196 pages; 6.82 MB
British sport past and present (IA britishsportpast09cumi).pdf 1,227 × 1,629, 420 pages; 14.63 MB
British sports and pastimes. 1868 (IA britishsportspas00trol).pdf 747 × 1,185, 340 pages; 17.87 MB
The burro book (IA burrobook00mcca).pdf 1,343 × 954, 44 pages; 3.18 MB
The compleat horse-man, and expert ferrier in two books (IA compleathorseman00degr).pdf 862 × 1,154, 520 pages; 35.52 MB
Dame Perkins and her grey mare - or, The mount for market (IA dameperkinshergr00mead).pdf 1,329 × 1,827, 72 pages; 3.26 MB
Diseases of the dog and their treatment (IA diseasesofdogthe00ml).pdf 981 × 1,466, 562 pages; 40.79 MB
The farmer's friend - the horseman's guide, and horsemanship made easy in one lesson (IA farmersfriendhor00rare).pdf 704 × 1,004, 44 pages; 2.93 MB
The farmers' practical horse farriery (IA farmerspractical58nash).pdf 656 × 1,047, 214 pages; 11.88 MB
Field and fern - or, Scottish flocks & herds (South) (IA fieldfernorscott00dixo).pdf 643 × 1,039, 444 pages; 23.88 MB
Field and fern - or, Scottish flocks & herds. (North) (IA fieldfernorscott1865dixo).pdf 685 × 1,056, 430 pages; 23.61 MB
The form of the horse as it lies open to inspection of the ordinary observer (IA formofhorseasitl00cars).pdf 622 × 1,014, 152 pages; 6.43 MB
Frank Forester's horse and horsemanship of the United States and British provinces of North America (IA frankforestersho11herb).pdf 1,072 × 1,589, 622 pages; 28.54 MB
Frank Forester's horse and horsemanship of the United States and British provinces of North America (IA frankforestersho22herb).pdf 997 × 1,477, 602 pages; 29.04 MB
Geoffery Gambado - or, A simple remedy for hypochondriacism and melancholy splenetic humours (IA geofferygambadoo00cobb).pdf 754 × 1,172, 160 pages; 9.38 MB
Graceful riding - a pocket manual for equestrians (IA gracefulridingpo00wayt).pdf 612 × 970, 88 pages; 2.8 MB
Gun, rod, and saddle - personal experiences (IA gunrodsaddlepers00gill).pdf 712 × 1,108, 288 pages; 13.09 MB
Haney's art of training animals - a practical guide for amateur or professional trainers (IA haneysartoftrain00newy).pdf 718 × 1,091, 208 pages; 15.7 MB
Hints to horsemen - shewing how to make money by horses (IA hintstohorsemens00hieo).pdf 570 × 995, 232 pages; 9.18 MB
The horse, his beauties and defects (IA horsehisbeauties00lond).pdf 989 × 1,581, 92 pages; 4.58 MB
The horseman's friend - or pocket counsellor (IA horsemansfriendo00colb).pdf 545 × 808, 36 pages; 1.46 MB
Horse portraiture (IA horseportraiture00simp).pdf 756 × 1,168, 476 pages; 21.97 MB
Horse-shoes and horse-shoeing - their origin, history, uses, and abuses (IA horseshoeshorses00flem).pdf 816 × 1,318, 716 pages; 38 MB
Horse-training made easy - being a new and practical system ... (IA horsetrainingmad00jenn).pdf 625 × 997, 200 pages; 8.74 MB
Hunting, steeple-chasing and racing scenes (IA huntingsteeplech00fitt).pdf 781 × 1,106, 80 pages; 5.64 MB
The improved and practical system of educating the horse (IA improvedpractica00rock).pdf 618 × 1,075, 216 pages; 11.15 MB
The improved practical system of educating the horse (IA improvedpractica68rock).pdf 633 × 1,033, 208 pages; 11.51 MB
La perfettione del cavallo, libri tre, di Francesco Liberati Romano (IA laperfettionedel00libe).pdf 689 × 989, 250 pages; 18.49 MB
The mule - a treatise on the breeding, training, and uses to which he may be put (IA muletreatiseonbr00rile).pdf 666 × 1,093, 146 pages; 7.78 MB
A new system of horse training, including a treatise on shoeing (IA newsystemofhorse1865clap).pdf 658 × 1,100, 36 pages; 2.13 MB
Oeuvres complètes - méthode d'équitation basée sur de nouveaux principes (IA oeuvrescomplte00bauc).pdf 847 × 1,345, 676 pages; 34.26 MB
On the laws and practice of horse racing, etc., etc. (IA onlawspracticeof00rous).pdf 618 × 1,025, 200 pages; 8.57 MB
Ordini di cavalcare (IA ordinidicavalcar00gris).pdf 835 × 1,145, 268 pages; 18.3 MB
Our horses - or, The best muscles controlled by the best brains (IA ourhorsesorbestm00saun).pdf 731 × 1,193, 348 pages; 18.9 MB
Practical lessons on hunting and sporting (IA practicallessons00horl).pdf 733 × 1,145, 328 pages; 17.83 MB
Riding and driving (IA ridingdriving00ande).pdf 693 × 1,070, 632 pages; 23.91 MB
Rural life described and illustrated, in the management of horses, dogs, cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry (IA rurallifedescrib00sher).pdf 991 × 1,520, 1,172 pages; 106.28 MB
The science of foxhunting and management of the kennel (IA scienceoffoxhunt00horl).pdf 745 × 1,068, 472 pages; 24.77 MB
Sport (IA sport1888brom).pdf 639 × 897, 280 pages; 10.84 MB
Sporting incidents in the life of another Tom Smith (IA sportingincident00smit).pdf 656 × 1,104, 274 pages; 13.26 MB
Sporting sketches at home and abroad (IA sportingsketches00whee).pdf 664 × 1,068, 464 pages; 25.59 MB