<nowiki>Arti di Firenze; フィレンツェのギルド; Corporations d'arts et métiers médiévales; Gremis de Florència; Gilden und Zünfte in Florenz; cehi v Firencah; Guilds of Florence; 佛羅倫斯公會; Флорентински гилдии; Gildn fo Florenz; posvetne korporacije, ki so od 12. do 16. stoletja nadzorovale umetnost in trgovino v Firencah; secular corporations that controlled the arts and trades in Florence from the twelfth into the sixteenth century; corporacions que controlaven les arts a Florència del segle XII al XVI; storiche corporazioni di Firenze; florentinski cehi; firenški cehi; Künste; 佛羅倫斯行會; Kunsd</nowiki>
Guilds of Florence
secular corporations that controlled the arts and trades in Florence from the twelfth into the sixteenth century