Category:Paintings of Saint George and the dragon of Ethiopia
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Media in category "Paintings of Saint George and the dragon of Ethiopia"
The following 29 files are in this category, out of 29 total.
Abreha and Atsbeha Church - Painting 03.jpg 2,079 × 3,068; 2.21 MB
Alwan Codex 27 Ethiopian Biblical Manuscript.jpg 1,121 × 1,605; 1.32 MB
Church of Debra Berhan Selassie - Paintings 03.jpg 3,153 × 2,212; 2.45 MB
Colección Miguel Gallés Tríptico etíope XIX.JPG 1,344 × 1,177; 782 KB
ET Amhara asv2018-02 img090 Lake Tana at Bahir Dar.jpg 6,759 × 4,508; 10.51 MB
ET Axum asv2018-01 img19 Abba Pentalewon.jpg 5,304 × 5,304; 11.45 MB
ET Axum asv2018-01 img29 StMary of Zion Church.jpg 4,689 × 7,033; 10.41 MB
ET Tigray asv2018-01 img42 Yeha.jpg 6,203 × 4,137; 12.3 MB
Ethiopian St. George And The Dragon - Detail (2848032429).jpg 2,425 × 1,877; 3.1 MB
Flickr - don macauley - St. George.jpg 4,714 × 3,042; 5.24 MB
Gondar Debre Berhan Selassie Church St. George 1 (28397592902).jpg 4,503 × 3,377; 4.42 MB
Icon of St. George, Ethiopian Church, Jerusalem.JPG 1,514 × 2,306; 1.94 MB
Lalibela (6821632373).jpg 960 × 1,280; 198 KB
Livre AXUM.JPG 2,560 × 1,920; 2.4 MB
Orthodox icon (Ethiopia) 5.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 5.09 MB
St. George and the Dragon, Lalibela, Ethiopia (3231393251).jpg 1,998 × 3,024; 3.44 MB
St. George Slaying The Dragon (2380584689).jpg 2,559 × 1,933; 2.75 MB
St. George Slaying the Dragon, Church of Debre Sina, Lalibela, Ethiopia (3234094731).jpg 2,649 × 1,982; 3.33 MB
St. Georges Dragon (2261954346).jpg 2,886 × 1,918; 2.76 MB
St. Georges Dragon - Detail (2848068937).jpg 2,584 × 1,612; 1.81 MB
The Devil And The Dragon (2866242600).jpg 2,520 × 1,853; 1.56 MB
Äthiopien Anhängerikone Museum Rietberg EFA 18.jpg 3,464 × 1,640; 2.55 MB
Äthiopien Grosses Triptychon Museum Rietberg EFA 15 img05.jpg 2,441 × 4,174; 4.8 MB