Category:Central bankers

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<nowiki>ߕߊ߲ߓߊ߲ ߜߍߓߏ߲ ߞߎ߲߬ߠߊ߬ߛߌ߰ߟߊ; gouverneur de banque centrale; кіраўнік цэнтральнага банку; gabenor bank pusat; Zentralbankdirektor; кіраўнік цэнтральнага банка; 中央银行行长; centralbankdirektør; guverner centralne banke; 中央銀行総裁; ผู้ว่าการธนาคารกลาง; управляючий центральним банком; guvernér centrální banky; goernador de ła banca sentrałe; governador de banc central; gobernador de banco central; sentralbanksjef; central bank governor; حاكم مصرف مركزي; διοικητής της κεντρικής τράπεζας; управляющий центральным банком; ߕߊ߲ߓߊ߲ ߜߍߓߏ߲ ߡߙߊ߬ߓߊ߮ ߛߊ߲ߘߐߕߊ; plus haut dirigeant d'une banque centrale; ตำแหน่งระดับสูงสุดของธนาคารกลาง; Øverste leder av en sentralbank; pegawai terkanan dalam bank pusat; most senior officer of a central bank; أكبر مسؤول في بنك مركزي; nejvyšší úředník centrální banky nějaké země; øverste direktør for en centralbank; ߕߊ߲ߓߊ߲ ߜߍߓߏ߲ ߞߊ߲ߕߌ߮; président de banque centrale; gouverneur d'une banque centrale; président d'une banque centrale; dirigeant de banque centrale; banquier central; кіраўніца цэнтральнага банку; pengerusi bank pusat; presiden bank pusat; jurubank pusat; ketua bank pusat; ประธานธนาคารกลาง; ผู้บริหารธนาคารกลาง; central bank president; central bank chairman; central banker; head of a central bank; presidente de banco central; guvernérka centrální banky; nationalbankdirektør (hvis i Danmark); centralbankchef</nowiki>
central bank governor 
most senior officer of a central bank
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This category has the following 59 subcategories, out of 59 total.



Media in category "Central bankers"

The following 17 files are in this category, out of 17 total.